▓▓███▓███████▓▓ bART-
▄▄ ▓███▓▓██████████▓ BAFH
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█████████▓▓▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀█████████▓▓
████▓▓▀▀ MiDNiGHT PRESENTS ▀▀█████▓
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│ Date......: MAY 5TH, 2003 Crack Type: LICENSING │
▌│ Size......: 3 x 3MB Type......: CAD/MECH │▐
│ │
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Release Notes:
MSC.Explore is an efficient way to process Static, Transient, and
Frequency Response results from MSC.Nastran runs without requiring
additional translation or additional disk space. Using the selection
tools available in MSC.Patran or additional MSC.Explore grouping tools,
users can interrogate the results files asking for:
-Max/Min Sorting: Finds Maximum and Minimum results for every result
component across all loading conditions / time steps / frequencies.
-Ranking: Finds the top "n" Element or Grid result quantities across
all selected result cases.
-Envelope: Finds the "worst-case" results for each Element or Grid across
all load cases and creates a fringe plot of these results.
-Free Body: Displays the Free-Body Load Resultant from grid point force
data about any location across any arbitrary cross-section of a model in
any coordinate system.
-XY Plotting: Plots how results vary with Subcase, Time, or Frequency.
-Report: Extracts and prints text results for selected Elements or Grids.
-Results Case Managing: Extracts selected load case results from multiple
result files and reorganizes them into a single, newly created results
-Results File Browsing: Provides information about the contents of your
MSC.Nastran results files, such as analysis type and available results
data on a load case by load case basis.
Install Notes:
1) Unzip and Unrar to a temp directory.
2) Check /crack dir for crack info.
3) Enjoy.
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██▓▓▀ GROUPNEWS ▀▓██▓
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No news is good news...
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██▓▓▀ GREETiNGS ▀▓██▓
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▌ Our greetings go out to: ▐
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bART- / BAFH / and others...
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▌ Temp ascii by bART- / BAFH (C) 2oo2 / Last updated: 04/20/02 by: Bubba ▐