Download Cutting2 v1.3 keygen by SSG

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes7 (11163 bytes)

FILE_ID.DIZ 600 225
SSG.NFO 9318 2726
CUTT2KG.EXE 9216 7904



     ___            ___            ___
    /\__\          /\__\          /\__\
   /:/ _/_        /:/ _/_        /:/  /
  /:/ /\  \      /:/ /\  \      /:/  /___
 /:/ /::\  \    /:/ /::\  \    /:/  //\  \
/:/_/:/\:\__\  /:/_/:/\:\__\  /:/__/ \:\__\
\:\/:/ /:/  /  \:\/:/ /:/  /  \:\  \ /:/  /
 \::/ /:/  /    \::/ /:/  /    \:\  /:/  /
  \/_/:/  /      \/_/:/  /      \:\/:/  /
    /:/  /         /:/  /        \::/  /
    \/__/          \/__/          \/__/

        -Saints and Sinners Group-

[DATE:03-12-2001]                   [xx/01]


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                 ,/XM######%=    ./X##M###M%=        -;X##M@#M##M$.
               =%##M$%H@%;     -X##@$%@@+;.        =X##H:..  ,$##MM-
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                        :: Saints and Sinners Group ::     ,;.

                              - p r e s e n t s -


  __________       .__                                .___        _____
  \______   \ ____ |  |   ____ _____    ______ ____   |   | _____/ ____\____
   |       _// __ \|  | _/ __ \\__  \  /  ___// __ \  |   |/    \   __\/  _ \
   |    |   \  ___/|  |_\  ___/ / __ \_\___ \\  ___/  |   |   |  \  | (  <_> )
   |____|_  /\___  >____/\___  >____  /____  >\___  > |___|___|  /__|  \____/
          \/     \/          \/     \/     \/     \/           \/

            cracked by... Warlock       rls type.... Keygen
            tested by.... Nomadic       date........ 03/12/2001
            packed by.... KuroK         os.......... 95/98/NT/2000
            supplied by.. SSG Team      language.... English
            protection... Trial         disks....... 1 x 1.44 Mb

                     _______          __
                     \      \   _____/  |_  ____   ______
                     /   |   \ /  _ \   __\/ __ \ /  ___/
                    /    |    (  <_> )  | \  ___/ \___ \
                    \____|__  /\____/|__|  \___  >____  >
                            \/                 \/     \/
                      Sheet material optimized cutting

This program is intended for optimal cutting of rectangular
sheet material into parts of different rectangular shape. 
It can be used in woodworking, furniture making, 
glass and metal cutting, clothing manufacture, etc.
A unique high-speed algorithm is used in this program. 
It enables quick and optimal layout with minimal waste.
Working on the algorithm of the program, we focused on 
waste amount minimization. 
The interface was specially developed to be intuitive 
and comfortable in your everyday work.

Using Cutting 2 you may:
  set arbitrary number of sheets and parts; 
  calculate and view layout with different types of material; 
  set calculation level and mode that fits your current needs the best; 
  take stock of materials and remnants; 
  mark part sides for banding and calculate its length;
  view layout diagrams with wood species or material pattern you actually use;
  group materials and parts by material type in the tables;
  move layout diagrams;
  easily change layout by dragging parts from one layout diagram to another; 
  save and open layouts; 
  calculate total parts' area, kerf length, remnants areas and etc.; 
  save contents of Material List and Parts List in file and etc.

The program is available on computers with 
Windows 95/98/NT/2000 operating systems 

                     _______          __
                     \      \   _____/  |_  ____   ______
                     /   |   \ /  _ \   __\/ __ \ /  ___/
                    /    |    (  <_> )  | \  ___/ \___ \
                    \____|__  /\____/|__|  \___  >____  >
                            \/                 \/     \/

  Unzip unrar, run "cut2.exe" to install program, then run "Cutt2KG.exe" for 
      generate Cutting2.REG, Import Cutting2.REG into registry and ENJOY.

