Target: Autodesk Character Studio R2
File offset: $887 (2183) $14EEF (85743)
Code offset: $10001487 $10015AEF
Limitation: valid serial number required in order to run
Rating: I think this was the easiest piece of software I ever cracked!
Used tools: SoftICE 3.24 for WinNT, for debugging
WDASM 8.93, for quick disassembling
Let's have a look to what I have patched:
(today, I'm too lazy to show original values)
:10001487 B800000000 mov eax, 00000000
:1000148C C3 ret
:10015AEF B800000000 mov eax, 00000000
:10015AF4 C3 ret
Yeah, I thought after successful download of approx. 200 MB - Autodesk
Character Studio R2. I already have 3D Studio MAX 2.5, a well-cracked
release, so it doesn't require the hardware dongle. So I thought the
same of Character Studio R2. After installing it, I started 3D Studio.
A bit playing around, I found two new plug-ins installed, Biped and
Physique. When I wanted to apply one of them to a cube I just created,
this little sort of taste of shiteating wanted to have a serial number.
With lots of respect, I started SoftICE and ran Physique, fearing to
fail due to a heavy dongle protection...
I entered some crap into the input field. Well, a funny message box
appeared telling me that it requires a valid serial number. Fine, let's
have us pluck the quills from the porcupine! By setting a breakpoint
to MessageBoxA in SoftICE: BPX MessageBoxA...
I entered some crap again, SoftICE popped up, I pressed F12 to return
from the call to MessageBoxA. I often scroll a couple of lines back to
see the first conditional jump performed after a compare. YES! I found
it - see it in my SoftICE disassembly listing (adresses are incorrect
because SoftICE is not a "real" disassembler):
001B:03DB58FD CALL [USER32!MessageBoxA] <---- breakpoint set to it
001B:03DB5903 JMP 03DB5997 <---- we're here after call returns
... couple of lines before ...
001B:03DB58A8 CALL 03DB5AEF
001B:03DB58AD TEST EAX,EAX <---- that's the thing I talk about
001B:03DB58AF JZ 03DB5908
Now, I cleared all breakpoints and set a new breakpoint to 03DB58AD
(thats TEST EAX,EAX). OK. Bye, SoftICE, again entering some crap. OK,
SoftICE popped up again. I looked at EAX in the register window, it had
something other than 0, I think 1. Just simply edit EAX to 0... And let
it run by pressing F9. What do I see? That stupid plug-in accepts my
crap serial number! Now, I launched the plug-in from 3DSMAX again, it
wanted a valid serial number again. Here you are!
SoftICE popped up again. But now I disassembled that called function
at 03DB5AEF. I simply patched it in memory:
Instead of MOV EAX,0 you could also write XOR EAX,EAX. I dunno why I
have not done it this way - maybe just too euphoric about that lame
"protection" of Character Studio R2. Well, I quit SoftICE, cleared my
breakpoints and launched the funny plug-in again. Being patched, this
plug-in just ran and did not ask me a serial number at all.
That means, this routine does also perform a check whether a serial
number has been entered at all and it or its subroutines are called a
couple of times more from other locations in PHYSIQUE.DLM. I also
noticed that in the "plugins" directory of 3DSMAX a small keyfile is
created that contains the entered serial number - as plain text.
Now comes another part - locating of these code snippets in the plug-in
file. For this, I use WDASM, it's just faster than IDA and I like it
for easy access of all string and function references and for showing
the file offset of the current location in disassembled code.
So, I looked through the imported functions until I found "MessageBoxA".
By double-clicking it, WDASM quickly found the first location it is
called. Hmmm, doesn't it look (besides the jumps and calls) like our
code in SoftICE? Just scroll a bit to the code above? Do you see this
call and TEST EAX,EAX? Yes, it is! Now, I just went to that calling
function, noted down its file offset and used this for creation of my
But the work is not done yet. Another plug-in has to be cracked. This
time it's Biped (BIPED.DLC). Now it's up to you - it's just the same
way, although the code offsets are not the same...
The AntiXryst