Download HDCOPY PRO v1.21.0l keygen by UCF

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes11 (164258 bytes)

HDCOPY.BIN 133792 60348
HDCOPY.DAT 2560 1450
HDCOPY.EXE 81440 40599
HDORDER.TXT 1681 511
HDSHARE.TXT 3278 1022
HDCOPY.OVR 103807 44492
HELP.TXT 24577 7595
HDCOPY.CFG 412 266
HDCOPY.CMP 2838 1819
FILE_ID.DIZ 448 233
UCF97!.NFO 14838 2875


   Büroservice Heike Holst                 Tel.: +49 (0) 40 / 700 120 91
   Hauptstraße 99                          Fax.: +49 (0) 40 / 700 120 92
                                                 E-Mail: [email protected]

   21629 Neu Wulmstorf

   Order :   HDCopy 1.1  /  HDcopy Pro 1.1

   We order:


   Company, Devision

   Street, P.O. Box

   City, State


                               Single Price      MWST       Complete Price
                               without MWST     (15%)

   ..... mal  HDCopy 1.1           86,09 DM    12,91 DM       ......... DM

   ..... mal  HDCopy Pro 1.1      346,96 DM    52,04 DM       ......... DM

   Mailingcost (germany)            5,22 DM     0,78 DM            6,00 DM 

   Mailingcost (europa)            13,91 DM     2,09 DM           16,00 DM

   Mailingcost (world wide)        20,87 DM     3,13 DM           24,00 DM


   [ ] Check ( Send us with the order )

   [ ] Purchase Order (accredited educational institutions)

                                       Complete   :      ............... DM


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    ▓▒▓   ▓▒▓   ▓▒▓▓▒▓         ▓▒▓         ▓▒▓      ▓▒▓           ▓▒▓


    |                        Shareware = Fairware                      |
    | Shareware is fair to the customer:                               |
    |                  Nobody buys "the cat in the bag" !              |
    | Shareware demands fairness of the customer!                      |

    General to the shareware
    Shareware is simply speaking an other sales-concept:
    Shareware is software, which allow copies - as shareware - version -
    under the standard of the author arbitrarily and may be supplied to
    thirds, without violation of copyrights.
    Requirement:  This happens gratuitously or only against a slight
    copy charge.
    With other words:  Shareware is check - before - purchase - software!

    HDCopy 1.1 is shareware!  !!
    * *******************************************************************
    Special to the HDCopy shareware version

    You can check the performance of HDCopy with the shareware
    version whether the program corresponds to your personally requirements
    and wishes, before you purchase HDCOPY.

    Limitation to the Full-Version:
    - Source - and Target must be an equal type.  
    - repeated messages for the use of the shareware version 

    We have invest for the development of HDCopy many weeks of searching
    information, programing, the formation and testing.

    We appeal to your fairness.

    If you want to use HDCopy , please order he HDCopy Full -
    or Pro version (order form see HDBESTEL.TXT).

    You receive by us the current version and the possibility for further 

    Only through your fair conduct we are able to develop HDCOPY in advance 
    order form see HDORDER.TXT 
   ++ Further Infos  and order:

    Please send you Order to:

    Büroservice Heike Holst
    Hauptstraße 99
    D-21629 Neu Wulmstorf
    - GERMANY -
    PHONE:       +49 (0)40 / 700 120 91
    FAX.:        +49 (0)40 / 700 120 92
    E-Mail:      [email protected]


    ▓▒▓   ▓▒▓   ▓▒▓▓▒▓         ▓▒▓         ▓▒▓      ▓▒▓▓▒▓     ▓▒▓   ▓▒▓
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    ▓▒▓   ▓▒▓   ▓▒▓▓▒▓         ▓▒▓         ▓▒▓      ▓▒▓           ▓▒▓


    With HDCOPY you can create an Image of a Harddisk on a Backup Media 
    of your choice (PD/ZIP/HDD/Network). The Image can be restored on 
    other hard disks, which makes 

    Please notice capital "Special remarks" (WIN NT)

    HDCOPY 1.1
        - copying Hard disks of any size
        - supports long file names
        - supports Windows 95 and OS/2 HPFS filesystem
        - runs with any DOS Version
        - Backup and Restore from 
        - Commandline Input for batch programming
        - backup on multiple destination media's with adjustable filesize

