Download Revolt trainer by DBC

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes8 (84793 bytes)

Parameters.txt 8136 1805
DBC.nfo 10639 1642
dni.nfo 2960 579
trainer.exe 219136 80427



; Adeon
Name      	"Adeon"

; Model Filenames

MODEL 	0 	"cars\Adeon\body.prm"
MODEL 	1 	"cars\Adeon\wheelfl.prm"
MODEL 	2 	"cars\Adeon\wheelfr.prm"
MODEL 	3 	"cars\Adeon\wheelbl.prm"
MODEL 	4 	"cars\Adeon\wheelbr.prm"
MODEL 	17 	"cars\misc\Aerial.m"
MODEL 	18 	"cars\misc\AerialT.m"
TPAGE 	"cars\Adeon\car.bmp"
COLL 	"cars\Adeon\hull.hul"
EnvRGB 	200 200 200

; Stuff mainly for frontend display and car selectability

BestTime   	TRUE
Selectable 	TRUE
Class      	1 			; Engine type (0=Elec, 1=Glow, 2=Other)
Obtain     	0 			; Obtain method
Rating     	3 			; Skill level (rookie, amateur, ...)
TopEnd     	4875.636963 			; Actual top speed (mph) for frontend bars
Acc        	17.306372		        ; Acceleration rating (empirical)
Weight     	1.200000 			; Scaled weight (for frontend bars)
Handling   	50.000000 			; Handling ability (empirical and totally subjective)
Trans      	0 			; Transmission type (calculate in game anyway...)
MaxRevs    	0.500000 			; Max Revs (for rev counter)

; Handling related stuff

SteerRate  	3.000000 			; Rate at which steer angle approaches value from input
SteerMod   	0.400000 			;
EngineRate 	6.500000 			; Rate at which Engine voltage approaches set value
TopSpeed   	70.500000 			; Car's theoretical top speed (not including friction...)
DownForceMod	2.000000 			; Down force modifier when car on floor
CoM        	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 		; Centre of mass relative to model centre
Weapon     	0.000000 -32.000000 64.000000 		; Weapon genration offset

; Car Body details

BODY {		; Start Body
ModelNum   	0 			; Model Number in above list
Offset     	0, 0, 0 		; Calculated in game
Mass       	1.200000
Inertia    	1000.000000 0.000000 0.000000
           	0.000000 1700.000000 0.000000
           	0.000000 0.000000 560.000000
Gravity		2200 			; No longer used
Hardness   	0.000000
Resistance 	0.001000 			; Linear air esistance
AngRes     	0.001000 			; Angular air resistance
ResMod     	25.000000 			; Ang air resistnce scale when in air
Grip       	0.010000 			; Converts downforce to friction value
StaticFriction 0.800000
KineticFriction 0.400000
}     		; End Body

; Car Wheel details

WHEEL 0 { 	; Start Wheel
ModelNum 	1
Offset1  	-23.500000 -3.000000 39.000000
Offset2  	-2.000000 0.000000 0.000000
IsPresent   	TRUE
IsPowered   	TRUE
IsTurnable  	TRUE
SteerRatio  	-0.500000
EngineRatio 	10000.000000
Radius      	10.000000
Mass        	0.150000
Gravity     	2200.000000
MaxPos      	3.000000
SkidWidth   	10.000000
ToeIn       	0.000000
AxleFriction    	0.020000
Grip            	0.015000
StaticFriction  	1.800000
KineticFriction 	1.650000
}          	; End Wheel

WHEEL 1 { 	; Start Wheel
ModelNum 	2
Offset1  	23.500000 -3.000000 39.000000
Offset2  	2.000000 0.000000 0.000000
IsPresent   	TRUE
IsPowered   	TRUE
IsTurnable  	TRUE
SteerRatio  	-0.500000
EngineRatio 	10000.000000
Radius      	10.000000
Mass        	0.150000
Gravity     	2200.000000
MaxPos      	3.000000
SkidWidth   	10.000000
ToeIn       	0.000000
AxleFriction    	0.020000
Grip            	0.015000
StaticFriction  	1.800000
KineticFriction 	1.650000
}          	; End Wheel

WHEEL 2 { 	; Start Wheel
ModelNum 	3
Offset1  	-23.500000 -3.000000 -30.500000
Offset2  	-2.000000 0.000000 0.000000
IsPresent   	TRUE
IsPowered   	TRUE
IsTurnable  	FALSE
SteerRatio  	0.000000
EngineRatio 	10000.000000
Radius      	10.000000
Mass        	0.150000
Gravity     	2200.000000
MaxPos      	3.000000
SkidWidth   	10.000000
ToeIn       	0.000000
AxleFriction    	0.050000
Grip            	0.015000
StaticFriction  	1.880000
KineticFriction 	1.670000
}          	; End Wheel

