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███▀ P H A N T O M ▀███
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██▐ Divelements.SandDock.for.WPF.v1.4-PM8 ▌██
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██▐ Release Date: 18/06/2008 │ Platform: WinAll ▌██
██▐ Protection: CRAP │ Crack Type: Crack ▌██
██▐ Supplier: PM8 TEAM │ Size: 01x5.00MB ▌██
██▐ Cracker: CFF TEAM │ Language English ▌██
██▐ Packer: PM8 TEAM │ WWW: divelements.com▌██
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██▐ SandDock is our award-winning window management software that ▌██
██▐ enables dockable window and tabbed document functionality in ▌██
██▐ applications that use it. The version for Windows Presentation ▌██
██▐ Foundation (WPF) is able to leverage new technology to provide ▌██
██▐ more visual features than its Windows Forms counterpart, such as ▌██
██▐ smoothly animated transitions and 3D window switching - like the ▌██
██▐ Flip-3D feature from Microsoft Windows Vista. With Visual Studio ▌██
██▐ 2008 comes a designer for WPF, and SandDock takes full advantage ▌██
██▐ of this to provide unparalleled designer support. At design-time ▌██
██▐ you can create windows and interactively dock and tab them ▌██
██▐ around your layout just like you can at runtime, and watch as ▌██
██▐ your XAML code is updated automatically. ▌██
██▐ ▌██
██▐ Broadly designed to mimic the user interface capabilities of ▌██
██▐ Visual Studio 2005 and 2008, by plugging SandDock into your ▌██
██▐ application you can forget about the intricacies of window ▌██
██▐ layout - instead, provide your windows to SandDock and let it ▌██
██▐ present them with all the tools your users need for ▌██
██▐ customization of the working area. Tool windows become dockable, ▌██
██▐ sticking to the sides of your window in hierarchies chosen ▌██
██▐ visually by the user, or they can be floated above your main ▌██
██▐ window. Documents are presented in a tabbed fashion, with split ▌██
██▐ views for easy comparison between content, or in a traditional ▌██
██▐ multiple document interface (MDI) layout. ▌██
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██▐ An advanced window layout engine would not be complete without a ▌██
██▐ persistance mechanism, and SandDock makes this easy. Storage of ▌██
██▐ window layout from one application session to the next is ▌██
██▐ exposed by simple APIs that can also be used to split your ▌██
██▐ application into multiple view states. Hooks are available for ▌██
██▐ more control over the window docking process, and rules can be ▌██
██▐ set by the developer to determine what the user can do with any ▌██
██▐ given window. The API is extremely easy to use. ▌██
██▐ ▌██
██▐ The extensibility support built into the library ensures that ▌██
██▐ certain behaviours, such as the interface for switching between ▌██
██▐ active windows using the keyboard, are fully configurable by the ▌██
██▐ developer. In fact, by using the extensive theming and styling ▌██
██▐ support built into WPF, the complete look and feel of SandDock ▌██
██▐ components can be changed. This extensibility allows you to ▌██
██▐ tailor the SandDock tools to your specific needs and in ▌██
██▐ demonstrated in the included application. ▌██
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██▐┴┴┴─┴──┘ └─┴─┴────────────────────────── ── ─ ▌██
██▐ ▌██
██▐ 1) Unpack ▌██
██▐ 2) Install ▌██
██▐ 3) Replace the cracked Files in \Intallation dir and run ▌██
██▐ activateproduct.exe to register! ▌██
██▐ ▌██
██▐ Special THX to our friends at CFF for the Permission to use their ▌██
██▐ Crack! ▌██
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██▐│└┤││││┌┤ │└┤┌┤ ▌██
██▐┴─┴─┴┴┴─┴┴┴─┴─┴───────────────────────── ── ─ ▌██
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██▐ Team Phantom 2008 is looking for: ▌██
██▐ - skilled Crackers/Keygenners/Unpackers ▌██
██▐ - nice Affilsites ▌██
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██▐ You know how to contact us... ▌██
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██▐ Greetings fly out to: + CFF + CORE + CRO + SyMPDA + ▌██
██▐ and of course to all friends! ▌██
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