    HDCOPY Pro 1.1

        - all features of HDCOPY 1.1

        plus you get a wide range of additional features
        - ultimate service tool
        - easy to reconstructure hard disks
        - together with the image you can create a restore program that
          allows you to 
        - combining different partitions from different source hard disks
        - quick partitioning of Harddisk, of all known structures and
        - copying partitions from one Harddisk to another and being able
          to vary the partitionsize at the same time
        - data compression for a minimum of resource utilisation and
          quick execution

   In make

   - HDCOPY with full OS/2 structure, creating and resizing of
     HPFS partitions
   - HDCOPY with full Windows NT structure, creating and resizing of
     NTFS partitions
   - resizing DOS partitions with no loss of data

   List of Files

   if you do not have all files according to your version and the list
   below, please contact us, or download a new version from your Web
   Site listed below.

    File          Explanation                           Version
    HDCOPY.EXE    main program                          all

    HDCOPY.OVR    overlay file for HDCOPY               all

    HDCOPY.BIN    necessary for enhanced restore of     HDCOPY Pro
                  HDCOPY Pro                            
    HDCOPY.CFG    Configurationfile for HDCOPY, to      all
                  save several informations

    HDCOPY.DAT    necessary for enhanced restore of     HDCOPY Pro
                  HDCOPY Pro                            

    HDCOPY.CMP    Informationfile for compression       HDCOPY Pro

    HDORDER.TXT   ordering form                         all

    HELP.TXT      This Text                             all

    BACKALL.BAT   example backup batch file for command
                  line input                            all

    RESTALL.BAT   example restore batch file for command
                  line input                            all

    RESTALL.MAK   Make file for RESTALL.BAT             all

   Special remarks

   1. In general

   We recommend using scandisk (DOS) or other programs that examine the
   harddisk, before using HDCOPY.

   2. Using HDCOPY with Windows NT

   Due to the security level C2 from Windows NT, the direct disk
   access is limited, therefore we recommend using a DOS bootdisk,
   to reinsure all data is saved, copied or restored.

   3. Writing the backup into the same partition that is being saved

   If the backup is written to the same partition that is being saved,
   it is possible, HDCOPY reports Cluster failure. This error is caused
   be the Image file which is still open, but not completed. In most cases
   you will only have to retry this action. You can avoid this mistake by
   changing the "buffers" entry in the CONFIG.SYS (BUFFERS=32,0). Should
   the mistake still accure, please run scandisk.

   4. Using HDCOPY with Windows 95

   There are no known problems using HDCOPY with Windows 95. We still
   recommend using single MS-DOS mode, because of the Windows swap
   file and it also will run faster, because no other processes can

   5. Panasonic Laptops with Hibernation partition

   Please notice that the hibernation partition of Panasonic (Type 132)
   must be in second place of the partition table.

   User Manual

   List of contents

   1.     Start-up Screen
   1.1    Programstart
   1.2    License number

   2.     Main Menu
   2.1    Working Mode
   2.1.1  Backup
   2.1.2  Standard Restore
   2.1.3  Enhanced Restore
   2.1.4  Copy Partition

   2.2    Options
   2.2.1  Harddisks
   2.2.2  Backup Mode
   2.2.3  HD Protection
   2.2.4  Last Track
   2.2.5  Image File Size 
   2.2.6  Datacompression

   2.3    Help
   2.3.1  HDCOPY Information
   2.3.2  Ordering Form
   2.3.3  Command line mode
   2.3.4  HDCOPY Shareware
   2.3.5  HDCOPY Address

   2.4    End
   2.4.1  End Program
   2.4.2  Command Shell

   1. Start-up Screen
   On the Start-up Screen the Version and the License number is displayed.
   Please have these information's at your finger tips, if you have any
   questions. We can only make correct and precise statement, if we have
   these information's.
   In some cases a "usage period" is also displayed.

   1.1 Programstart
   To start the program, you only need to press the "ENTER" key. The Main
   Menu will be displayed.

   1.2 License Number
   The license Number allows the change of the program status.
   By entering the License Number, that you received from us, the program
   will now let you do all actions you are registered for. The same
   procedure with Updates, you can receive from the HDCOPY Homepage
   (listed below).

