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[:: s e e k n d e s t r o y ::]
??┤││└?││││└┤││ ?
?│││└┼┐?││││┌┤││ [ Cracker ............................. x3chun ] ?
?└┴┴─┴─?└┴┴┴┘└─┘ [ Rlz type ............................... Keygen ] ?
? [ Program ................ Pocomail ] ?
? [ URL ..................... http://www.Pocomail.com ] ?
? [ OS ..................................... WinAll ] ?
? [ Date ...............................02-April-03 ] ?
?┌─┬─┬┬?┌─┬─┬┐┌─┬─? ?
?│├???│││││┌┤┌┤└? ?
?││││││?││││││││├┐?Use our keygen to get a valid serial. ?
?└─┴┴┴┴?└┴┴─┴─┴─┴─? ?
? ?
?┌─┬─┬─?┌┬─┬─┬─┐ ?
?│┌?┼┐?││││└┤││ ?
A small yet powerful e-mail program that does not compromise your privacy or security. T
he streamlined interface never gets in your way, with many unique features that allow you to take control of your mailbox
, whether you get one or 100 messages per day.
?│├?┤┌┤│││ ?
?││││││││││ [ PuNk!DuDe ............................. Coder/Cracker ] ?
?└─┴┴┴─┴──┘ [ b4d_s3c70r ............................ Coder/Cracker ] ?
? [ RaX ................................... Coder/Cracker ] ?
? [ Majest1C .............................. Coder/Cracker ] ?
? [ TheDutchJewel ............................... Cracker ] ?
? [ dC! ......................................... Cracker ] ?
? [ x3chun...................................Cracker/Coder ]?
?┌─┬─┬┬┬┬─┐ ?
?│││┌┤│││└┤ ?
?│││││││├┐│ Well the group is new :D SND is new cracking group ?
?└┴┴─┴──┴─┘ consisted of good crackers and friends. Group started ?
? working on 22 January 2003 and is getting a outstanding ?
? rating for this few days. We urgently need crackers, ?
? carders, gfxers and webhosting. Anyone that can help ?
? please contact us! 100,000 hits in 2months aint bad! ?
?┌─┬─┬─┬─┬┐┌─? ?
?├┐?┤┌┤┌┤┌┤└? ?
?││││││││││├┐?TSRh Members , Fellow SND TeaM mates, Execution ?
?└─┴┴┴─┴─┴─┴─?Members and any other cracking team active in the ?
? scene! ?
?┌─┬─┬─┬┐┌─┬─┬┐ ?
?│├┤││││┌?│├┤┌? ?
?││││││││││││││?[..................Site--Info......................] ?
?└─┴─┴┴┴─┴┴┴─┴─?[WEB Site :- http://www.teamsnd.tk ..........] ?
? [Redirection1:- http://zor.org/seekndestroy .....] ?
? [Redirection2:- http://seekndestroy.earthsucks.com] ?
? ---------------------------------------------------- ?
? [..................Contact--Info...................] ?
? [Forum:- http://www.sndforum.da.ru ...........] ?
? [Email:- [email protected] .............] ?
? [IRC:- #seekndestroy on efnet .....................] ?
Logo & Layout by b4d_s3c70r