WHEEL 3 { 	; Start Wheel
ModelNum 	4
Offset1  	23.500000 -3.000000 -30.500000
Offset2  	2.000000 0.000000 0.000000
IsPresent   	TRUE
IsPowered   	TRUE
IsTurnable  	FALSE
SteerRatio  	0.000000
EngineRatio 	10000.000000
Radius      	10.000000
Mass        	0.150000
Gravity     	2200.000000
MaxPos      	3.000000
SkidWidth   	10.000000
ToeIn       	0.000000
AxleFriction    	0.050000
Grip            	0.015000
StaticFriction  	1.880000
KineticFriction 	1.670000
}          	; End Wheel

; Car Spring details

SPRING 0 { 	; Start Spring
ModelNum    	-1
Offset      	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length      	0.000000
Stiffness   	1000.000000
Damping     	15.000000
Restitution 	-0.750000
}           	; End Spring

SPRING 1 { 	; Start Spring
ModelNum    	-1
Offset      	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length      	0.000000
Stiffness   	1000.000000
Damping     	15.000000
Restitution 	-0.750000
}           	; End Spring

SPRING 2 { 	; Start Spring
ModelNum    	-1
Offset      	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length      	0.000000
Stiffness   	1000.000000
Damping     	15.000000
Restitution 	-0.750000
}           	; End Spring

SPRING 3 { 	; Start Spring
ModelNum    	-1
Offset      	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length      	0.000000
Stiffness   	1000.000000
Damping     	15.000000
Restitution 	-0.750000
}           	; End Spring

; Car Pin details

PIN 0 {    	; Start Pin
ModelNum    	-1
Offset      	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length      	0.000000
}           	; End Pin

PIN 1 {    	; Start Pin
ModelNum    	-1
Offset      	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length      	0.000000
}           	; End Pin

PIN 2 {    	; Start Pin
ModelNum    	-1
Offset      	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length      	0.000000
}           	; End Pin

PIN 3 {    	; Start Pin
ModelNum    	-1
Offset      	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length      	0.000000
}           	; End Pin

; Car axle details

AXLE 0 {   	; Start Axle
ModelNum    	-1
Offset      	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length      	0.000000
}           	; End axle

AXLE 1 {   	; Start Axle
ModelNum    	-1
Offset      	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length      	0.000000
}           	; End axle

AXLE 2 {   	; Start Axle
ModelNum    	-1
Offset      	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length      	0.000000
}           	; End axle

AXLE 3 {   	; Start Axle
ModelNum    	-1
Offset      	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Length      	0.000000
}           	; End axle

; Car spinner details

SPINNER {   	; Start spinner
ModelNum    	-1
Offset      	0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Axis        	0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
AngVel      	0.000000
}           	; End Spinner

; Car Aerial details

AERIAL {    	; Start Aerial
SecModelNum 	17
TopModelNum 	18
Offset      	23.000000 -22.000000 -45.000000
Direction   	0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000
Length      	17.000000
Stiffness   	2000.000000
Damping     	5.500000
}           	; End Aerial

; Car AI details

AI {        	 ;Start AI
UnderThresh 	150.000000
UnderRange  	3098.658691
UnderFront	 	2248.433105
UnderRear   	1541.193848
UnderMax    	0.320000
OverThresh  	1713.217529
OverRange   	1831.650024
OverMax     	0.900000
OverAccThresh  	89.169998
OverAccRange   	400.000000
PickupBias     	3276
BlockBias      	3276
OvertakeBias   	16383
Suspension     	0
Aggression     	0
}           	; End AI




