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┌─┘ Dongle Proudly Presents: Truster V2.11 *Cracked* └─┐
─ │ ┘ Date: [03.26.98] Cracker: [ SiraX ] Supplier: [TheAsYLuM] └ │ ─
┐ : Where :[http://www.truster.com/ ] : ┌
└─│── ─ [ ] Patch [X] Serial# [ ] Key Gen [ ] Crack [ ] KeyFile ─ ──│─┘
─ │ ┐ [X] Util [ ] Game [ ] App [ ] Other: ┌ │ ─
┌└─┘┐ │ └─┘
┌────── ─── ── ─┐ │
: Release Notes : ────────────────────:───────────────────────────── ─── ── ─
└─ ── ─── ──────┘ . │
└ │ ┘ │
│ │
│ Description: │
│ │
│ Truster is a computerized system based on the technology of vocal │
│ stress recognition. Truster uses a highly sophisticated algorithm │
│ which enables the system to not only detect a state of stress and │
│ measure its degree, but also pinpoint the cause of the stress; that │
│ is, the system can tell whether the subject's stress is caused by │
│ lying, excitement, exaggeration or an emotional conflict. │
│ │
│ Truster can be used with your standard computer microphone and can │
│ also be used over a telephone line with a t-connector attached to │
│ your computer and telephone handset. (Can you say Radio Shack?) │
│ │
: :
│ . ┌ │ ┐
│ : ┌─ ── ─── ──────┐
─ ── ─── ─────────────────────────────│───────────────────── : Install Notes :
│ : └────── ─── ── ─┘
│ . └ │ ┘
│ │
│ Using this chance, I would to thank TheAsYLuM for this interesting │
│ program. It was a pleasure to crack it. Originally, this program │
│ was meant to be for GLoW. But she got rejected for doing her job. │
│ Argh......... │
│ │
│ Quotes from TheAsYLuM: │
│ │
│ Its too bad there are so many two-faced people in this scene │
│ claiming to be your friends... thank god i found out now or this │
│ app could've been -GLoW? And for those of you who are truly my │
│ friends you know who you are and will always remain my friends and │
│ I'm sorry if the above statement seemed to include you? │
│ │
│ [20:22] CUNT │
│ Wow Kimmi real lady like and *sigh* "Right back at ya babe" -AsYLuM │
│ . │
│ . │
│ │
│ Anyways, here is the install info: │
│ │
│ - unzip to a temporary directory and run Setup.exe │
│ - copy crack to your windows/system directory and run the crack. │
│ - Open Truster program and enter the following: │
│ - CD LABEL: 591-811906870 │
│ - KEY CODE: 12345 │
│ │
│ Then restart Truster and enjoy! │
: :
.│ │.
: ┌─ ── ─── ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ :
─│─: . .. :: [ Dongle Members ] :: .. . :─│─
│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─── ── ─┘ │
┌│┘ └│┐
┌│┐ [ knoweffex ............................ tHE hEAD cHEESE ] ┌│┐
│││ [ Bonkers ....[iDLE]............................ cRACKER ] │││
│:│ [ Compuacid .................................... cRACKER ] │:│
│││ [ EzD .......................................... cRACKER ] │││
│││ [ Flu[X] ....................................... cRACKER ] │││
└│┘ [ ForceKill .................................... cRACKER ] └│┘
┌│┐ [ Jog .......................................... cRACKER ] ┌│┐
│││ [ MrFanatic .................................... cRACKER ] │││
│││ [ Riches ....................................... cRACKER ] │││
│:│ [ SiraX ........................................ cRACKER ] │:│
│││ [ Tin .......................................... cRACKER ] │││
│││ [ Azazel ........................... cRACKER iN tRAINING ] │││
│││ [ Devzero .......................... cRACKER iN tRAINING ] │││
└│┘ [ Milcrat & Winnie The Poo .................... cOURIERS ] └│┘
┌│┐ [ Yoda ...................................... LiNUXaDMIN ] ┌│┐
│││ [ Diranged ............................... tCL/bOTmASTER ] │││
│││ [ Ectomorph .................................. bOTmASTER ] │││
│││ │││
│:│ ─ ── ──── ───────── -=-=-= Dongle Web Team =-=-=- ──────── ──── ── ─ │:│
│││ │││
│││ [ Diranged ........ dOMAIN aDMIN/sELF pROCLAIMED jACKASS ] │││
│││ [ DevZero ............................... cGI/jAVA cODER ] │││
└│┘ [ Golden ................................. hTML sCRIPTER ] └│┘
│: [ Hdk ............................. aRTIST/hTML sCRIPTER ] ┌─┐ :│
┌│┘ ┌────┐ ┌─────────────────┐ ┌───────┘ └│┐
─ ── ─── ────────────│─────────────────────────────────│───────────── ─── ── ─
│ ┌────┘ : Dongle News : 03.15.98 : │ │
─ ── ─── ────────────│─────────────────────────────────│───────────── ─── ── ─
: └─┐ └───────────────┘ └───────┘ :
┐. └─┘ │
┌┤ It has been four months since Dongle's beginning and in that timer we │
└┘ have come a long way. What had started out as small group for learning :
┌┐: and unexperienced crackers has now transformed into a collection of .
││ great, productive, and relatively nice crackers. The newest addition .
┘└ to our team is Flu[X], we welcome with open arms and look forward to :
┌┐ his work helping Dongle become one of the best cracking groups ever. .
└│. As we have expanded we have also (Despite what they may say) attracted │
└┘: the attention of other already established groups. We have tread into │
│ their territory and now they seem displeased, instead of welcoming a │
│ little friendly competition they seem intent on destroying it with │
: the most immature methods at their disposal. In any case, despite such :
. a rude welcoming we will continue to bring forward the cracks at ever .
increasing numbers. Unlike some of our competitors we will not stoop
. that low. In any case expect to see more and more from Dongle in the .
: months to come, this is not based on wishful thinking but rather on :
│ real facts. Lastly, we would like to re-welcome Tin to the team, he │
┌│ has been here at the beginning and now will be here till the end. │┐
. Nfo Header By: Alakazam / Layout By: sL Last Updated: 03.15.98 .
: WWW: www.dongle.net iRC: #DONGLE on EFnet :