   2. Main Menu
   Use the cursor keys to navigate through the menu and the "ENTER" key to
   select specified action. In the screen "actual preferences already
   chosen options are displayed. This allows you to confirm the settings
   In every menu the "ESC" key will bring you back to the Main Menu or at
   least one screen back.

   2.1 Working Mode

   2.1.1 Backup

   a.) Selecting the partition
   The current Harddisk structure is displayed in a screen. Within this
   screen you will find all Harddisks listed from 0 to 7 and the partitions
   on every harddisk numbered from 1 to 8. This method is used to display
   all found Harddisks and all partitions. (When using DOS or Windows 95,
   NTFS or HPFS partitions are not shown as logical drives) by using the
   cursor keys you can either choose all partitions of one Harddisk or a
   single partition of one Harddisk.
   Notice: Only one selection at a time is possible

   b.) Choosing the destination directory for the Image
   You can enter the destination directory in the screen. Creating new
   directories is also supported. By pressing the "F5" Key, a Screen with
   existing directories and logical drives is shown. The current directory
   and total number of image files in this directory is show in the first
   row. The "F10" key will take you back to the previous screen, using the
   selected directory. A new directory can be created be pressing the "F7"

   c.) Description of the current Backup
   After choosing the destination directory, you are prompted to enter a
   description with a maximum length of 20 characters. This description is
   shown when restoring from an Image File.

   d.) Backup Screen
   In this screen, the current process of the backup is displayed.
   The backup can be stopped, be pressing the "ESC" key.

   e.) Creating the Restore program (Only HDCOPY Pro)
   The Pro Version has the feature to create a restore program. You can
   give the restore program away with the Image you have created, as often
   as you want to. Other people will now be able to restore the Image
   without having a HDCOPY license.

   Notice: The restore program is only capable of
   "Standard Restore Features"

   f.) Creating the Batch and Make file for the restore. (Only HDCOPY Pro)
   The Pro Version can automatically create a Batch and Make file for the
   standard restore

   After the backup process a information screen appears. You are brought
   back to the Main Menu.

   2.1.2 Standard Restore

   a.) Choosing the Harddisk for restore
   The destination Harddisk is chosen by entering the physical Harddisk
   number (0=first, 1=second)

   b.)  Choosing the Image directory
   In the Screen, you have also the possibility, to create a new directory
   With the F5 key you open a Screen were the already existing directories
   are displayed. In the first row, the current directory and image files
   are shown. Use the cursor keys, to select the desired file. To make the
   selection, press the F10 key.

   The shown information refer to the made backup. Type, size date of
   backup and description are displayed. If it was a complete Backup,
   type 0 is shown with the comment "complete" and date of backup. All
   included partitions are shown without the date of backup.
   Use the cursor keys to choose, or if you want to change the directory,
   use the F5 key. (explained in chapter 2.1.2 a). To make your selection
   complete, use the ENTER key  to confirm.
   When a complete backup is chosen, your are asked if the existing data
   can be overwritten. You can only restore single partitions, if the media
   can be erased or there is sufficient space on the destination media.

   d.)  restore Screen
   In the now following restore screen, the progress and action of the
   restore process is displayed. Use the ESC key to stop process.

   Caution: If the restore process is stopped, the data is not completely
   restored and the media can not be used.

   After the restore has successfully been completed, a notice screen
   appears. The computer must now be restarted. This automatically happens,
   when you leave the program.

   Do not write data to the restored media before restarting, because the
   operating system does not know the new partitioning.

   2.1.3  Enhanced Restore
   Choosing the new partition structure
   The new partitioning of the Harddisk can completely be made in this
   screen. Creating, erasing, repartitioning, deleting of single partitions
   can be made in this screen.

   a.)  F2 deleting single partitions (only HDCOPY Pro)
   After pressing the F2 key, you are prompted to select the partition you
   want to delete. Use ESC to abort.

   b.)  F3 Erase all partitions
   All existing partitions are erased and all free disk space is shown as
   one area.
   If no partitions are selected, there are no changes made to the harddisk.

