░ ▐█▄ ░■▄▓▓▄▄▄▄▄░░ FiGHTiNG FOR FUN
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asphyx ▐▌ ▓▀▀▀░ ▐▀▀▀▓▓▓▀▀░▒▓█▓█▓▀■░ ▀ ■ ▐███▓▀▀▀▒▄ ▄▓▀▀▌░
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(c) A7Soft
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▄▓▀░ Release date..................... [ 05/05/2004 ] ░▀▓▄
▄█▀ Cracker.......................... [ RepLic! ] ▀█▄
▄█▓█ ▄■▀▒■ Tester........................... [ TEAM FFF ] ■▒▀■▄ █▓█▄
▀ ▐█▌ █ Packager......................... [ Packager 3.5 ] █ ▐█▌ ▀
█ ▐▌ Protection....................... [ Serial ] ▐▌ █
▐█ ▀▓ ▓▀ █▌
█▌ ░▓ Operating system................. [ WinALL ] ▓░ ▐█
░ █▄ ▓█▄■ ■▄█▓ ▄█ ░
▒ ▐██▒▀ Crack type......................... [ ] Keygen ▀▒██▌ ▒
▄█▀ [x] Patch ▀█▄
▄▓▀ [ ] Serial ▀▓▄
██ ▄░ [ ] Loader ░▄ ██
▀▓▄▄▓▀ [ ] Other ▀▓▄▄▓▀
██▀ ▀██
▓▓ URL......... [ http://www.a7soft.com/ ] ▓▓
▐█ █▌
█▌ Size.............................. [ 1x1.44 Mo ] ▐█
█ Language.......................... [ English ] █
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The ExamXML was specially developed for comparing XML files. It can
compare data from sources of many types such as XML and CSV files, SQL
server with a possibility to manipulate elements. The XML file may be
found on the web page or FTP server. Enter the URL and you can compare
XML data from WEB. During loading from SQL server the ExamXML is
converting data into XML. Then these data can be saved as XML file. It
produces comparisons very quickly and provides several options for
comprehensive comparison using a Key XML element. Reloading files after
changing any of these options is not necessary. There are possibilities
to save differences and common elements after comparison. The ExamXML
can merge XML files. During comparison it can ignore specified XML
elements. After comparisons there are possibilities to synchronize
elements, insert one element into opposite a tree and replace elements.
ExamXML can convert CSV to XML and XML to CSV. Color highlighting shows
the changes so that you can view exactly which attributes and elements
have been added, modified or deleted. This program can compare several
files and not just one pair of XML files. Displaying XML documents and
differences between documents in visual interactive Tree makes the
ExamXML easy to use for beginners and advanced users. The program
validates XML documents against DTD/XML schema while loading the file.
Normalization of dates and numeric fields makes comparison independent
of formats of dates and numbers. There are possibilities to round
digital fields at normalization. The program offers drag-and-drop
support and it can open XML file or a XML element with external
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▐█▄■ iNSTALL NOTES ■▄█▌
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1. Unpack & Install.
2. Copy crack to install directory.
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▐█▄■ TEAM NEWS ■▄█▌
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▀ Fighting For Fun Team is proud to announce we are the First ▀
French Web Group still alive and with more than 3000 releases
now. Born in April 2002, we are the coolest team of the Scene
and we always fight for more knowledges and fun. Thanks for
using our products and see you for our 4000th release :)
Your greetings go to Zor people and all people we know and who
support us.
Team FFF is proud to be a Web Group and to release nice
products for all.
FFF is powered by the B.M.E (Bonobos Monkey Engine).
If you want to join in, find in meditation the way to us and
ask for a trial membership.
Remember : We are cool but we don't need newbies or
▄▌ pretentious people. ▐▄
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▐█▄■ GROuP GREETiNGS! ■▄█▌
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▀ MAJESTiC ■ RiF ▀
░ ■ Zor And Zor's Board Peoples ■ ░
▓▄ uCF ■ eMINENCE ■ CRFF's Members ▄▓
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▄█▀ ▄ ▄ nFO: asphyx ▀█▄
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