Download Cabinet Manager 2003 v4.1 keygen by EPSiLON

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes11 (57028 bytes)

eps.nfo 15739 4022
eps_cabman.exe 59392 52358
file_id.diz 537 232


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:          Cabinet Manager 2003 v4.1 Incl. Keygen (c) Microlog GmbH           :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:     rELEASe dATe    [....11-29-2002] - pROGRAm tYPe    [.......Utility]     :
:     cRACKEr    [.......EPSiLON Team] - pROTECTIOn    [...Serial number]     :
:     sUPPLiEr    [......EPSiLON Team] - dISKS nUMBERs    [....01*2.88Mo]     :
:     pACKAGEr    [......EPSiLON Team] - oS      [................WinAll]     :
:     tESTEr    [........EPSiLON Team] - diSKSEt iNFOs  []     :
:                                                                             :
:.........                                             .......................:
         :                                             :
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  ' ∙ '                                                                       :
.                                                                             :
∙                                                                             :
:         Welcome to Cabinet Manager. It features a new look and              :
:         feel, as well as innovative new capabilities, including             :
:         installable compressors, version check over the Internet            :
:         and a document oriented way to handle archives. It also             :
:         helps to maintain the privacy of personal information               :
:         using the latest encryption techniques.                             :
:                                                                             :
:         New Look and Feel                                                   :
:                                                                             :
:         A clean slick user interface makes Cabinet Manager easier           :
:         to use. Hover effects give feedback on every interaction.           :
:         The program options are structured into logical elements            :
:         and make them easier to remember.                                   :
:                                                                             :
:         Installable Compressors                                             :
:                                                                             :
:         The new plugin architecture allows to enhance Cabinet               :
:         Manager with additional compression algorithms.                     :
:                                                                             :
:         Version Check over the Internet                                     :
:                                                                             :
:         Never miss an update. As soon as a new release is                   :
:         available, you get informed. With a simple click you can            :
:         download the new version. As an experienced user, you may           :
:         also be interested in new beta versions which are                   :
:         announced using the same technique.                                 :
:                                                                             :
:         Document Centered Design                                            :
:                                                                             :
:         Cabinet Manager introduces a new paradigm to handle                 :
:         archives. An archive is treated like a document in an               :
:         office application. Load it, make changes and save it.              :
:         None of your changes is active until you save the archive.          :
:         You can choose the type of a newly created archive when             :
:         you save it. All archive types are handle the same way.             :
:                                                                             :
:         Windows XP Support                                                  :
:                                                                             :
:         Cabinet Manager supports Windows XP with many additional            :
:         features like theme awareness, sort columns and support             :
:         for Windows XP viewers.                                             :
:                                                                             :
:.......................                                             .........:
                       :                                             :
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:                                                                             .
:                                                                             ∙
:         Unzip/Unrar the archives into a temporary directory on              :
:         your HD, then install.                                              :
:         Generate a valid serial with our Keygen to remove the               :
:         shareware restrictions.                                             :
:                                                                             :
:.........                                             .......................:
         :                                             :
  . ∙ .  :    ................. ...  .    .            :.......................
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.          In this new section of our nfo file, members can express           :
           their thoughts over various topics , write love letters            :
∙             or hate letters or just say bullshit or whatever.               :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:     ─ 08/12/02 : Let's begin this with a great but sad news :               :
:                  another stealing affair. We recently discovered that       :
