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:: Saints and Sinners Group :: ,;.
- p r e s e n t s -
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\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
supplied by.. SSG Team rls type.... Crack
cracked by... SSG Team date........ 03-27-2004
tested by.... SSG Team os.......... WinAll
packed by.... SSG Team language.... English
protection... Trial disks....... 2 x 1.44 Mb
EMS PostgreSQL Import is a powerful cross-platform (Windows and Linux)
tool to import your data quickly from MS Excel, MS Access (Windows version
only), DBF, TXT and CSV files to PostgreSQL tables. PostgreSQL Import
includes a wizard, which allows you to set all the import options for
different files visually, and a command-line utility to execute import in
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Unzip, unrar, install.
Overwrite installed files with included cracked.
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\/ \/ \/ \/
SSG's respects & hello's fly out:
SSG's big fucks fly out to everyone who brings bullshit
to the scene instead of quality releases.
And finally, of course, special fuck to a bunch of swallowing
imbeciles from PARADOX, the only so sucking group.
Eat shit and die, bitches!
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[nfo layout by bac/Offliner filled by SSG Team]
[logo by Offliner last update on 12/16/2003]