Download WxDesigner v2.7e keygen by EPSiLON

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes8 (146000 bytes)

eps.nfo 12700 3243
file_id.diz 522 220
keygen_wxdl 29556 10912
keygen.exe 202240 131239


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:                WxDesigner v2.7e Incl. Keygen (c) wxDesigner                 :
:                                                                             :
:                                                                             :
:     rELEASe dATe    [....06-24-2002] - pROGRAm tYPe    [.......Utility]     :
:     cRACKEr    [.......EPSiLON Team] - pROTECTIOn    [...Serial number]     :
:     sUPPLiEr    [......EPSiLON Team] - dISKS nUMBERs    [....01*2.88Mo]     :
:     pACKAGEr    [......EPSiLON Team] - oS      [.................Linux]     :
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:         wxDesigner is a tool written to make creating dialogs for           :
:         wxWindows based programs easy and fast.                             :
:                                                                             :
:         wxWindows is a cross-platform toolkit and it thus cannot            :
:         make use of native resource formats as they typically               :
:         exist for many platforms. For that reason, wxWindows has            :
:         been optimized over time to make writing dialogs by hand            :
:         as easy as possible, but this approach has limitations as           :
:         soon as dialogs reach a certain complexity. Even without            :
:         the inevitable number of typos, writing nice looking                :
:         dialogs is a hassle and reordering the items in a dialog            :
:         often amounts to rewriting the dialog from scratch. In              :
:         addtion to being quite some work, writing dialogs also              :
:         requires a profound and exact knowledge of the syntax used          :
:         for creating and positioning dialog items.                          :
:                                                                             :
:         Another problem when writing dialogs using the wxWindows            :
:         library is that some users might want to make use of the            :
:         RAD features of the Python bindings during development,             :
:         but create a native binary using C++ at the end. This               :
:         would entail rewriting (or at least reediting                       :
:         considerably) all dialog related code.                              :
:                                                                             :
:         wxDesigner offers a solution to both problems. Its                  :
:         interface allows anyone somewhat familiar with wxWindows            :
:         to create aesthetically pleasant and cross-platform                 :
:         dialogs in a matter of minutes. Higher-level features such          :
:         as supporting copy/cut/paste, infinite undo/redo and                :
:         previewing make quick testing easy and safe. Additionally,          :
:         all dialogs can be used in both C++ and Python (and                 :
:         recently Perl) - making co-development easier than ever.            :
:                                                                             :
:         One of the most important problems of cross-platform                :
:         dialog design is that dialog items (aka widgets) tend to            :
:         have a different size on different platforms. Typically, a          :
:         Motif widget has rather large borders, whereas a Windows            :
:         control tries to use as little space as possible.                   :
:         Addionally, the user is often able to change the font size          :
:         or choose a different "skin" or "theme" for all dialogs,            :
:         resulting in different proportions etc. Last not least,             :
:         the size of widgets can vary if dialogs get translated              :
:         into other languages, as a word usually has a different             :
:         length in different languages.                                      :
:                                                                             :
:         Many traditional dialog editors ignore these problems and           :
:         leave the burden of rewriting or redesigning to the                 :
:         programmer, whereas wxDesigner uses wxWindows' smart                :
:         layout system based on so called sizers, which treat                :
:         dialog items as groups laid out in certain patterns, such           :
:         as in a simple row or column or more complex grids. Since           :
:         sizers query the controls about the individual size                 :
:         requirements at run-time, changes in font sizes etc won't           :
:         do any harm, the dialog will grow or shrink accordingly.            :
:         wxDesigner makes using sizers easier than ever, since it            :
:         allows for changing the sizer type on the fly, inserting            :
:         sizers into an existing hierarchy of sizers with a single           :
:         mouse-click and copying any pasting dialog items or sizers          :
:         containing various dialog items to and from the clipboard.          :
:                                                                             :
:         The next step when writing GUI programs and dialogs in              :
:         particular is to add event handlers. This can only be done          :
:         in the form of source code, and therefore wxDesigner                :
:         supports generating source code, either new files, new              :
:         classes, event handlers or getter functions to get access           :
:         to the controls in the dialog. All this is integrated in a          :
:         syntax-highlighting source code editor that is part of              :
:         wxDesigner.                                                         :
:                                                                             :
:         As it has become sort of trendy to use XML as a resource            :
:         format, the wxWindows project is currently working on such          :
:         a system as well. It is not yet ready for general use, but          :
:         wxDesigner already has support for XML output and can               :
:         import dialogs written in XML as well. The latter feature           :
:         is particularly useful for importing a large number of              :
:         dialogs written for Windows. The respective Windows                 :
:         resource files can be converted to XML and then imported            :
:         into wxDesigner.                                                    :
:                                                                             :
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:                                                                             .
:                                                                             ∙
:         Unzip/Unrar the archives into a temporary directory on              :
:         your HD, then install.                                              :
:         Generate a valid serial with our Keygen to remove the               :
:         shareware restrictions.                                             :
:                                                                             :
:.........                                             .......................:
         :                                             :
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            ORiON - MYTH - PARADOX - SCOTCH - SSG - TMG - TNO - uCF           :
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| [ E . P . S . I . L . O . N ]  │
|                                |
│                                │
| WxDesigner v2.7e Incl. Keygen  |
|            for Linux           |
│         (c) wxDesigner         |
|                                │
!                                !
`-──--─--─--- -- - Thr.(mjd) - --'

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