Code generator for E-volve Messenger Version 1.062998 for Windows 95/98/NT4
Type of software: E-mail utility
System requirements: Win 95/98/NT
Author(s): Unisyn Software, LLC
Product homepage:
Download size: 2.86 Mb
Limitations: 30 day trial
Purchase Information: $595
E-volve Messenger gives you centralized control over your organizationÆs
incoming email. In particular, it solves the problems of using email in
a customer service environment -- making sure that messages are
distributed effectively and that the same questions are not answered
repeatedly. E-volve Messenger is designed to be run in the background on
a machine with Internet access. This "messenger" version of E-volve
works by polling your existing mail server and selectively retrieving
and/or deleting messages based on the restrictions that you configure.
Run code generator. Enter the number of accounts you want to add. Type
the generated activation code in the e-volve program. The activation
codes are based on the current date and will only be valid on the
current date (today).
The program has problems handling European-style dates (dd-mm-yy).
- Woefix (14 Januari 1999)