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       ║        ║░░░░░░░░░╚╗     ║▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒╚═╗      ╔═╝░░░░░░╚══╗
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       ║        ║░░║▓░  ╚╗░░░║▓░ ║▒▒║▓▓▓▓╚╗▒▒▒║▓░ ╔╝░░░╔╝▓▓▓▓▓║░░║▓
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       ║        ║░░║▓░   ║░░░║▓░ ║▒▒╚════╝▒▒▒╔╝▓░ ║░░░║▓░░     ╚═══╝▓
       ║        ║░░║▓░   ║░░░║▓░ ║▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒╔╝▓░░ ║░░░║▓░       ▓▓▓▓▓░
       ║        ║░░║▓░   ║░░░║▓░ ║▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒╚╗▓   ║░░░║▓░        ░░░░░
       ║        ║░░║▓░   ║░░░║▓░ ║▒▒╔════╗▒▒▒╚╗▓░ ║░░░╚╗░
       ║        ║░░║▓░   ║░░░║▓░ ║▒▒║▓▓▓▓╚╗▒▒▒║▓░ ╚╗░░░║▓      ╔═══╗
       ║        ║░░║▓░  ╔╝░░░║▓░ ║▒▒║▓░░░╔╝▒▒▒║▓░  ║░░░╚╗░    ╔╝░╔═╝▓
       ║        ║░░║▓░╔═╝░░░░║▓░ ║▒▒╚════╝▒▒▒▒║▓░  ╚╗░░░╚═════╝░░║▓▓▓░
       ║        ║░░╚══╝░░░░╔═╝▓░ ║▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒╔╝▓░   ╚═╗░░░░░░░░░╔╝▓░░░
       ║        ║░░░░░░░░░╔╝▓▓░  ║▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒╔═╝▓░     ▓╚╗░░░░░░╔═╝▓▓░
       ║        ╚═════════╝▓░░   ╚═════════╝▓▓░       ░╚══════╝▓▓▓░░
       ║         ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░      ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░         ░▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░
       ║          ░░░░░░░░░        ░░░░░░░░░            ░░░░░░░░░
       ║                                                                     ╔╗
    ║WE ARE THE WAY, WE ARE THE LIGHT,║                                      ║
 ╔╗ ║WE ARE THE DARK INSIDE THE NIGHT.║        ╔╗                            ║
 ╚╬═╩═════════════════════════════════╩════════╬╝                            ╚╗
  ║                                            ║                             ╔╝
  ║ Da Breaker Crew                            ║                             ║
  ║                                            ║                             ╚╗
  ║ Release               ║                             ╔╝
  ║                                            ║                             ║
  ║ Info      ║                             ║
  ║                                            ║                             ║
  ║ Release                ║                             ║
  ║                                            ║                             ║
  ║ Release              ║                             ║
  ║                                            ║                             ║
  ║                                            ║  ╔╗                         ║
 ╔╬═╦══════════════════════════════════════════╩══╬╝                         ║
 ╚╝ ║                                             ║                          ║
    ║  Revolt is, in the moment, one of the most  ║                          ║
    ║ realistic micro-machines-like game, offering║                          ║
    ║  a vast choice of cars, tracks of excellent ║                          ║
    ║  graphical quality and realism              ║                          ║
    ║                                             ║                          ║
    ║                                             ║                          ║
    ║ By replacing the file parameters.txt found  ║                          ║
    ║ in /revolt/cars/adeon by the one in this zip║                          ║
    ║ you have the possibility to drive a faster  ║                          ║
    ║ car when choosing the car Adeon in the game ║                          ║
    ║                                             ║                          ║
 ╔╗ ║                                             ║                          ║
 ╚╬═╝ ╔══════╗╔═════╗╔══════╗╔══════╗╔════════╗   ║                          ║
  ║   ║Serial╠╣Patch╠╣Keygen╠╣Loader╠╣Tutorial║   ║                          ║
  ║   ╚╦═════╝╚═════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═══════╦╝   ║                          ║
  ║    ║( )     ( )     ( )     ( )     ( )  ║    ║                          ║
  ║    ╚═╦═════════════════════════════════╦═╝    ║                          ║
  ║      ║      Other (X)                         ║                          ║
  ║      ╚═════════════════════════════════╝      ║                          ║
  ║   ╔════════════╗╔═════════════════════════════╝                          ║
  ╚═══╣                                           ║                          ║
      ╚════════════╝╚═════════════════════════════╗                          ║
  ╔╗                        Cracked by: Alfa18    ║                          ║
  ║║Crackdate: 14/9/2000   ╔══════════════════════╝                          ║
  ║║                       ║                                                 ║
  ╚╬═══════════════════════╬╗                                                ║
   ║                       ╚╝                                                ║
   ║                                                                         ║
   ║Programmname: Revolt                                                     ║
      ║                          ╔═══════╗                                ║
      ║                          ╚═══════╝                                ║
      ║                                                                   ║
      ║   NU│


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███    ██ █████  █ ▄░▄   take one headshot ███   ████   ▄  ████ ▀▀         
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         ██ █████                                 ▀▀▀                      
          █ █                 DSL 768/128 site                             
         ████        DBC WHQ \ DBC Webhost \ UCC WHQ                   
     █ ███████▄█▄                                                          
     ████████████         tCA Webhost \ EVD WHQ                                                   
     ██ ████   ██                                                          
     █         ██              DBZ WHQ \ DBZ Webhost                                            
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        ▀████▀  derbst.chillige.Kaggw0rschd              

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z