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║ ║___ / /_ __ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ______║_ ║
║ / ___// _ \ / // ___// __ \ / ___// __ \ / __ \ / _ / / __ __ \ ║
║ / /__ / / / // // /__ / / / // /__ / / /_// ____// /_/ \/ / / / / / ║
║ \___//_/ /_//_/ \___//_/ /_/ \___//_/ /____/ /_____/\_\/ /_/ /_/ ║
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║ ║ - -- --- [ ChiC&CrEaM r00lz since 14/04/2001 ] --- -- - ║ ║
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║ ║ We LoVe WoMeN! ║ ║
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║ ║ MM:::::8888M:::::::88::::::::8:::::888888:::M:::::M ║ ║
║ ║ 8M:::::888MM::::::::8:::::::::::M::::8888::::M::::M ║ ║
║ ║ 8M:::::88:M::::::::::8:::::::::::M:::8888::::::M::M ║ ║
║ ║ 8MM:::888:M:::::::::::::::::::::::M:8888:::::::::M: ║ ║
║ ║ 88M:::88::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MM:88::::::::::::M ║ ║
║ ║ 88M:::88::M::::::::::*88*::::::::::M:88::::::::::::::M ║ ║
║ ║ 88M:::88::M:::::::::88@@88:::::::::M::88::::::::::::::M ║ ║
║ ║ 88MM::88::MM::::::::88@@88:::::::::M:::8::::::::::::::*8 ║ ║
║ ║ 88M:::8::MM:::::::::*88*::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::88@@ ║ ║
║ ║ 88 MM::::::MM:::::::::::::::::::::MM:::::::::::::::::88@@ ║ ║
║ ║ 888 M:::::::MM:::::::::::::::::::MM::M::::::::::::::::*8 ║ ║
║ ║ 88 MM:::::::MMM::::::::::::::::MM:::MM:::::::::::::::M ║ ║
║ ║ 8 M::::::::MMMM:::::::::::MMMM:::::MM::::::::::::MM ║ ║
║ ║ 88 MM:::::::::MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM::::::::MMM::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ 88 MM::::::::::::MMMMMMM::::::::::::::MMMMMMMMMM ║ ║
║ ║ 88 8MM::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMMMMM ║ ║
║ ║ 8 88MM::::::::::::::::::::::M:::M::::::::MM ║ ║
║ ║ 888MM::::::::::::::::::MM::::::MM::::::MM ║ ║
║ ║ 88888MM:::::::::::::::MMM:::::::mM:::::MM ║ ║
║ ║ 888888MM:::::::::::::MMM:::::::::MMM:::M ║ ║
║ ║ 88888888MM:::::::::::MMM:::::::::::MM:::M ║ ║
║ ║ 88 8888888M:::::::::MMM::::::::::::::M:::M ║ ║
║ ║ 8 888888 M:::::::MM:::::::::::::::::M:::M: ║ ║
║ ║ 888888 M::::::M:::::::::::::::::::M:::MM ║ ║
║ ║ 888888 M:::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::M:M ║ ║
║ ║ 888888 M:::::M:::::::::@::::::::::::::M::M ║ ║
║ ║ 88888 M::::::::::::::@@:::::::::::::::M::M ║ ║
║ ║ 88888 M::::::::::::::@@@::::::::::::::::M::M ║ ║
║ ║ 88888 M:::::::::::::::@@::::::::::::::::::M::M ║ ║
║ ║ 88888 M:::::m::::::::::@::::::::::Mm:::::::M:::M ║ ║
║ ║ 8888 M:::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MM:::::::M:::M ║ ║
║ ║ 8888 M:::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MMM::::::::M:::M ║ ║
║ ║ 888 M:::::Mm::::::::::::::::::::::MMM:::::::::M::::M ║ ║
║ ║ M:::::M::::::::::::::::::::MMM::::::::::::M::mm:::M ║ ║
║ ║ MM:::::::::::::::::::::::::MM:::::::::::::mM::MM:::M: ║ ║
║ ║ MM::::::m:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::M::MM:::MM ║ ║
║ ║ M::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::M::M:::MM ║ ║
║ ║ MM:::::::::M:::::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::M:M:::MM ║ ║
║ ║ M:::::::::::M88:::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MM::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ M::::::::::::8888888888M::::::::::::::::::::::::MM::MM ║ ║
║ ║ M:::::::::::::88888888M:::::::::::::::::::::::::M::MM ║ ║
║ ║ M::::::::::::::888888M:::::::::::::::::::::::::M::MM ║ ║
║ ║ M:::::::::::::::88888M:::::::::::::::::::::::::M:MM ║ ║
║ ║ M:::::::::::::::::88M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ M:::::::::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MM:::::::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ M:::::::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MM:::::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ M:::::::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MM:::::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ M:::::::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ M:::::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MM:::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ M:::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MM:::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MM::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MM:::::M:::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MM::::M::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MM:::M::::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MM::M:::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MM:M:::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MMM::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MM::::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ M:::::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
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║ ║ MM:::::::::::::::MMM ║ ║
║ ║ MM::::M:::::::::MMM: ║ ║
║ ║ mMM::::MM:::::::MMMM ║ ║
║ ║ MMM:::::::::::MMM:M ║ ║
║ ║ MM::MMMM:::::::M:M ║ ║
║ ║ MM::MMM::::::::M:M ║ ║
║ ║ MM::MM:::::::::M:M ║ ║
║ ║ MM::MM::::::::::M:m ║ ║
║ ║ MMM:::::::::::::::M: ║ ║
║ ║ MMM:::::::::::::::M:: ║ ║
