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:: Saints and Sinners Group :: ,;.
- p r e s e n t s -
__________ .__ .___ _____
\______ \ ____ | | ____ _____ ______ ____ | | _____/ ____\____
| _// __ \| | _/ __ \\__ \ / ___// __ \ | |/ \ __\/ _ \
| | \ ___/| |_\ ___/ / __ \_\___ \\ ___/ | | | \ | ( <_> )
|____|_ /\___ >____/\___ >____ /____ >\___ > |___|___| /__| \____/
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
cracked by... SSG Team rls type.... Keygen
tested by.... SSG Team date........ 05/28/2003
packed by.... SSG Team os.......... WinALL
supplied by.. SSG Team language.... English
protection... Serial disks....... 1 x 1Mb
_______ __
\ \ _____/ |_ ____ ______
/ | \ / _ \ __\/ __ \ / ___/
/ | ( <_> ) | \ ___/ \___ \
\____|__ /\____/|__| \___ >____ >
\/ \/ \/
Wizardbrush can make you a great painter.
Many unique natural painting tools
Wizardbrush comes with many painting tools, including pencill, Magic
Wand, paint brush, Chinese brush, and many other tools.
Powerful Undo/Redo Function
Wizardbrush give you the power to undo and redo 20 steps, so do not be
afraid of making mistakes.
Tutorial galaries
Wizardbrush contains a great number of tutorial record clips. You can
easily learn how to draw pictures of different styles. If you are a
teacher, you can make tutorial record clips conveniently.
Painting for newbies
Need help? Wizardbrush has very convenien context sensitive online
Customize your workspace
So you can easily customize your work area as you like, WizardbrushÆs
palettes and toolbars can be repositioned around the screen.
Works great with digital cameras and scanners
In addition to the images you have stored on hard drive, floppy disk,
CD-ROM, and other removable media, Wizardbrush works great with
digital cameras, scanners, and all other TWAIN-compliant devices.
Works great with pressure-sensitive tablets
In addition to the mouse, Wizardbrush works great with images
propressure-sensitive Wintab-compliant tablets. You will feel like
using real tools, even more powerfully. Enjoy it.
_______ __
\ \ _____/ |_ ____ ______
/ | \ / _ \ __\/ __ \ / ___/
/ | ( <_> ) | \ ___/ \___ \
\____|__ /\____/|__| \___ >____ >
\/ \/ \/
Use our keygen to generate a valid reg number for your serial.
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/ _____/______ ____ _____/ |_ ______ _/ |_ ____
/ \ __\_ __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \ __\/ ___/ \ __\/ _ \
\ \_\ \ | \/\ ___/\ ___/| | \___ \ | | ( <_> )
\______ /__| \___ >\___ >__| /____ > |__| \____/
\/ \/ \/ \/
SSG's respects & hello's fly out:
_________ __ __
\_ ___ \ ____ _____/ |______ _____/ |_ __ __ ______
/ \ \/ / _ \ / \ __\__ \ _/ ___\ __\ | | \/ ___/
\ \___( <_> ) | \ | / __ \\ \___| | | | /\___ \
\______ /\____/|___| /__| (____ /\___ >__| |____//____ >
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/
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