Download London Racer: Destruction Madness cheat by TNT

Added to site2005-10-29
Votes2 (106732 bytes)

FILE_ID.DIZ 395 214
TNT.NFO 11398 3995
cheat.exe 174080 102313


London Racer: Destruction        [xx/01]
Madness *RIP*
*Cheat Codes*
(c)2005 Davilex

  _________       __.   __   _________
 /\___  ___\     /  |  / /\ /___  ___/\
 \/__/\ \__/    / / | / / / \__/ /\__\/
     \ \ \     / /| |/ / /    / / /
      \ \ \   / / | √ / /    / / /
       \ \_\ /_/ /|__/ /    /_/ /
        \/_/ \_\/ |__\/     \_\/


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                   T h e     N o v a     T e a m

│                                  Presents:                                  │
│                                                                             │
│                   London Racer: Destruction Madness *RIP*                   │
│                                *Cheat Codes*                                │
│                               (c)2005 Davilex                               │
│                                                                             │

│                                                                             │
│    Supplied By : TEAM TNT                 Release Date : 10/13/2005         │
│     Cracked By : TEAM TNT                   Protection :                    │
│    What is it? : Cheat Codes               OS Required : WinXX              │
│    Packaged By : TEAM TNT                   # of Files : 01 x 5.00 Meg      │
│                                                                             │
│   Requirements : The Game                                                   │

                               ■ Release Notes ■

Cheat Codes (case insensitive):

CLOSE			Remove this console display

HELP			Lists all commands
			NOTE: there are many Game Parameter Settings listed.  
			We will not list them, since they are not truly 
			'Cheat Codes'.

DEBUG			Activates hidden debug commands
			(There may not actually be any hidden commands ATM)

LIST 		Display the contents of the given file (in ASCII)
			Example: list davilex.url

please_repair		(your car is) Fully repaired

please_instantkill	Instant kill
			One hit kills an enemy car

please_invulnerability	Invulnerable
			Your car takes no damage

please_grip		Show current Grip Rating

please_grip <#>		Set grip
			# = -128 through 5 (5 is maximum strength)

please_power		Show current Power Rating

please_power <#>	Set power
			# = -128 through 5 (5 is maximum strength)

please_defence		Show current Defense Rating

please_defence <#>	Set defence
			# = -128 through 5 (5 is maximum strength)

please_attack		Show current Attack Rating

please_attack <#>	Set attack
			# = -128 through 5 (5 is maximum strength)

please_unlockeverything	Everything unlocked.  
			All Tracks/Cars/Events unlocked for Quick Race Mode.
			All Cars unlocked for Career Mode.

please_level		Show current Level #

please_level <#>	Set level
			# = 0 through 95
			Jump to the Level (Race) # selected
			Example: please_level 5

please_leveljump	Skip levels
			Jumps to the next race in Career Mode

please_leveljump <#>	Skip levels
			Jumps forward or backward the # you select
			Example: please_leveljump -2
			will jump 2 Races before the current race.

please_shit		Shit out pickups.  Consider your pickups shat, sir.
			Pickups, aka Power-Ups, will shoot out of the back of 
			your car

please_freezeai <0/1>	Toggle freeze AI
			1 = Freeze the AI of the enemy drivers
			0 = Re-enable the enemy drivers' AI

please_lose		Race lost (well done...).  Lose this event

please_win		Race won.  Win this event

      Grip, Power, Defense, Attack.  These effect your car's 4 abilities during 
      a race.  Each car has a set of default values for these settings, as 
      shown on the car selection screen before you start a race.  The 
      applicable cheats above will override those settings.

                               ■ Installation  ■

1. TNT suggests that you backup your Saved Game file first, as using cheats 
   seems to result in the game resetting/deleting your saved progress.

   Save File Name:  SavedGame.YAK

2. Start the game.

3. Open the game Console:
   Hit the key F1.
   A CONSOLE window should open with a cursor.

4. Enter your codes.

5. Hit F1 to leave the console. (or type CLOSE and hit the Enter key)


   You may type PART of a command (such as the first few letters) and then hit 
   the TAB key to fill in the best matching command (ala 4DOS/4NT woot woot).  
   Also, the Up/Down arrow keys cycle through previous commands.

                               ■  TNT    News  ■
  We are the REAL original TNT.  Any other groups who have tried to front as 
  TNT over the years were just imposters.

  TNT knows that you all love the original SFV data in our NFO files.  
  Too many "new" sites, using cookie-cutter scripts and that god-awful 
  zipscript-c (aka project-zs), ruin all the nice SFV files in the scene!

                               ■  TNT Members  ■
                You know who we are.  And we know who you are.

                               ■   The Greets  ■
    Groups :  None (all alone in the night)

                               ■  TNT   Sites  ■
  Try to find them..

                               ■  Joining TNT  ■
  TNT works in all languages.

  We seek like-minded individuals who are able to provide or create software in 
  any language for release into the scene.

  Like most 'respectable' groups, TNT is non-profit.  
  We release for the challenge of reverse engineering, the excitement of the 
  race to win against other groups, and the spirit of fair competition.

  Positions are open for the following.

   Crackers : Experienced programmers and debuggers with assembly language 
              knowledge who can produce Cracks, such as NoCDs & the removal of 
              commercial protections, for games and applications.

     Coders : Experienced programmers who can produce KeyMakers, Game Trainers, 
              or SavedGame file editors.  (Assembly or C language is required)

 Game Ripper: Create ripped versions of full games.  Rips retain game 
              functionality while having non-essential data (such as movies or 
              music) stripped out.  People, especially those on slower dial-up 
              connections, can try out a game rip before deciding to buy the 
              full version.

   Scanning : Printed Box Art, CDs, & Manuals for new games and applications.

 FileHacker : Create All Access Enabled (Unlocked) SavedGames.  
              Modify game data files to enable Cheated Stats.  
              Scan game executables to locate Cheat Codes (no web thieves).

  Suppliers : Provide retail versions of new unreleased software, either games 
              or applications.

    Siteops : 10mbit or faster sites on linux/unix with at least 100gigs space.
              Preference is for sites with sections of 0day, iso, dox, pda, 
              or console exclusively.
              Before contacting us, please consider that Movie/Video or MP3 
              sections are not desirable to us.  Big movie/mp3 sites that have 
              iso, 0day, or dox as an afterthought are not for TNT.  Sorry.

What TNT does not need:
  Couriers, Pre Whores, Site/Bot Scripters, Thieves, Group Hoppers, Leechers, 
  Narqs, Narcs, nor undercover agents.

                               ■  Contact TNT  ■
  Those who seek TNT will find a way to get in touch with us.
  Just ask around for the #1 Dox group.

  TNT has no email address, nor a web site.  Any you find are surely fake.

│  Header Logo : Super Nova [TNT]      ║      NFO Layout : Super Nova         │
│                                      ╩                                      │
└────────────────────────────> Last Update by [Super Nova] <───[01/18/2005]───⌡

                          " There can be only one! "
---------------------------------TNT DIR INFO---------------------------------
---------------------------------END TNT INFO---------------------------------

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z