:                  one of the members of a group called TSRh steals our       :
:                  keygenerators. Indeed, the so-called "aZZaZZeLLo" lamer    :
:                  takes our keygenerators and simply changes the resources   :
:                  We only picked up a few examples : TVTool, Easy Screen     :
:                  Capture.. go to TRSh website if you want more examples :   :
:                                               :
:                  We noticed he released not-so-easy keymakers that other    :
:                  scene groups have released too, so if you want to find     :
:                  out if you have been cheated, go check it out yourself.    :
:                  Ahhh, I already hear voices coming to my ears ..           :
:                  "but WTF cares, it's not a scene group"                    :
:                  First i wanna say other TRSh members seem to be honest     :
:                  crackers. Secondly, aZZaZZeLLo is linked to the scene      :
:                  since some group called ENERGY works with TRSh, hence      :
:                  with aZZaZZeLLo. I heard ENERGY ain't dead yet, but only   :
:                  "sleeping", so i'm warning you guys, since you and the     :
:                  rest of TRSh have been cheated. Be careful, cause people   :
:                  will pay a lot more attention to your releases now.        :
:                                                                             :
:     ─ 08/12/02 : Anne je t'aime!                                            :
:                                                                             :
:     ─ 08/21/02 : avec ma motobylette je suis le roi                         :
:                  a la course aucun tracteur me bat                          :
:                  LAST MINUTE ADVERTISEMENT :                                :
:                  Leech Moi_Lui_et_Les_Autres-Noucky-FR-2002-TTIG, serve     :
:                  cold with a barrel of beer                                 :
:                                                                             :
:     ─ 10/17/02 : we salute our little brothers in PAPASCHULTZ, definitely   :
:                  the best german group ever! keep on rocking guys, ihr      :
:                  seid die beste!!!                                          :
:                                                                             :
:     ─ 11/24/02 : dbh is G.A.Y! YO WaReZmAsTaH, we at eps don't know how     :
:                  crack and to code, wanna teach us some of your art ?       :
:                  HAAH! come on! i could answer to the pamphlet you wrote    :
:                  about us, but i don't bother, since your group no one      :
:                  gives a fuck about will probably soon disappear and no     :
:                  one's gonna remember anything about it :)                  :
:                  you say we can't code.. well, at least we don't release    :
:                  keygens that make your computer crash in case you run      :
:                  Win9x btw, how could a CODING GURU like you release a      :
:                  cracktro that is so bad and so big (200k) (and even put    :
:                  it in "keygen.only" releases).. maybe after you give us    :
:                  lessons on the art of coding i could give you a lesson     :
:                  about art itself, though i dont think i can help you       :
:                  having taste; i havent made great studies but i think      :
:                  this is an "innate" gift;in your case an innate handicap.  :
:                  you're bragging, this and there, dissing any group that    :
:                  makes a mistake (ie. that *proper* rls you made on a pgc   :
:                  rls just because of a packing mistake), i find it          :
:                  hilarious for you are nothing in my and in a lot of        :
:                  people's eyes. i hope i won't have to talk to you anymore  :
:                  even through anfo; it makes me feel how low this scene     :
:                  has gone, with thousands of ppl like you whose ego is      :
:                  beyond measure, though they're coming from nowhere         :
:                  (pubbing, #warezblabla)                                    :
:                  Adieu dbh! =)                                              :
:                                                                             :
:     ─ 11/28/02 : 1500th release today! And it's soon gonna be the 2nd       :
:                  anniversary of EPSiLON's birth! See ya soon, next month    :
:                  will be the month of all celebrations :)                   :
:                                                                             :
:.......................                                             .........:
                       :                                             :
.......................:            .    .  ... .................    :  . ∙ .
:                                                               :    :.`      ∙
:                                                               :
:                      g ─ R ─ E ─ E ─ T ─ i ─ N ─ G ─ s        :.......      `
:                                                                       ' ∙ '
:              AMN - CLS - CORE - DAMN - ECL - ENTROPiE - MGL - MJD           .
:            ORiON - MYTH - PARADOX - SCOTCH - SSG - TMG - TNO - uCF
:                                                                             ∙


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| [ E . P . S . I . L . O . N ]  │
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│                                │
|   Cabinet Manager 2003 v4.1    |
|          Incl. Keygen          |
│       (c) Microlog GmbH        |
|                                │
!                                !
`-──--─--─--- -- - Thr.(mjd) - --'

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