Download EXPLOR2000 v1.34.2 by CoKeBoTtLe
Added to site | 2002-12-31 |
Rating | 88/100 |
Votes | 5 | (128135 bytes)
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COKE.NFO | 6329 | 1053 |
FILE_ID.DIZ | 1596 | 336 |
Reg.txt | 562 | 393 |
Shortcut to Explor2000.URL | 98 | 98 |
.exe | 220672 | 125825 |
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EXPLOR2000 1.34.2 Windows 95/98/NT CoKeBoTtLe99 A5BD9C284900 EXPLOR2000 FILE MANAGER ENHANCES MICROSOFT WINDOWS EXPLORER Drag and Drop files easily with double views, drive bar, folder comparison, folder printing, file filters, file viewers, file highlighting features, file set date/time, built-in zip/unzip support, picture browser, hexadecimal editor...IntelliMouse (WheelMouse) compatible... EXPLOR2000 combines the qualities of Microsoft Explorer, WinFile, Norton Commander or XTree Gold for DOS. |