Download Intel XML Software Suite for Java v1.0.1 keygen by TBE

Added to site2008-05-15
Votes8 (190376 bytes)

FILE_ID.DIZ 57 56 238592 187033
TBE.nfo 9545 2803


TBE's keygen for Intel XML Software Suite for Java v1.0.1


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                ▀▄  ▀▀▀                ▀▀     ▀     ░▓  ░ ▀▀▀  ░▓ 
                 ░  ▀▀   THE BiTTER END Presents:    ░     ▀▀░  ░ 
                                    ▄    ▄   
          DATE......: 14-05-2008    ▓█▄▄█▓   SUPPLiER...: TEAM TBE    
          TYPE......: Application   ░░██░░   PACKAGER...: TEAM TBE    
          OS........: WinALL       ▄ ▓██▓ ▄  CRACKER....: TEAM TBE    
          Disks.....: xx/06         ▄█████▄░ PROTECTION.: FlexLM      
                        ▄▄▄▄     ░▄████▓████▄      ▄▄▄▄             
                    ░▓███▀░▀█░ ░▄████▓░░░▓████▄░  █▀░▀███▓░
      ▀     ░      ░▓███░    ░▄█████▓░   ░▓█████▄ ░   ░███▓░            ░░
   ░▄██▄░   ▄ ▄▓▄    ░▓██▓██████▀▀░░ ▄     ░░▀▀██████▓██▓░            ░▄██▄░
  ░███░▀█ ░▄▄  ▀ ░▄    ░███▀▀▀░░    ▀▓▀  ░     ░░▀▀░███░   ░▄ ▀▄ ░▄▄░ █▀░███░
 ░███▓░  ░██   ▄▄█░ ▄█▀ ░███░                     ░███▓ ▀█▄ ░█▄▄░░░██░   ▓███░
  ░███▓░░██░ ▓██▀░ ▄█▓░░███░ ..: RELEASE NOTES :.. ░███ ░▓█▄░ ▀██▓ ░██░░▓███░
 ▀ ▓███▓██▓░▓██▓░  ██░▄███░     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     ░███▄░██░ ░▓██▓░▓██▓███▓ ▄
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      ▀▀  ▀   ░▀▀▀   ▀▀▀                               ▀▀▀   ▀▀▀░ ▄    ▀▀
          ░            ▀                                ▀              ▀

          Enterprises are widely adopting and deploying solutions 
          based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Many SOA 
          implementations rely on message formats defined with 
          XML. The extensibility and structured nature of XML 
          allows it to be used for communication between different 
          systems. The verbosity, extensibility and flexibility of 
          XML messages can create performance challenges for 
          software developers to overcome. Intel« XML Software 
          Suite is a comprehensive suite of high-performance C++ 
          and Java* software-based runtime libraries for Linux* 
          and Windows* operating systems. Intel XML Software Suite 
          is standards compliant, to allow for easy integration 
          into existing XML environments and is optimized to 
          support complex and large-size XML document processing.


                      ▀ ▄▄▄▄░                     ░▄▄▄▄ ▀           
                    ░▓███▀░▀█░                   ░█▀░▀███▓░
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  ░███░▀█ ░▄▄ ▀  ░▄    ░███░                       ░███░   ░▄  ▀ ░▄▄░ █▀░███░
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  ░███▓░░██░░▓██▀░ ▄█▓░░███░ ..:   TBE NEWS    :.. ░███ ░▓█▄░ ▀██▓ ░██░░▓███░
   ▓███▓██▓░▓██▓░  ██░▄███░     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     ░███▄░██░ ░▓██▓░▓██▓███▓
   ░▀████▀░ ░▓███░ ░█████░                            █████░ ░███▓░ ░▀████▀░
      ▀▀ ▄    ░▀▀▀   ▀▀▀                               ▀▀▀ ▄ ▀▀▀░      ▀▀
      ░▀  ░           ▀                                 ▀  ░  ▀
                  We got several positions to fill, if at least 
                  one of the following characteristics fits to you:

       1.You work at any reseller, distributor or software company and 
         have access to new software
       2.You are a talented cracker (Dongles, SecuROM, VOB/Protectcd, ppc...)