║ ║ mMM:::M::::::::::::M: ║ ║
║ ║ MMM::::::::::::::::Mn ║ ║
║ ║ MMM::::::::::::::::MN ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
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║ ║------------------------║ ReLeaSe NaMe ║------------------------║ ║
║ ╚══╦═════════════════════╩═══════════════════╩═════════════════════╦══╝ ║
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║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ FileOnTheFly.v1.15.WinAll.Cracked-CHiCNCREAM ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ╔═════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ Supplier : CHiCNCREAM TEAM ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ Ripper : CHiCNCREAM TEAM ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ Packager : CHiCNCREAM TEAM ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ Release Date : 05/12/2003 ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ Release Size : 2 x 1.44Mb ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ Protection : Serial ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ OS : WinAll ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ Rate : 7 ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ Type : RIPAppz ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ http://www.fileonthefly.com ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╔══╩═════════════════════╦═══════════════════╦═════════════════════╩══╗ ║
║ ║------------------------║ Release Notes ║------------------------║ ║
║ ╚══╦═════════════════════╩═══════════════════╩═════════════════════╦══╝ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ FileOnTheFly is a powerful file management and disk ║ ║
║ ║ navigation tool designed to give you the easiest and most ║ ║
║ ║ efficient route to perform common operations with files, ║ ║
║ ║ folders, and archives. FileOnTheFly features includes: ║ ║
║ ║ A "two-pane" or explorer-style interface with an excellent ║ ║
║ ║ way to configure the layout ║ ║
║ ║ The second file pane and folder list are dockable in ║ ║
║ ║ FileOnTheFly, and can be connected to the main window in the ║ ║
║ ║ way you like. ║ ║
║ ║ Large files support ║ ║
║ ║ FileOnTheFly supports operations on very large files. The ║ ║
║ ║ maximum size of a file can be up to 8,5 milliards ║ ║
║ ║ (8,589,934,591) GB. ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ NTFS compatibility ║ ║
║ ║ FileOnTheFly is fully compatible with the New Technology file ║ ║
║ ║ system. ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ Folder-like archive handling ║ ║
║ ║ FileOnTheFly handles archives in the same manner as regular ║ ║
║ ║ folders. If you select an archive in the pane, and then press ║ ║
║ ║ Enter, you will see the contents of the archive as if the ║ ║
║ ║ archive was a simple subfolder of the folder in which it is ║ ║
║ ║ located. You can apply the standard Copy to command (which ║ ║
║ ║ you use to copy files and folders) to extract files. ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╔══╩═════════════════════╦═══════════════════╦═════════════════════╩══╗ ║
║ ║------------------------║ Install Notes ║------------------------║ ║
║ ╚══╦═════════════════════╩═══════════════════╩═════════════════════╦══╝ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ Unpack,install and use the patch include in the folder path. ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╔══╩═════════════════════╦═══════════════════╦═════════════════════╩══╗ ║
║ ║------------------------║ CoNtAcT ║------------------------║ ║
║ ╚══╦═════════════════════╩═══════════════════╩═════════════════════╦══╝ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ * Wanna join our crew? ║ ║
║ ║ * Do you own 10mbit+ box? ║ ║
║ ║ * Can you supply any kind of legal software? ║ ║
║ ║ (fast connections) ║ ║
║ ║ * Can you get us Affiled on 10mbit+ legal HQ to pre our ║ ║
║ ║ releases? ║ ║
║ ║ * Can you get us a DEDICATED site as WHQ? ║ ║
║ ║ (internal use) ║ ║
║ ║ * Can you crack using your own tools and using your ║ ║
║ ║ own knowledge? ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ... well just contact us ... IRC: #ChiC&CrEaM on EFNET ;-) ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╔══╩═════════════════════╦═══════════════════╦═════════════════════╩══╗ ║
║ ║------------------------║ GReeTiNgS ║------------------------║ ║
║ ╚══╦═════════════════════╩═══════════════════╩═════════════════════╦══╝ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ * Greetings to our main Headquarters who chose ║ ║
║ ║ to Affil us ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ * Greetings to all groups that fight to release ║ ║
║ ║ anything and increase the scene (anything useful) ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ * Greetings to all Spanish crew ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ╔══╩═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩══╗ ║
║ ║ CHiCNCREAM.2k3 ║ ║
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╚══════════════════════════════NfO by NaXoS═══════════════════════════════╝