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│║ [■] EyeBatch v2.0.13 [■] ║│
│║ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ║│
│║ cracker....: dREAM TEAM date.........: 05/04/2003 ║│
│║ supplier...: dREAM TEAM type.........: Image Tool ║│
│║ tester.....: dREAM TEAM developer....: AtlaSoft ║│
│║ packager...: dREAM TEAM protection...: Armadillo 2.75/85 ║│
│║ system.....: WinAll size.........: 02 x 2.88 mb ║│
│║ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ║│
│║ ║│
│║┌─[ r e l a s e n o t e s ]───────────────────────────────────────┐║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ eyebatch is a powerful and intuitive batch image processor. ideal │║│
│║│ for webmasters, photographers, and other imaging professionals, │║│
│║│ this tool will automate your image processing by applying image │║│
│║│ commands to a set of multiple images. a dynamic preview image │║│
│║│ will show file size, dimensions, and bit depth of both the source │║│
│║│ and destination image, including effects due to changing color │║│
│║│ depth or lossy jpeg compression. eyebatch offers a suite of over │║│
│║│ 50 imaging functions that can be used to achieve complex effects │║│
│║│ and image enhancements. │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ eyebatch major features │║│
│║│ ----------------------- │║│
│║│ . high quality optimized thumbnail generation │║│
│║│ . fast conversion between common image formats │║│
│║│ . overlay company logo as a transparent watermark │║│
│║│ . include a copyright notice as a text watermark │║│
│║│ . include digital camera exif info as a caption or watermark │║│
│║│ . apply transparent effects such as drop shadow and image masking │║│
│║│ with the ability to blend with a tiled background image │║│
│║│ . enhance digital photos with built in filters │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ eyebatch 2.0 new features │║│
│║│ ------------------------- │║│
│║│ . g3/g4 tiff fax support │║│
│║│ . multipage tiff support │║│
│║│ . select files or folders │║│
│║│ . save image multiple times within the same script │║│
│║│ . conditional if statement │║│
│║│ . enhanced text watermarking with emboss, drop shadow, and glow │║│
│║│ . input filtering │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ for more info visit http://www.atalasoft.com/eyebatch/ │║│
│║│ │║│
│║ ║│
│║┌─[ i n s t a l l n o t e s ]─────────────────────────────────────┐║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ 1. run setup.exe to install the main program │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ 2. run keygen.exe to generate your registration info │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ 3. start main program and finish the registration process │║│
│║│ │║│
│║ ║│
│║┌─[ a b o u t u s ]───────────────────────────────────────────────┐║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ we arent absolutely not a new group. we have been around way │║│
│║│ before your mother had sexual intercourse with your father (or │║│
│║│ was it the dog next door?). │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ we know everything about you being a little jerk sitting in a │║│
│║│ front of your computer (your mom spent the money on) doing │║│
│║│ nothing but idling on irc (nice logs we have from you by the │║│
│║│ way), and boasting how cool trader you are naming yourself dark │║│
│║│ dork or something as stupid as you really are. │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ we are watching you and everybody you talk to via the school link │║│
│║│ you think is so-so safe. we have logs of everything you have │║│
│║│ said or done on the net. we have roots on all the machines you │║│
│║│ think you rule according that cws mag we actually release too. │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ we know which porn site you attend while jerking. we have given │║│
│║│ you that old bitch you plan to spend your dad's money on to lose │║│
│║│ your virginity with. we know everything. you apparently know │║│
│║│ nothing. │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ we releases stuff. it is going to be spread worldwide. it │║│
│║│ contains viruses and trojans we coded to trace it all the way │║│
│║│ down to your very site or shell. you know, we want more roots as │║│
│║│ well as we want to bust your tiny ass. if you see this nfo on │║│
│║│ your site, you know we gotcha. smile! you're being photographed. │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │║│
│║│ *** IF U LIKE IT - BUY IT *** │║│
│║│ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ - SHOUT OUTS - │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ we love unpacking gods & renegade and we hate yo all! │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ - ADVERTISMENT - │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ should you have any ego problems? please call 800-inf**no/ecl**se │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ :fUCK oFF NaNET: │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ │║│
│║│ . we dont send any cracks/keyfiles/serials and other stuff │║│
│║│ . we dont support any *gay* sites like wzor.net and others │║│
│║│ . we aren't technical support, so fuck off with stupid questions │║│
│║│ │║│
│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
└───────────────────────[dREAM TEAM 2000-2003]──────────────────────────┘