                        don't hesitate to contact us 

               ░▄░                            ▄  ░
                      ▀ ▄▄▄▄░                     ░▄▄▄▄ ▀          
      ░             ░▓███▀░▀█░                   ░█▀░▀███▓░
     ▀             ░▓███░   ▓                     ▓   ░███▓░       ░  ▄▀░░
   ░▄██▄░   ▄        ░▓██▓░ ░                     ░ ░▓██▓░    ▄▓▄  ▀  ░▄██▄░
  ░███░▀█ ░▄▄  ▄ ░▄    ░███░                       ░███░   ░▄  ▀ ░▄▄░ █▀░███░
 ░███▓░  ░██   ▄▄█░ ▄█▀ ░███░                      ███▓ ▀█▄ ░█▄▄░░░██░   ▓███░
  ░███▓░░██░░▓██▀░ ▄█▓░░███░ ..: iNSTALL NOTES :.. ░███ ░▓█▄░ ▀██▓ ░██░░▓███░
   ▓███▓██▓░▓██▓░  ██░▄███░     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     ░███▄░██░ ░▓██▓░▓██▓███▓ ▀
   ░▀████▀░ ░▓███░ ░█████░                            █████░ ░███▓░ ░▀████▀░
      ▀▀ ▄    ░▀▀▀   ▀▀▀                               ▀▀▀   ▀▀▀░      ▀▀
      ▀         ▀    ▀                                  ▀     ▀         ▀

          Register with given license.

                      ▀ ▄▄▄▄░                     ░▄▄▄▄ ▀           
                    ░▓███▀░▀█░                   ░█▀░▀███▓░
                   ░▓███░   ▓                     ▓   ░███▓░            ░░ ▄
   ░▄██▄░ ▄  ▄▓▄  ▄  ░▓██▓░ ░                     ░ ░▓██▓░    ▄▓▄   ▄ ░▄██▄░
  ░███░▀█ ░▄▄ ▀  ░▄    ░███░                       ░███░   ░▄  ▀ ░▄▄░ █▀░███░
 ░███▓░  ░██ ░ ▄▄█░ ▄█▀ ░███░                      ███▓ ▀█▄ ░█▄▄░░░██░   ▓███░
  ░███▓░░██░░▓██▀░ ▄█▓░░███░ ..:   Greetings   :.. ░███ ░▓█▄░ ▀██▓ ░██░░▓███░
   ▓███▓██▓░▓██▓░  ██░▄███░     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     ░███▄░██░ ░▓██▓░▓██▓███▓
   ░▀████▀░ ░▓███░ ░█████░          fly out           █████░ ░███▓░ ░▀████▀░
      ▀▀ ▄    ░▀▀▀   ▀▀▀       to all who like TBE     ▀▀▀ ▄ ▀▀▀░      ▀▀
      ░▀  ░           ▀  and especially our friends from ▀  ░  ▀


                  CINEVCD - GWL - ISO - RESET - Souldrinker  

                               WAM - WjR - WpR

                           ░░  ▄               ▄ ░░ 
                         ░▄███▄░               ░▄███▄░
                       ░▓██▀▓▀██░             ░██▀▓▀██▓░
         ░▄             ▄▄█▄░ ░█▓░     ▄     ░▓█░ ░▄█▄▄  ▀          ▄░
    ░▄   ▄▄▄▄ ▀ ▄▓▄ ░▓███▀░▀█░ ██▓░   ▀▓▀   ░▓██ ░█▀░▀███▓░ ▄▓▄   ▄▄▄▄ ▀
      ▄████████▄ ▀ ░▓███░   ▓  ▓███▄     ▀ ▄███▓  ▓   ░███▓░ ▀ ▄████████▄  ░
    ░████▓░▀█████  ▄ ░▓██▓░ ░▄ ░▀█████▄▄██████▀░  ░ ░▓██▓░ ▄  █████▀░▓████░▀
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  ░████░ ░█░  ▓████ ▄█▀ ░███░                ░ ▀▓▀ ███▓ ▀█▄ ████▓  █░  ░████░
  ░███▓░░▓██░ ░▓███▄█▓░░███░ .:NFO UPDATE:.        ░███ ░▓█▄███▓░ ░██▓░░▓███░ ░
  ░████▓▓███░ ░▓█████░▄███░       .: 09/03/2003 :.  ░███▄░█████▓░ ░███▓▓████░
   ░███████▀ ░▓████░██████▓    by TEAM TBE          ▓██████░████▓░ ▀███████░
    ░█████▀ ░█████░  ▀▀▀░██░░  ascii by roe^cro  ░ ░██░▀▀▀ ▄ █████░ ▀█████░
     ░▀▀▀  ░███▀▀    ░▀  ░██░░                   ░░██░        ▀▀███░  ▀▀▀ ▄
       ▀  ▀▀▀▀  ▀         ░██▓▄█ ░▄         ▄░ █▄▓██░            ▀▀▀▀  ▀ ░
            ▀░              ▀█▀▓▀▀           ▀▀▓▀█▀░              ░▀
                               ░               ░

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