Download WildPackets AiroPeek v2.0.2 keygen by SSG

Added to site2004-02-10
Votes3 (165640 bytes)

file_id.diz 602 602
ssg.nfo 4959 4959
keygen.rar 52385 52385
keygen.exe 221184 107310


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        -Saints and Sinners Group-

[DATE:12-25-2003]                   [05/05]


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                       :: Saints and Sinners Group ::      ,;.

                             - p r e s e n t s -



 __________       .__                                .___        _____
 \______   \ ____ |  |   ____ _____    ______ ____   |   | _____/ ____\____
  |       _// __ \|  | _/ __ \\__  \  /  ___// __ \  |   |/    \   __\/  _ \
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  |____|_  /\___  >____/\___  >____  /____  >\___  > |___|___|  /__|  \____/
         \/     \/          \/     \/     \/     \/           \/

             supplied by.. SSG Team      rls type.... Keygen
             cracked by... SSG Team      date........ 12-25-2003
             tested by.... SSG Team      os.......... WinAll
             packed by.... SSG Team      language.... English
             protection... Trial         disks....... 5 x 5 Mb

   AiroPeek, a comprehensive packet analyzer for IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs,
   is designed to identify and solve wireless network anomalies. It quickly
   isolates security problems, fully decodes all 802.11 WLAN protocols, and
    analyzes wireless network performance with accurate identification of
  signal strength, channel and data rates. AiroPeek incorporates all of the
   network troubleshooting expertise familiar to users of our award-winning
                              AiroPeek features:
                     * Full 802.11 WLAN protocol decodes
     * Display of data rate, channel, and signal strength for each packet
          * Continuous monitoring of network statistics in real-time
           * Alarms, triggers, and notificationsùall user definable
             * Customized output of statistics (HTML, XML, text)

                     _______          __
                     \      \   _____/  |_  ____   ______
                     /   |   \ /  _ \   __\/ __ \ /  ___/
                    /    |    (  <_> )  | \  ___/ \___ \
                    \____|__  /\____/|__|  \___  >____  >
                            \/                 \/     \/

                            Unzip, unrar, install.
                   Use our keygen to get your own regcode.


            ________                      __             __
           /  _____/______   ____   _____/  |_  ______ _/  |_  ____
          /   \  __\_  __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \   __\/  ___/ \   __\/  _ \
          \    \_\  \  | \/\  ___/\  ___/|  |  \___ \   |  | (  <_> )
           \______  /__|    \___  >\___  >__| /____  >  |__|  \____/
                  \/            \/     \/          \/

                       SSG's respects & hello's fly out:

               MaGE - ISO - SCOTCH - RPG2000 - SOD - DAMN - TMG

           SSG's big fucks fly out to everyone who brings bullshit
                   to the scene instead of quality releases.

       _________                __                 __
       \_   ___ \  ____   _____/  |______    _____/  |_   __ __  ______
       /    \  \/ /  _ \ /    \   __\__  \ _/ ___\   __\ |  |  \/  ___/
       \     \___(  <_> )   |  \  |  / __ \\  \___|  |   |  |  /\___ \
        \______  /\____/|___|  /__| (____  /\___  >__|   |____//____  >
               \/            \/          \/     \/                  \/

              [www] ...........[]
              [e-mail]...........[removed for security reasons]
              [irc] .............[removed for security reasons]

 [nfo layout by bac/Offliner                               filled by SSG Team]
 [logo by Offliner                                  last update on 12/16/2003]

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