1. uninstall any old Genesys version
2. reboot PC
3. delete all remaining Genesys files c:\Program Files\Genesys...
4. proceed installing SP2 full install:
Read text in the top of the NDNB.LIC license file, this is detailed License install notes.
Then install Genesys.
When u start genesys for the first time, choose network licensing and enter your hostname when prompted!
In Genesys, select Help, About Genesys... 'Build 2003,03,12' means SP2 sucessfully installed.
License/PLL and TLINE error with SP2.txt
If you freshly installed Genesys 2003.03 SP2 (not upgraded), you may not be able to run PLL and TLine. The following error message is what you would get:
Error locating necessary initialization files.
The EAGLEWIN.INI file in your Windows directory is invalid or does not exist, or the DEFAULT.EG$ file located in your Eagleware directory is invalid or does not exist.
This problem can be remedied by opening the Default.eg$ file with a text editor, such as Notepad, and making sure the first three lines of the file are the following (where the temporary path points to your GENESYS Temp directory):
TEMPPATH=C:\Program Files\GENESYS2003\Temp
Also, make sure all the other variables defined in the file are correct. In particular, the LICENSEPATH variables.
We've posted a copy of the "standard" Default.eg$ file here Default.eg$.
You can just click and examine the file (or right click and do a Save As... to save the file to your hard disk). Save it to your C:\Program Files\Genesys2003 directory (assuming a standard installation).
If you installed into a different directory, change the relevant entries in the default.eg$ file before you save it into your executable location.
Note that this impacts TLINE and PLL only.
Content of default.eg$:
CWD=C:\Program Files\GENESYS2003\Model
SDATA=C:\Program Files\GENESYS2003\SDATA
LIBPATH=C:\Program Files\GENESYS2003\LIB
LICENSEPATH=C:\Program Files\GENESYS2003\License
License/What's new in SP2.txt
GENESYS 2003.03 Service Pack Changes/Fixes
Note that the full install is about 90MB.
SP2 is the second service pack for GENESYS 2003.03. This is build #12.
Changes for 2003.03 SP2
Some files with HARBEC analyses would not load correctly.
SP1 is the first service pack for GENESYS 2003.03. This is build #11.
Changes for 2003.03 SP1
1) Link to S-Parameter data files now correctly parses frequencies in scientific notation
2) SFilter is now reliable with no default file.
3) Fixed linkage to user defined symbols in loaded workspaces
4) Gain compression was added to the Attenuator, Variable Attenuator, and Switch models
5) Updated the channel frequency measurements of Offset Channel Frequency, Tone Channel
Frequency, and Adjacent Channel Frequency to account for sideband inversions when using
LO high side injection mixers
6) Improved default values for the modulated source in Spectrasys
7) Default order has been set to 3 for Microwave Filter Synthesis
8) Empower now responds to the Esc key more than once
9) Changing frequency ranges now correctly updates data
10) Layout grids now correctly line up with empower grids
11) Pours over polygons now work correctly.
12) EMPOWER failure error messages are now visible.
13) Certain complex workspaces that would hang on load now load correctly.
14) Tuned equation lines can now have trailing comments.
15) Authorize now correctly works with GENESYS Personal.
16) Windows NT now correctly brings up the right mouse menus in the workspace tree.
17) Windows NT now loads the LDMOS libraries.
18) The Japanese language version now correctly edits substrates.
19) HARBEC will now correctly analyze non-linear circuits that used to have oscillator ports.