Program: MacImage
Cracker: natabec
[email protected]
Apply the patch and import the contents of the registry file into your registry. This will remove nag screens and unlock the registered version functions.
MacImage is a program to create Macintosh CD-ROMs on a PC.
Those CD-ROMs can be Hybrid CD-ROMs (Macintosh/Windows CD-ROMs, or more precisely HFS/HFS+ on one part and Joliet/ISO 9660 on the other one). This is the default working mode and the most used format.
The classical situation could be: let's say you want to publish pictures and you don't know precisely who will use the CD-ROM. You want to give all potential users (on PC and on Mac) the best experience while opening and using your CD-ROM.
Those CD-ROM can also be HFS CD-ROMs (classic Macintosh [HFS] magnetic volumes).
In this second case, you know that the target user works on a Mac and want to do him a favor (because s/he is the payer): you therefore produce a CD-ROM which will behave exactly as s/he expects it.
Third, those CD-ROM can be ISO 9660 CD-ROMs with Apple Extensions. See below for more information.
If you really liked this software and can afford please consider buying it. The men who created it deserve that.
Program: WinComposer
Cracker: natabec
[email protected]
If you really liked this software and can afford please consider buying it. The men who created it deserve that.