Download Cactus Bruce and the Corporate Monkeys v2.0 keygen by ECLiPSE

Added to site2005-07-30
Votes4 (177023 bytes)

namesizecompressed 106050 106059
ECLiPSE.NFO 8260 2282
FILE_ID.DiZ 346 177
keygen.exe 171008 68103


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  ▀▒▀          ▒      ░                     ░         ░          ▒  ▓
   ░     ░     ░                                                 ░        ▒
   ░                E     C      L      i      P      S      E            ░

                 ▄  ▀          Cactus Bruce and           ▀  ▄
 ▄▀▀▄▄      ▄▄▀▀           the Corporate Monkeys v2.0          ▀▀▄▄      ▄▄▀▀▄
▄    ██ ▄▄█▀                                                       ▀█▄▄ ██    ▄
      ▄▓█▀                                                           ▀█▓▄
     ▓▓█       [√] KEYGEN [ ] PATCH [ ] SERIAL [ ] UTIL [ ] OTHER      █▓▓
    ▒▓█                                                                 █▓▒
    ▒▓█         Cracker/Coder : snatch    Release Date : 19.05.2005     █▓▒
   ▒▓█          Rel. Packager : [PhoeniX] Disks        : xx/03           █▓▒
    ▒▓█                                                                 █▓▒
     ▓▓█                         Release Notes:                        █▓▓
    ▄▀▀▓█▄                                                           ▄█▓▀▀▄
   █    ███   Play as the Pirate Cactus who controls a grappling    ███    █
  █   ▄█▓▀    claw-machine that can grab almost any item in this     ▀▓█▄   █
 █   ███      action/arcade game. The cast of wacky friends (ie:       ███   █
 █    ██▄     Marvin the Explosive Snowman) and the comical           ▄██    █
 ▀▄   ▄▀█▄    storyline energizes the gameplay. In addition,         ▄█▀▄   ▄▀
  ▀▄ ▓█▀ ▀▄   Cactus Bruce and the Corporate Monkeys features       ▄▀ ▀█▓ ▄▀
   ▀▓█     ▀  memorable music, immersive graphics and 5 Game       ▀     █▓▀
   ▓█         Modes, including a level editor where you can make          █▓
  ▓█          your own monkey-bonking fun!                                 █▓
  ▓█                                                                       █▓
  ▓█                                                                       █▓
  ▓█                                                                       █▓
▄▀▓█▀▄        Location:                        ▄▀█▓▀▄
█▓▄▄▓░                                                                   ░▓▄▄▓█
█▓▓▒ ░                                                                   ░ ▒▓▓█
█▓▓▒▒░                                                                   ░▒▒▓▓█
█▓▓▓▒░                Installation / Registration Notes:                 ░▒▓▓▓█
█▓▓▓▒░                                                                   ░▒▓▓▓█
█▓▓▓▒░  Use our keygen to generate a working registration code for your  ░▒▓▓▓█
█▓▓▒▒░  product ID.                                                      ░▒▒▓▓█
█▓▓▒░░                                                                   ░░▒▓▓█
█▓▓▒ ░                                                                   ░ ▒▓▓█
██▓▓▒░                                                                   ░▒▓▓██
 ▀▀▀▀                                                                     ▀▀▀▀
  ▄▄                                                                       ▄▄
▄▀▓█                                 News:                               ▄▀▓█
▀▄▄▀                                                                     ▀▄▄▀
  ▄▀▀▄  ECLiPSE has reverse engineered software protection schemes for     ▄▀▀▄
  ▓█ █  more than six years, resulting in many finely crafted keygens.     ▓█ █
▄▀▓█▀   Through these years, our members have dedicated their work to    ▄▀▓█▀
▀▄▄▀    people who understand and respect the founding principles of     ▀▄▄▀
  ▄▀▀▄  the scene: sharing the enthusiasm for technology and knowledge.    ▄▀▀▄
  ▓█▄▀  These traditions, inherited from our eldest members, have been     ▓█▄▀
▄▀▓█    transmitted from generation to generation and thanks to this     ▄▀▓█
▀▄▀█    asset we will still be competing among the bests for the next    ▀▄▀█ 
  ▀▄▄   years to come. Now enjoy this nice release and keep your eyes      ▀▄▄
  ▓▄ █  open for more ECLiPSE magic.                                       ▓▄ █
 ▄▓█▀                                                                      ▓█▀
█ ▓█───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────▓█
▄▀▓█▀▄                                                                   ▄▀▓█▀▄
█▓▄▄▓░                              Sites:                               ░▓▄▄▓█
█▓▓▒ ░                                                                   ░ ▒▓▓█
█▓▓▒░░                                                                   ░░▒▓▓█
█▓▓▒▒░                                                                   ░▒▒▓▓█
█▓▓▓▒░                                                                   ░▒▓▓▓█
█▓▓▓▒░                        Yes, we have some                          ░▒▓▓▓█
█▓▓▒▒░                                                                   ░▒▒▓▓█
█▓▓▒░░                                                                   ░░▒▓▓█
█▓▓▒ ░                                                                   ░ ▒▓▓█
█▓▓▓▒░                                                                   ░▒▓▓▓█
 ▀▀▀▀                                                                     ▀▀▀▀
  ██                                                                       ██
█ ▄▄                                                                       ▄▄ █
 ▀██▀▄                            Greetings:                             ▄▀██▀
  ▄▄▄▀                                                                   ▀▄▄▄▄
▄▀▄▄           BLiZZARD  -  CAFE  -  CORE  -  DAMN  -  DWP  -  EPS        ▄▄ █
▀▄▓██       ORiON  -  SSG  -  TMG  -  TNO  -  UCF  -  XFORCE  -  ZWT     ▀▄█▓
   ▒▓█                                                                   █▓▒
    ▓▓▓█                                                               █▓▓▓
    ▄▀▀▓█▄        You have the skill and want to support us?         ▄█▓▀▀▄
   █    ███                       Contact us!                       ███    █
  █   ▄█▓▀                                                           ▀▓█▄   █
 █ ▀▀███                                                               ███▀▀ █
 █    ██▄                                                             ▄██    █
 ▀▄ ▄▀ ▀█▄  NFO AND LAYOUT BY: Eboy        LAST UPDATED: 03.05.2005  ▄█▀ ▀▄ ▄▀
  ▀█    ▄▀▄                                                         ▄▀▄    █▀
   ▀▓▄▄▀   ▀                                                       ▀   ▀▄▄▓▀
      ▀ ▄    ▀                                                   ▀    ▄ ▀

eclcbm20.exe : Kh8hefDTURaf98rHA9613lqVc6M=
cactus.bruce.and.the.corporate.monkeys.v2.0.r01 : GxVbUfpLiRAI2aizMBoCda3znXM=
HzAJtPMpYrjQMwYy4hfLJVesYA== bqMAm52iyVxembuKc132N57ezg== 


Cactus Bruce and by snatch [xx/03]
    ______._____.___._( ).______._______.______.
  /   __/     /   /    /   __  /   ___/_   __/
 (    __)    (   (__   \   ____)____    )  __)
  \     \     \     \   \     \        /     \
      /srT8/   . ..E.C.L.i.P.S.E.. .
Release Date:  [19.05.2005]

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z