slFtp v1.1.0.0
slFtp is an open-source, multithreaded FTP client with native Linux and Windows
support, designed for the "scene".
- FTP client, including sitemanager, SSL/TLS support, SSLFXP
(turned on automaticly if needed), per site IO/connect timeouts
- XDUPE support
- "Newdir race", multi dir support
- Highly configurable skiplists
- Dynamically rebuild transfer chains based on allowed/complete status of sites
- Condition based rule sets for sites/sections with ~40 conditions,
including MP3 genre, year, language, number of disks, rlsname masks, etc.
- Full IRC support (with multiple networks, chans, SSL, blowfish)
- Highly configurable precatcher
- Genre support for MP3 (including IRC based and dirlist based)
- Genre support for MDVDR/MV (by fetching and parsing nfo file)
- Fake checking with many builtin rules
- Auto based on IRC/dirlisting
- Prebot functionality, including LAME/MPEG header checks, batch support,
lame checking/spreading/pre is done by one single command
(available on group request only)
- Affil/user lists, displaying free slots
- Admin backends (currently IRC is implemented only)
- SOCKS5 support (with anonymous and username/password based authentication)
- Ident server support on Windows
Features coming:
- Support for limiting number of uploads based on sfv
- TVRage support
- iMDB support
- Rebuild routing table based on latest speed stats
- Scanning sections / auto request filling
- Some click frontend on Windows maybe
- (Proper) documentation, help is needed as I am lazy
- Kill all humans
Join #slftp@LiNKNET
You can freely use/mod slFtp, but keep the source open.
1. Edit at least [irc] section of slftp.ini
2. Start the binary (./slftp or slftp.exe)
3. Bot should join the specified channel. Learn !help
4. Add sites (!help addsite)
5. Setup section dirs (!help setdir)
6. Setup routes (!help setspeed inroutes outroutes)
7. Add networks, chans (!help ircaddnet, ircsetblowkey, ircsetchankey)
8. Add precatcher rules (!help catchadd)
9. Add site rules (!help ruleadd)
10.Turn on auto !auto 1
slFtp v1.1.0.0 - rules/auto/multiple irc networks/etc added.
slFtp v1.0.0.27 - originally written for an MP3 group as pretool.
pftprush/slpre - this is the original version I started to work on ~3 years
ago. It is written in C, but was too buggy, segfaulted a lot, so I decided to