Download Directory Opus v8.1.0.8 WinAll keygen by PH

Added to site2005-07-17
Votes8 (165051 bytes)

Directory.Opus.v8.1.0.8.WinAll.keygen.exe 178176 159758
PH.nfo 18662 4778


keygen for Directory Opus v8.1.0.8 WinAll by PH


_____-----_________                  _______-----_____
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     /                 ----        ________----      ----                \
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│ ▒▒▓▓▓█████▓▓▓▒▒          pHrOzEn - HeLL  pReSeNtS           ▒▒▓▓▓█████▓▓▓▒▒ │
 ■ ■│░│                                                                 │░│■ ■
  ■ ├═┼═                    Directory Opus v8.1.0.8                    ═┼═┤ ■
 ■  │▒│                                                                 │▒│  ■
┌╤═─╧═╧══───══─────═══──═══───═──═─══─···   ···─═─══─═─══───══╤──══───══╧═╧─═╤┐
││              O                                             O              ││
│O ┌─═─══──══─══╧══──════─═─═─══───═─········──═──══════──════╧══──══─══─═─┐ O│
││ │ ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒        tHe sToRy gOeS lIkE tHiS         ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒ │ ││
│O ├─════──══──══─══─═─══───═══─═──····─···─··─═══════──══─══──═════───════┤ O│
││ │      rElEaSe tYpE : pAtCh [X]  sErIaL [ ]  kEyGeN [ ]  oThEr [ ]      │ ││
│O ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ O│
││ └══─═══─══─═──····─···─···─══──═──══┐┌══──═──══─···─··─····──═─══─═══─══┘ ││
│O ┌───────────────────────────────────┘└──────────────────────────────────┐ O│
││ │ rElEaSe dAtE : 10/07/2005            dIsKs  : [xx/06]                 │ ││
│O ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ O│
││ │ OS pLaTfOrM  : WinAll                                                 │ ││
│O ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ O│
││ │ pRoGrAm tYpE : Application                                            │ ││
│O ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ O│
││ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ││
│O │ cRaCkEr : SvensK                     tEsTeR : Muldar                  │  │
││ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤  │
│O │ tItLe   : Directory Opus v8.1.0.8                                     │  │
││ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤  │
│O │ uRl     :             │  │
││ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤  │
│O └───────────────────────────────────┐┌──────────────────────────────────┘  │
││ ┌══════─══─═──····─···─···─══──═──══┘└══──═──══─···─··─····──═─══─══════┐  │
│O │ ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒          aBoUt yOuR nEw leEtCh          ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒ │  │
││ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │ A file manager is, at its simplest, a utility program which presents  │  │
│  │ lists of files and allows the user to perform actions of some kind    │  │
│  │ on those files. File managers are useful for moving files between     │  │
│  │ folders, making backup copies of files, viewing pictures and playing  │  │
│  │ sounds, running other utility programs on lists of files, deleting    │  │
│  │ unwanted files and many other "housekeeping" tasks.                   │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │ Directory Opus goes beyond the simple file manager metaphor, and      │  │
│  │ offers you a complete replacement for Windows Explorer and many       │  │
│  │ other utility programs for handling FTP, ZIP, viewing files and       │  │
│  │ images, running slideshows and more. It provides you with all this    │  │
│  │ within a user-friendly and fully-configurable environment within      │  │
│  │ which you can access and manage your important data with a minimum    │  │
│  │ of effort. Harness the power of your computer like never before!      │  │
│  │ Designed for Windows: Directory Opus 8 has been designed and written  │  │
│  │ from the ground up especially for Windows. Full support for all       │  │
│  │ Windows Operating Systems from Windows 95, 98, ME to 2000, XP and     │  │
│  │ 2003.                                                                 │  │
│  │ Familiar Interface: Unlike many other file managers, Directory Opus   │  │
│  │ defaults to an Explorer-compatible user interface. You can            │  │
│  │ immediately begin using Directory Opus, with no learning curve,       │  │
│  │ because it will feel extremely familiar and comfortable to you. But,  │  │
│  │ you will find that you can easily configure the interface to fully    │  │
│  │ personalize your system including the use of dual file displays or    │  │
│  │ multiple displays for special folders.                                │  │
│  │ Fully Configurable Menus, Toolbars and Hotkeys: Directory Opus        │  │
│  │ supports unlimited menus and toolbars. Toolbars can be attached to    │  │
│  │ any side of a Lister display or can be independent free-floating      │  │
│  │ windows. Directory Opus supports user-configurable hotkeys, both for  │  │
│  │ use within Opus, and globally throughout the system. The Windows key  │  │
│  │ is also fully supported!                                              │  │
│  │ Built-in ZIP and FTP Support: Throw away your external ZIP and FTP    │  │
│  │ programs - Directory Opus lets you access ZIP files and FTP sites as  │  │