   c.) F4 Change Drive
   By choosing this point, you can read a new disk or restore the default
   settings of the previous disk. To choose the destination harddisk you
   must enter the physical disk number (0=first harddisk, 1=second harddisk)

   d.)  F5 Source
   In this screen you can select the data which you wish to restore. The
   key control is explained under 2.1.2 a-c. The size of the restore
   partition can also be fitted and the location within the free area can
   be selected. Partitions that are created using the restore function are
   marked with a "R".

   e.)  F7 Creating new partitions (only HDCOPY Pro)
   It is possible to create new partitions by selecting this menu. You must
   enter type, size in MB, the location within the free area and weather it
   is a primary partition or a logical drive within a enhanced partition.
   Up to now it is only possible to create MS-DOS 16 Bit FAT (FAT16)
   completely. Other partition types can only be created using size and
   location of the partition. The partition must be formatted from the
   operating system.

   List of known partition types
   Partitions where the structure is unknown can be backuped and restored
   without a loss of data.
   Type NR.    naming                      explanation
     0        free                         variable for free partitions
                                           can not be created using HDCOPY

     1        12 BIT (DOS)                 little DOS partition (up to 10 MB)

     2,3      XENIX                        UNIX, structure unknown

     4        16 BIT (DOS)                 FAT16 partition smaller than 32 MB

     5        extended DOS                 This is automatically created if
                                           extended partition exists.

     6        BIG DOS                      DOS partition (FAT16) larger
                                           than 32 MB

     7        NTFS                         Microsoft's New technology file
              OS/2 HPFS                    system, or IBM's High performance
                                           file system structure unknown

     8,9      AIX                          UNIX, structure unknown

     10       OS/2 Bootmanager             Is created using OS/2,
                                           structure unknown

     11,12    VFAT 32                      new 32 BIT format from Microsoft
                                           for big partitions,
                                           structure unknown

     18       Compaq Service               Service partition for Compaq

     22       BIG DOS covert               BIG DOS Partition covert by
                                           Bootmanager from OS/2 

     23       HPFS covert                  HPFS (high performance file
                                           system), covert by BootManager,
                                           structure unknown

     100      Novell                       structure unknown

     132      Panasonic Hibernation        save partition for hibernation
                                           mode, either FAT12 or FAT16 struc-
                                           ture depending on size and model

   f.)  F8 activate bootpartition
   You are prompted to activate the partition which is used to boot the
   computer. Only select partition that can be started.

   g.)  F9 change partition size
   The size of FAT16 partitions (type 4 and 6) can be changed during the
   restore process. This means you can enhance the size of the source
   partition. The maximum size of the partition depends on the size of the
   source partition and the free space on the destination media.

   h.)  F10 start restore
   After pressing F10 the restore process is started. The partitions are
   processed one after another. After the process is completed the new
   partition structure is created and the mark for the start partition is

   REMEMBER !!!  If the restore process is cancelled the data is
                 not complete and the partition or harddisk can not be used.

   After successfully finishing the restore process, a notice screen is
   shown. The computer must know be restarted. This automatically happens,
   when you leave the program.

   2.1.4  copying partitions

   This option allows you to copy your harddisk. You do not have to create
   an image and you don't need additional hardware. Just buy a new harddisk
   with larger capacity and copy your installed programs and data to your
   new harddisk.

   A split screen is displayed, the source is shown on the left side, the
   destination is displayed on the right side.

   a.)  F1 Source
   The screen as explained under 2.1.1 appears
   If the complete source harddisk is chosen, the structure is automatically
   created ion the destination media. All partitions are copied separately.

   b.)  F4 destination disk
   You are prompted to enter the destination disk. Normally the destination
   partitions is the first one.

   c.)  F5 creating destination partition
   If you wish to partition the destination disk before you start copying,
   you have the possibility to do this with this feature. Proceed the same
   way as explained under 2.3 enhanced restore. The only exception is that
   you can not restore data.

   d.)  F6 destination partition
   You are prompted to enter the destination partition.

   e.)  F10 Start
   After pressing the F10 key, the copy process is started.

   After successfully finishing the restore process, a notice screen is
   shown. The computer must now be restarted. This automatically happens,
   when you leave the program.

   REMEMBER !!!  If the restore process is cancelled the data is
                 not complete and the partition or harddisk can not be used.

