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Release : SMS-it v3.3.7 (c) 2006 MAW Consulting
Date : 03/05/2006
Cracked By : Twisted EndZ
Release Type :
[X] Registration/Serial Crack
[X] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[X] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[ ] Other:
[ ] Loader Patcher [X] Patch [ ] Precracked [ ] RegFile [ ] GOLD
Release Notes:
SMS-it is a software that allows you to send SMS to mobile phones through your computer.
SMS-it supports Picture messages, Caller Group Graphic, Operator Logo, Ringtones and Flash SMS. The
messages can be sent through an attached modem, through an internet connection or directly through
an attached mobile phone.
If a mobile phone is attached to the computer (IE through the IR port), the contents of the inbox
can be downloaded and stored in folders. The phonebook can also be downloaded and synchronized with
Sending Picture messages, Caller Group Graphics, Operator Logos and Ringtones only work for Nokia
phones. Most new phones can however now receive FlashSMS.
Downloading and synchronizing the address book is possible on most mobile phones that can connect
to a computer (either through the IR port or a cable link).
Messages can be sent either
Through a modem, using a dial-up SMS center
Through the internet, using an internet SMS center
Through a mobile phone attached to the computer (IE attached to the IR port)
SMS-it! supports a wide range of protocols (XIO/TAP, UCP, INET, PDU) hence can be used for most of
the SMS services.
For a full listing of SMS-it's Features visit:
TE Release Filename:
Installation Notes :
Install SETUP.EXE in the Setup folder. After installation copy crack patcher from crack
folder into SMS-it's installed folder. Execute crack patcher and patch file SMS-it.exe. You now
have a fully registered version of SMS-it! Serial validation via server check on each startup has
been removed, as well if you enter a different serial.
Thats it! Enjoy.
Don't hate the hacker, hate the code.