Download Web Calender Pro v4.2.1 PHP NULL keygen by SCRiPTMAFiA

Added to site2005-03-29
Votes6 (207625 bytes)

SCRiPTMAFiA.nfo 4672 1337
Web_Calender_Pro_v4_2_1_PHP_keygen_by_SCRiPTMAFiA.exe 224768 205714


SCRiPTMAFiA presents keygen for Web Calender Pro v4.2.1 PHP NULL


.                    .
                     . ..:. .ScriptMafia. ....:.  .
                 . ......:..... .      . .. ..:...:.... .
    .__________. ...:.. .  .___________ _______.  :  ._____________.
  ___\\       (_.       :   \         //       | .:.___//   _  __//
 /____\   _____/_______._____\\_.     \\      .|______.\     ______ ._______.
 \         /____)    //       \      \___/     \\    (_.     _((___) \\    (_.
 /________//\    ____/.______.\\__.   \ /_._____\__   /     /      /__\__   /
  .____     //    / ___)   //   \      \   \      _  /     /      /     _  /
      //x_ /______\/    ___/___  \      \ ./________//.   (______\\________\.
        .____     /    / _((___)__)______\.Proudly.(_______\.Presents. .. .   
            //x__//___///      /________. _ __ _____________________________
              .____    /      //      //                                    |
                  //x_/______\\ .__) ____.      Web Calendar Pro 4.2.1      |
 ..._______                  /    ___\   |__.                      .___     |
          //x____ _ __ _____/____/  |   ___(      MitriDAT Ltd.      //_____|
                                    |    |                    ....     
                                    |    |               .___
     .R e l e a s e . i n f o.    .//_______________________\\

                                            __ _____________________________
 SUPPLiER......: TeaM SCRiPTMAFiA                                   ....... |
 NullifiER.....: TeaM SCRiPTMAFiA                                      :::: |
 pAcKeR........: TeaM SCRiPTMAFiA                                       ::: |
 ReLeAsE dAtE..: 03/29/2005                                                 |
 Language......: PHP/mySQL                                               :: |
 TyPe..........: Calendar System                                            |
 PROTECTiON....: License, Refferer, Copyright                             : |
      _______...     ..._______                                             |
 ___x\\.S c r i p t . i n f o.//x____ _ __ ________________________________//
Being the most powerful multilingual calendar system for planning and publishing
events on the Web, The Calendar Pro can be easily integrated into your site
fully to make your online event planning as easy as a pie and your web resource
looking really trendy. The script is featured with

* Multiple calendars รป for the day, week, work week, month or year
* Email notifications and events alerts
* Repeating events with flexible schedule option
* Event categories and importance labels
* Address book to keep your visitors contacts and much more.
                                    _________...   . ..._________             
   ___ _ __ ______________________x\\. I n s t a l l a t i o n .//x_________. 
 | 1) Unpack 
 | 2) See ReadMe.txt
 | 3) Enjoy  
 |    _______...     ..._______                                              
 \\_x\\.W A N N A . J O i N ?.//x____ _ __ _________________________________ 
                                                                    ....... |
 TeAm SCRiPTMAFiA is currently looking for :                           :::: |
                                                                        ::: |
  + Suppliers                                                               |
  (Retail PHP/CGI/ASP scripts)                                           :: |
  + Experiednced Coder                                                      |
  (ASM/C++/Delphi)                                                        : |
  + Dump suppliers [10 MBit+]                                               |
  (Legit ones, for internal use only)                                       |
  + HQ Sites [100 MBit+]                                                    |
  Get in Contact with us : [email protected]                             |
                                             _______...   ..._______        |
    _________________________ _ __ ________x\\. G R E E T i N G S .//x_____//
   |                 ROR - CIP - CHT - WDYL - WST - TNO - DGT
   |                                 .___

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