   2.2  Options

   2.2.1 Harddisks
   The screen is explained in chapter 2.1.1. It only displays the structure.

   2.2.2  backup mode
   You can change the backup mode, so that partitions were the structure is
   known, are also copied 1:1. If you select this feature, you can only
   restore the partition without changing the size or structure.

   2.2.3 HD Protection
   To prevent an unwished write to a Harddisk can set here a write protection
   for HDCOPY to the harddisk. This Flag will written in the Partitionsector
   at position: 187h.

   ------------  This Write Protection is only for HDCOPY  --------------

   Until this time are no incompatibilties known. If you have any problems 
   with a program, please contact us.

   2.2.4 Last Track
   Under DOS the last track from a harddisk is not used. (Displayed in 
   HDCOPY as free partition)
   New operating systems uses this track and also under DOS or FAT16 and 
   FAT32 partitions this trak can be used. The using of the last track with
   HDCOPY can here switched. It will spend up to 8 MBytes more space on the
   Harddisk ( 256 heads, 63 sectors).
   Some Harddisk tools (like Norton Disk Doctor) will diplay an error with
   those partitions, but works normaly.
   2.2.5 Image file size
   Sometime it is useful to limit the filesize of the image, for example to
   bring the files on a CD-R. Therefor the filesize can adjust here.
   The maximum filesize under DOS is 2047 MBytes.
   The image will dispence to several files with counted extensions, up to
   149 files.
   (HDIMAGE1.IMG, HDIMAGE1.000, HDIMAGE1.001 ... HDIMAGE1.148)

   2.2.6 Datacompression
   This point switch the datacompression for Backup on/off. At the Restore
   the compression is get from the imagefile.

   2.3  Help
   Here you can find Help to most program parts.

   2.3.1  HDCOPY info
   A screen is displayed with this text. You can scroll the text using the
   cursor keys. To print the text to LPT1: just press F1.

   2.3.2  Ordering form
   The ordering form is displayed and can be printed by pressing F1.

   2.3.3  Command line
   The command line mode allows you to automate the backup process, without
   having to enter any additional answers.

   a.)  Backup
   For the automated process you need to enter four parameters
   1.  -B                      for backup
   2.  LW:0 to LW:7            to select source media
   3.  PA:0 to PA:8            to select partition, PA:0 means all partition
   4.  destination directory   where should the data be saved to

   The order of parameters can be made as wanted . If one parameter is not
   logically, the backup process can not be completed, the main menu is

   Example: HDCOPY -B LW:0 PA:1 D:\
   The first partition of harddisk 0 is backuped into a file in the root
   directory of drive d:. The file HDIMAGEx.IMG is created. (x is replaced
   by a number between 1 and 9, the smallest number is used, if it doesn't
   already exists.

   b.)  Restore
   To run an automatic restore it is necessary to create a "make" file.
   After you have created the "make" file, you start HDCOPY with two
   1.  -R            for restore
   2.  filename      complete path and file name of the make file

   The structure of the make file can include following command lines.
   1.  line             HDCOPY make file to restore
                        (recognition of the make file, by the command)
   last line            HDCOPY make end

   Beginning with the second line, following commands are possible. The
   order of appearance can not be changed. Remark and empty line can NOT
   be included.

   Line                  Description
   Drive=x               Drive to be restored, x must be replaced by 0-7
                         In every make file you can only place the drive
                         command once

   Keyboard=x            x is replaced by either 0 or 1. If this parameter is
                         set to x=1, the program will stop when a mistake

   Aktion=x              Copy harddisks, with batch commands, it is only
                         possible to copy complete harddisks
   Sourcedrive=x         Sourcedrive=0 to 7
   Destinationdrive=x    Destinationdrive=0 to 7

   Aktion=L              delete partitions
   Number=x              number of the partition to be deleted
   Aktion=R              A restore is done from a backup
   File=xxxx             File to be restored with complete path
   Index=x               position of the partition on the source drive
         Index = 0    :  no additional information's are needed, complete
         Index > 0       single partitions need following parameters
       partition=x       x must be replaced by 1...8, replace the specified
           Where=x       x=1 partition is created at the beginning of the
                         free area
           Size=x        size of the partition in MB
   Boot=x                Set boot partition
   ;                     Remark lines

   In a make file you can include a any number of commands.

