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¬ ──────── ⌐
Wiz Solitaire is a collection of several classic card games (Klondike,
FreeCell, Spider...) with the possibility to create and use beautiful decks
with your favorite pictures.
Wiz Solitaire supports different deck formats allowing you to choose between
thousands of available card sets. You can also easily create your own decks
with the included Deck Editor.
Other features of Wiz Solitaire include:
* Detailed statistics
* Unlimited undo
* "Suggest a move" function: useful when you're stuck and/or you're learning
a new game
* Save games and resume them later
¬ ───────── ⌐
1. extract contents and mount Wiz.Solitaire.v1.31.MacOSX.dmg
2. Drag + drop to install.
3. If asked, enter any serial to register and, enjoy the full version!
Groups Notes:
¬ ───────── ⌐
Greetings to CFF/iSO , PEE_ES_PEE , TECHNiC , and Poopie
, #0 #MM000000M0N0@~~ To all those keeping a ^~M0MMMN000NM008 ^M0 :
S #& : Q00#~ "000NS struggling scene alive. ~00#M^ ~M00& 1 Q# (
g 4 - 400 N0Mp j#08 , #06 ~& ^
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"\ "M&g The rip scene, is it all just a MYTH ? pNM^_9
*n ~00g gNM~ x^
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", "MMmv CLASS vs MYTH w0MM~ x{~
Those were the days... -= ^