│  │ easily as local folders! You can copy files from anywhere and to      │  │
│  │ anywhere - even from an FTP site straight into a ZIP file!            │  │
│  │ True Multitasking: The object-orientated multi-threaded design gives  │  │
│  │ you unheralded power to perform multiple operations at the same       │  │
│  │ time. Why should you have to wait for your computer to finish? Now    │  │
│  │ you can begin one task and immediately move on the the next. Zip one  │  │
│  │ folder whilst unzipping into another, at the same time as you are     │  │
│  │ downloading files from a remote FTP site and copying yet more files   │  │
│  │ between your local folders, independently and reliably.               │  │
│  │ Support for Common Image and Sound Files: Directory Opus supports     │  │
│  │ most common image and sound file formats. It provides a quick yet     │  │
│  │ powerful image viewer which lets you view your pictures without       │  │
│  │ having to load a large paint program! It also provides a              │  │
│  │ Thumbnails-style view of your folders, allowing you preview a large   │  │
│  │ number of images to quickly locate the one you are looking for.       │  │
│  │ Built-in Viewer Pane: Quickly view pictures, text files and other     │  │
│  │ types of files in the Opus Viewer pane directly in the Lister         │  │
│  │ window. Opus supports a viewer plug-in system so you can add new      │  │
│  │ drivers for the specific file formats you wish to view as they        │  │
│  │ become available. Directory Opus comes with plug-ins for many         │  │
│  │ popular image and document file formats. Third party libraries can    │  │
│  │ extend the viewing capabilities to include Word and Excel documents,  │  │
│  │ Acrobat files and many other types of files. A free SDK is available  │  │
│  │ for developers to write their own viewer plug-ins.                    │  │
│  │ Enhanced Support for Digital Images: More than any other file         │  │
│  │ manager, Directory Opus give you full access to the hidden details    │  │
│  │ of the EXIF format for images from digital cameras. You can now sort  │  │
│  │ images by any field and view all the information about your photos    │  │
│  │ from shooting time, shutter speed, aperture, subject distance,        │  │
│  │ metering type and more...                                             │  │
│  │ Enhanced Finding and Searching: Directory Opus lets you quickly       │  │
│  │ locate the files you need, with an extremely powerful search system.  │  │
│  │ Does Explorer let you search for Led Zeppelin MP3 files recorded at   │  │
│  │ a bit rate of 160 sometime between last Thursday and today? Opus      │  │
│  │ does!                                                                 │  │
│  │ Powerful Internal Command Set: With Directory Opus you are not just   │  │
│  │ limited to functions given to you by the programmer. Directory        │  │
│  │ Opus's functions are built upon the most powerful file management     │  │
│  │ command language available in any file manager. You can harness this  │  │
│  │ easily to create your own functions commands to perform the actions   │  │
│  │ that YOU want to do.                                                  │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  └───────────────────────────────────┐┌──────────────────────────────────┘  │
│  ┌══════─══─═──····─···─···─══──═──══┘└══──═──══─··─···─····──═─══─══════┐  │
│  │ ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒           sO wHaT dO i dO nOw           ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒ │  │
│  ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │ Install the application as normal then place                          │  │
│  │ our patch into the installed directory                                │  │
│  │ run the patch and all limits will be removed.                         │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │ NOTE: Remember to delete Patch.exe from the program folder            │  │
│  │       once the program is patched.                                    │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  └───────────────────────────────────┐┌──────────────────────────────────┘  │
│  ┌══════─══─═──····─···─···─══──═──══┘└══──═──══─···─··─····──═─══─══════┐  │
│  │ ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒            pHrOzEn-HeLL nEwS            ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒ │  │
│  ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │ Born January 2002 PH is still alive!                                  │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │ Wanna join tEaM pHrOzEn-HeLL ?                                        │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │  We are looking for:                                                  │  │
│  │   + Suppliers                                                         │  │
│  │     (Retail Software and/or other stuff)                              │  │
│  │   + Crackers [Any OS]                                                 │  │
│  │     (NO keygen experience needed)                                     │  │
│  │   + Talented Coders                                                   │  │
│  │     (Able to code useful tools/scripts)                               │  │