   2.3.4  Info Shareware Version
   A screen is displayed with the difference between the shareware and
   commercial Version.

   2.3.5  HDCOPY address
   A screen with the address, where to order HDCOPY is displayed

   2.4  End
   Here you will find program parts that are needed to end the program

   2.4.1  Program End
   The program ends.
   If the restore process has been chosen, the computer will restart.

   2.4.2  Command Shell
   With this menu, you can start a new DOS prompt. With this option it is
   possible to start another program while you run HDCOPY. It is not
   possible to select this menu, if restore has been processed.

   More information and orders
   To order, please print order form and send it via Fax, mail or E-mail.

         Büroservice Heike Holst
         Hauptstraße 99
         21629 Neu Wulmstorf

         Tel: +49/40 700 120 91
         FAX: +49/40 700 120 92
         Office Hours Mondays to Friday

         E-mail  : [email protected]

  The used names and registered trademarks are not are still protected by the
  international copyright laws. All further use of these names is strictly


@X0F HDCOPY PRO v1.21.0l  *REGGED*  [:M:/UCF]
@X0B BETA! NEW: support V-FAT32 & Compression
@X0C──────────────| :MARQUIS: |──────────────
@X09   ▄▄▄   ▄▄▄    ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄    ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
@X09   ███   ███    ███          ███▄▄▄
@X09   ███▄  ███    ███▄         ███
@X09   ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀    ▀▀▀      
@X0B u N I T E D  c R Æ C K I N G  f O R C E
@X0E[dOS/wIN95/NT/OS/2]────────────[oCT 1997]


