ZBUFFER presents keygen for Lumonix SkinFX v1.19 For 3DS Max
SkinFX v1.19 For 3DS Max (c) Lumonix
1. find the MAC adress of you computer
- start menu / run... and type cmd
- in the command prompt, type IPCONFIG /ALL
- the MAC adress is shown in the line:
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX
2. Run max and run the' SkinFX Serial Maker.ms script
(maxscript/Run Script) Menu
3. Peplace the XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX your MAC adress and
press generate
4. Copy the generated serial
5. Apply a SkinFX modifier to an object, open the 'Advanced'
rollout and click the Register button, paste your serial
and restart MAX !
6. Done :)