Download SourceGear Vault v3.17 keygen by FCN

Added to site2006-02-03
Votes7 (158717 bytes)

FCN.nfo 4946 1520
SourceGear_Vault_v3_keygen_by_FCN.exe 173056 156695


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                    ··=■ FATIGUED COURIERS NETWORK ■=··
·══════════════════════─··  FCN Proudly Presents  ··─══════════════════════════·
║··                  SourceGear Vault v3.17 (C) SourceGear                   ··║

  ·═════════════════════─·· Release Information ··─══════════════════════════·
  ║ Supplier   · TEAM FCN!          │ Release Date     · 2/02/2006           ║
  ║ Cracker    · TEAM FCN!          │ Protection       · Serial              ║
  ║ Packager   · TEAM FCN!          │ App Type         · src control         ║
  ║ #/Disks    · 4 x 5m             │ Operating System · Windows             ║
  ║═════════════════════─·· Program Description ··─══════════════════════════║
  ║ Vault Features                                                           ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ Vault is a source control tool designed to be a compelling replacement   ║
  ║ for Visual SourceSafe.                                                   ║
  ║ Built for reliability 	Vault was designed to ensure the reliability of   ║
  ║ data. All repository data is stored in a SQL Server 2000 database.       ║
  ║ Atomic checkins 	You can checkin a group of logically-related            ║
  ║ operations as a changeset, and the checkin operation is atomic. The      ║
  ║ entire changeset either succeeds or fails. Your repository is never left ║
  ║ in a half-baked state.                                                   ║
  ║ Familiar User Interface 	SourceSafe users can begin using Vault          ║
  ║ with no learning curve. The terminology is the same. All major VSS       ║
  ║ features are present.                                                    ║
  ║ SourceSafe Import 	Vault includes a SourceSafe import wizard can         ║
  ║ move all your VSS data into a Vault repository. Every version of every   ║
  ║ file is imported, including change comments. Even shares and pins are    ║
  ║ properly maintained.                                                     ║
  ║ Remote Access 	Vault was designed to work well over the Internet. All    ║
  ║ communication between client and server is done over HTTP, familiar and  ║
  ║ friendly for network administrators. Compression and binary deltas are   ║
  ║ used in both directions to minimize network traffic. Configure IIS for   ║
  ║ SSL support to keep your data secure.                                    ║
  ║ Clients for Linux 	The Vault command-line client is fully supported      ║
  ║ and tested on Linux using Mono.                                          ║
  ║ IDE Integration 	Vault includes an IDE integration client which          ║
  ║ allows Vault to be used from within Microsoft Visual Studio.             ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║          								     ║
  ║═════════════════════════─·· Installation ··─═════════════════════════════║
  ║ Unzip, unrar, install.                                                   ║
  ║ use this serial: 26YBC-P7682-QT4MD-EJQQ5-FY87B                           ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║          								     ║
 ┌║                    FCN: The Gift That Keeps On Giving!                   ┌║


keygen for SourceGear Vault v3.17 by FCN

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