│  │   + Game Trainers                                                     │  │
│  │     (Coding trainers for actual games)                                │  │
│  │   + Skilled Unpackers                                                 │  │
│  │     (Able to defeat latest software protections)                      │  │
│  │   + Bouncer/Shell suppliers                                           │  │
│  │     (Legit ones, used for legal purpose only)                         │  │
│  │   + Dump suppliers [10 MBit+]                                         │  │
│  │     (Legit ones, for internal use only)                               │  │
│  │   + Gfx-artists                                                       │  │
│  │   + Anything else that might interest/help us :)                      │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │  We do *NOT* need:                                                    │  │
│  │   - Carders                                                           │  │
│  │   - Couriers                                                          │  │
│  │   - Insecure Sites                                                    │  │
│  │   - Dumb Retards & Lamers of any kind                                 │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │ SiteOps who want to affil with tEaM pHrOzEn-HeLL                      │  │
│  │ are always welcome to contact us for apply.                           │  │
│  │ (Legit 100MBit+ sites only)                                           │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │  How to contact us:                                                   │  │
│  │     eMail: [email protected]                                  │  │
│  │       Irc: Yes (Private)                                              │  │
│  │       www: No                                                         │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │  (We DO NOT send ANY files via email)                                 │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  └──────────────────────────────────┐┌───────────────────────────────────┘  │
│  ┌══════─══─═──····─···─··─══──═──══┘└══──═──══─···─···─····──═─══─══════┐  │
│  │ ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒           pHrOzEn-HeLL sHoUtz           ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒ │  │
│  ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │ Greetz fly out to everyone in the scene                               │  │
│  │ way too many to mention here...                                       │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │  CHiCNCREAM - RSS - DoNE - B2R - UNRATED                              │  │
│  │   sUppLeX - Replica - iNFECTED - DiViNE                               │  │
│  │  ALiAS - MYTH - FOSI - ORiON - ROR - SSG                              │  │
│  │     TBE - TMG - UCF - HARPOON - CYGNUS                                │  │
│  │           RELOADED - SiLENTGATE                                       │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │ ...anyway you all know who you are                                    │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │ -> R.I.P. Sara/Squirrel (+ 12/12/2003)                                │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │ :: Disclaimer // Legal Notice ::                                      │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │ tEaM pHrOzEn-HeLL or any of its members can NOT                       │  │
│  │ be held responsible for anything they release.                        │  │
│  │ Use it at your own risk!                                              │  │
│  │ The end-user may use our release for                                  │  │
│  │ EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY! and MUST DELETE                             │  │
│  │ our release (incl. keygens/serials/cracks/etc)                        │  │
│  │ after maximum of one day using/testing it.                            │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  │ So, if you like the software and/or want to                           │  │
│  │ use it for commercial purpose(s) then please                          │  │
│  │ support the author and BUY IT!!                                       │  │
│  │                                                                       │  │
│  └──────────────────────────────────┐┌───────────────────────────────────┘  │
│  ┌══════─══─═──····─···─··─══──═──══┘└══──═──══─···─···─····──═─══─══════┐  │
│  │ ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒             NFO Designed By             ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒ │  │
│  ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤  │
│  ├══┬─┬═─═──····─···─··─══┤ c00ljim / Squirrel` ├══─···─···─····──══┬─┬══┤  │
└══┘▒▒│ ├═─══─═──····─···─··─══──═──═════──═──══─···─···─····──═─══─══┤ │▒▒└══┘
┌══┐▒▒│ │ ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒  lAsT uPdAtEd: 15th Nov 2004  ▒▒▓▓▓████▓▓▓▒▒ │ │▒▒┌══┐
│▒▒│▓▓│ │                                                             │ │▓▓│▒▒│
│▓▓└══┘ │ fIlE CRC dAtA : Patch.exe = FB090F34                        │ └══┘▓▓│
ReleaseID: 31099CFF-02

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