Download Mp3TrackPrinter v1.0 serial by Orimagic

Added to site2003-12-31
Votes6 (74095 bytes)

Orimagic.nfo 5611 1318
file_id.diz 180 141 71 71
keygen.exe 178688 72243


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					  	  	    Cracking your life...
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			Program  : Mp3TrackPrinter 1.0   			Date	     : 06-03-2003
			Cracker  : Orimagic					Protection : Serial
			Type	   : Cd Labeler Creator			
			Location :

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					 	 	*** Program Notes ***
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			MP3TrackPrinter is a simple program with one purpose, to print 
			the list of tracks on a CD containing MP3 tracks in the form 
			of a jewel case booklet. It can also print the front and back 
			covers for a CD Jewel Case.
			CDs full of MP3 tracks that you burn yourself are great, and you 
			can get many more tracks on a CD in MP3 format than you can 
			in normal audio format, up to around 10 or 12 album's worth or 
			even more, saving an awful lot of space and transportation difficulty. 
			But how do you know what is on them without having to put them 
			in your computer?
			Or what if you are nowhere near your computer but instead using 
			a standalone devices that plays MP3 tracks, or one of the new brand 
			of DVD players that you've got wired into your hi-fi or an in-car 
			MP3 CD player?
			With MP3TrackPrinter you can print a list of the tracks on the CD 
			in a format designed to go into a Jewel Case in the form of a booklet. 
			You can also also print a front-cover for the booklet consisting of the 
			CD name, artist and the albums (folders) on the CD, and a back/spine 
			cover so you can see the CD/artist name when looking in your CD rack.
			MP3TrackPrinter can also optionally print track numbers beside each track. 
			Most stand-alone devices allow you to jump directly to any track, 
			but you need to know the track number on the CD. MP3TrackPrinter gives 
			each track a number based on the order in which the tracks were recorded 
			onto the CD, which is also usually the way these stand-alone devices number 
			the tracks (indeed if you find a device that uses a different order let us 
			know and we will try to do something, although no guarantees). 

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					  		*** Release Notes ***
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			Register Information:

				Name : Orimagic
				Code : E8C9-9BCF-91B0-9D0B

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					     		*** Greetings to ***
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			Personal greetings to Cheshire.

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[*] Program: Mp3TrackPrinter 1.0
[*] Cracker: Orimagic
[*] Type: Cd Labeler Creator
[*] Location:
[*] Date: 06-03-2003
[*] Protection: Serial

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