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│ Lux Delux v5.4 │
Date.........: 2006-08-19 Files........: 02 x 5.00
Company......: Sillysoft Language.....: Multi
Requirements.: Computer, Windows 98/2K/ME/XP
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│ ::::::\_____/::' Game Notes │
Lux Delux is a game of strategy and domination inspired by the board game
Risk. Control your armies to conquer and hold strategic countries on the
map. The object of the game is simple: Take over the entire world!
URL: http://sillysoft.net/lux/
NOTE: This game is English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portugese,
Dutch and more.
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│ ::::::\_____/::' Installation Notes │
1. Unzip and unrar with WinRAR 3.x into a dir of your choice.
2. Start 'setup.exe' to install the game.
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│ ::::::\_____/::' Group News │
We bring you games that other groups do not do. We are different, like us
or hate us.
EMail: [email protected]
IRC : nope
WWW : nope
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│ ::::::\_____/::' Greetings │
iND - oCN - PWZ - TNT
│ If you enjoy this game, please buy it! Developers deserve your support! │