▒▒▒▒▒▒┌════┐▒▒▒▒│   ▄▄▄   ▄▄▄     ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄     ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄   │░░▒▒┌════┐▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒▒▒▒│1   │░░▒▒│   ███   ███     ███           ███▄▄▄      │░░▒▒│1   │░░▒▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒▒▒▒│ 9  │░░▒▒│   ███▄  ███     ███▄          ███         │░░▒▒│ 9  │░░▒▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒▒▒▒│  9 │░░▒▒│   ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀     ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀     ▀▀▀         │░░▒▒│  9 │░░▒▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒▒▒▒│   4│░░▒▒│ ───────────────────────────────────────── │░░▒▒│   7│░░▒▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒▒▒▒└════┘░░▒▒│  u N I T E D  c R Æ C K I N G  f O R C E  │░░▒▒└════┘░░▒▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒│       dATE: │ oCT, 1997  │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│     uCF     │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│   sOFTWARE: │ HDCOPY PRO v1.21.0l beta   *registered*               │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│   sUPPLIER: │ a friend                                              │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│      wHERE: │ included                                              │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│   kEYWORDS: │ DOS/hARDDISKTOOL                                      │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│    cRACKER: │ :M:                                                   │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│   cODED bY: │                                                       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│      nOTES: │ Tool for Win95/NT, OS/2, NTFS, HPFS, FAT32, FAT16.    │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │ NEW!  Support for (V)FAT32 /NT4              NEW!     │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │ NEW!  Online-Kompression in the Pro-Version  NEW!     │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │                                                       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │ Mit HDCOPY kann ein Image einer Festplatte auf einen  │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │ beliebigen Zwischenträger (PD/ZIP/HDD/Netzwerk usw.)  │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │ erstellt werden und von dort auf andere Festplatten   │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │ übertragen werden. Das vervielfältigen von vor-       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │ konfigurierten Festplatten wird zum Kinderspiel.      │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │ Unterstützung von Win95 und OS/2 HPFS- Dateisystem    │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │                                                       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │     HDCOPY Pro 1.1                                    │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │        - Leistungsumfang von HDCOPY 1.1               │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │                                                       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │        zusätzlich                                     │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │        - Das ultimative Service Tool                  │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │        - Rekonstruieren von Festplatten ist kein      │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │          Problem mehr.                                │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │        - Zusammen mit dem IMAGE können Sie ein frei   │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │          kopierbares Restoreprogramm erstellen, da-   │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │          durch können IMAGES einer Festplatten be-    │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │          liebig verteilt werden.                      │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │        - Mischen von Partitionen von verschiedenen    │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │          Ausgangsfestplatten.                         │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │        - Schnelles anlegen von neuen Partitionen auf  │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │          der Festplatte, bei bekannten Strukturen     │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │          inklusive Formatierung                       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │        - Direktes kopieren von Partitionen von einer  │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │          Festplatte auf eine andere, bei bekannten    │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │          Strukturen mit gleichzeitiger Größenänderung │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │                                                       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │                                                       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │ Watch out for more of UCF.                            │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │                                                  :M:  │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│   rEGISTER: │ Regname =                                             │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │ RegCode = allready registered!                        │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│ pERSgREETZ: │ all ucf-members and friends.                          │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │                                                       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│             │                                                       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒┌─┘           ■ U N I T E D  C R A C K I N G  F O R C E ■           └─┐▒▒▒▒
▒▒▒│                           I N T E R N A L S                         │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│     pREZIDENT: │ :MARQUIS:[email protected]           │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│       cOUNCIL: │ [email protected]          │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]      │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│   cOORDINATOR: │ [email protected]           │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│   sENIORSTAFF: │ [email protected]     │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ Misha....................misha@                    │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ Lost [email protected]        │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]      │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│      dIVISION: │ [email protected]      │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ Solar [email protected]            │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]      │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ Dark [email protected]     │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]            │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]      │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]            │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]           │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]         │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]           │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ RegoR....................@                         │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ Stone....................@                         │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]           │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│       mEMBERS: │ Fryguy...................fryguy@                   │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]   │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]     │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]  │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ CyberJak.................@                         │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ Mr_C..................... │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ [email protected]          │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│  tRIALMEMBERS: │ Tankard..................@                         │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ Miyamoto Musashi.........@                         │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ Crook....................@                         │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│    cOURIERING: │ [WE].....................                          │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│        bOARDZ: │                                                    │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│      World HQ: │ ?????? ??????............????                      │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│     German HQ: │ Nethergrade..............Khxxxxx                   │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│    Swedish HQ: │ Splatter King............X-Con/Cozmic              │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│     Israel HQ: │ Information Superhighway.Zino                      │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│     Russia HQ: │ Paradise City............Crypt Wizard              │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│  Argentina HQ: │ ARGENTINE GENERATION.....Black Thorne              │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│          iNET: │ #UCF2000:EFNET  #cracking:EFNET                │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│      World HQ: │ BB2......................Wxxxxxx                   │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│         US HQ: │ The Hole.................Nxxxxxx                   │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│     Europe HQ: │ FOS......................Cxxxxxx                   │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│    Courier HQ: │ The Milky Way............Dxxxxxx                   │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│     French HQ: │ Mercure..................Pxxxxxx                   │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│     German HQ: │*[open]...................                          │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│      Swiss HQ: │*[open]...................                          │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│   Member HQ I: │ Piper's Pit..............Pxxxxxx                   │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│    Private HQ: │ The Hacker's World.......Jxxxxxx                   │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ uCF-Donutworld...........Lxxxxxx                   │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│    Distr. FTP: │ Digital Corruption.......Sxxxxxx                   │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│           WWW: │*                          │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│     uCFGUESTS: │ fIREHAWK, DαrK-Mα∩, P.S.A., MaDDoG, Mr. Kleen,     │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│                │ Kaot, CQSYS, The Hand Of FATE!, MaC, tETSUO II,    │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ SULIVIAN, MASTER OF HELL, Mystique, Riddler,       │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ Deleter, Surva, BuZZ LiGHTYeaR, Hobo, Darkside,    │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│                │ Kate^MoSs, Wizzard, Tie and Wiesel!                │░░▒▒
▒▒▒│   GroupGreetz: │ UTG, THHG, LND, PWA, DOD, M8, RL, UCL, NRG, XF,    │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│                │ Kryn, RBS, Gilde.                                  │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│           You wanna be a part of the FIRST cracking-group?          │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│                      * Open positions for: *                        │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│    T3-siteop, Phreaker, Hardcore-cracker, Hacker...yes, for you!    │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│                                                                     │░░▒▒ 
▒▒▒│                      Apply in IRC:#UCF2000                          │░░▒▒ 

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z