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Target Program: [ Paint Shop Pro 8.01 ]
Cracker: [ DrastiK ]
Crack Type: [ Patch ]
OS: [ Win9x/NT/2000/XP ]
Release Date: [ 12-08-2003 ]
Language: [ English ]
Packer: [ DRO ]
Tester: [ DRO ]
Source: [ Digit Magazine, August 2003 ]
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Paint Shop Pro 8 is a digital image editing suite. This latest
version of Paint Shop adds many practical, timesaving features geared
toward professional production such as the effect browser.
Run the patcher and patch the target file "Paint Shop Pro.exe". Note:
The Help->About dialog of the program continues count the days until
expiration. Ignore it, the crack will ensure that the program runs
beyond the time-limit.
WWW: [ http://www.crackdigit.tk ]
WWW: [ http://kickme.to/crackdigit]
WWW: [ http://zor.org/crackdigit ]
Mail: [ [email protected] ]
Mail: [ [email protected] ]
ScrEEmur [ Founder, Web ]
DRO [ Founder, Ascii, GFX, Web ]
GoldiLOKKS [ Admin, Coder ]
iNanIm8 [ Cracker ]
DrastiK [ Cracker ]
xOr [ Cracker ]
miNUS41 [ Cracker ]
TOD [ Cracker ]
nuLL [ Cracker ]
b4me [ Cracker ]
boNeR [ Cracker ]
swastik [ Trial Member ]
CoDe_BrEaKeR [ Trial Member ]
NFO last updated 28.05.03
Best viewed in Notepad in 'Terminal' Font