          ________                            .___        _____
         /  _____/______  ____  __ ________   |   | _____/ ____\____
        /   \  __\_  __ \/  _ \|  |  \____ \  |   |/    \   __\/  _ \
        \    \_\  \  | \(  <_> )  |  /  |_> > |   |   |  \  | (  <_> )
         \______  /__|   \____/|____/|   __/  |___|___|  /__|  \____/
                \/                   |__|              \/

                 +  Captain Zero....... founder, chief
                 +  kasara............. coordinator, cracker
                 +  STiCKpIN........... coordinator, software supplier
                 +  GEB................ coordinator, software supplier
                 +  cerber............. cracker
                 +  GPF................ cracker
                 +  Jabb............... cracker
                 +  Maniac............. cracker
                 +  tsr................ cracker
                 +  count.............. cracker
                 +  gpfault............ cracker  
                 +  delight............ cracker, software supplier
                 +  Nomadic............ software supplier
                 +  Ig0g0.............. software supplier
                 +  RobinBAD........... software supplier
                 +  SAV................ software supplier
                 +  X-Normal........... software supplier, courier
                 +  TAiNT.............. software supplier, courier
                 +  bac................ software supplier, courier
                 +  KuroK.............. software supplier, forum coordinator
                 +  Zyb................ IRC support
                 +  Viktoras........... scanner
                 +  dar................ tester, packager
                 +  buzjura............ tester
                 +  Doomas............. tester
                 +  KnightErrant....... ftp support
                 +  Sorgelig........... ftp support

                              Level Zero Site subdivision
                 +  nop................ linker, searcher
                 +  TiNy............... newsmaker
                 +  Mooncalf........... newsmaker
                 +  Fantocy............ newsmaker
                 +  Blackhawk.......... forum team

                                   Trial members

                 +  Kola............... cracker
                 +  TinY............... tester

                                Respected ex-members
                 +  Offliner........... coordinator

                        ____.      .__
                       |    | ____ |__| ____    __ __  ______
                       |    |/  _ \|  |/    \  |  |  \/  ___/
                   /\__|    (  <_> )  |   |  \ |  |  /\___ \
                   \________|\____/|__|___|  / |____//____  >
                                           \/             \/

                         Currently we are looking for:
                           + shellbox owners/admins

                        _________.__  __
                       /   _____/|__|/  |_  ____   ______
                       \_____  \ |  \   __\/ __ \ /  ___/
                       /        \|  ||  | \  ___/ \___ \
                      /_______  /|__||__|  \___  >____  >
                              \/               \/     \/

                  Vxxx Pxxxx ............ T1 ............ WHQ
                  Cxxxxxxx Ox Txx Gxxxx.. 10mbit ........USHQ
                  Axxxxxx................ 10mbit ........EUHQ
                  WANTED ................ T1 ........... ANYHQ

            ________                      __             __
           /  _____/______   ____   _____/  |_  ______ _/  |_  ____
          /   \  __\_  __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \   __\/  ___/ \   __\/  _ \
          \    \_\  \  | \/\  ___/\  ___/|  |  \___ \   |  | (  <_> )
           \______  /__|    \___  >\___  >__| /____  >  |__|  \____/
                  \/            \/     \/          \/

                            avt - rpg2000 - sod - damn

        _________                __                 __
        \_   ___ \  ____   _____/  |______    _____/  |_   __ __  ______
        /    \  \/ /  _ \ /    \   __\__  \ _/ ___\   __\ |  |  \/  ___/
        \     \___(  <_> )   |  \  |  / __ \\  \___|  |   |  |  /\___ \
         \______  /\____/|___|  /__| (____  /\___  >__|   |____//____  >
                \/            \/          \/     \/                  \/

               [www] .....................[]
               [e-mail]............[removed for security reasons]
               [irc] ............[ - #levelzero]

  [nfo layout by bac/Offliner                                 filled by KuroK]
  [logo by Offliner                                 last update on 03/12/2001]

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