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· ·────═══ | . ═════════════════════════════════════────· ·
: · ... The Sabotage Rebelion hackers ...
. ... Proudly Presents ...
Target │ [ eXeScope v6.30 ]
· URL │ [ http://www.vector.co.jp/authors/VA003525/ ]
· Cracker │ [ Nitrogen ]
Crack Type │ [ Registration crack ]
Release Date │ [ 22.09.2001 ]
Release Name │ [ tsrh-exscp630.zip ]
Do you want to customize an application ? For example,
Change font,
Change menu,
Change size or layout of dialog,
Change Icon,
but do you think that it is impossible because you have not source files ?
eXeScope is a resource editor which can edit executable files directly.
It can analyze and rewrite resources of EXE, DLL, OCX, etc. without source
files. Almost all resources, that is, Menu, Dialog, String, MessageTable,
Icon, Cursor, Bitmap, Accelerator, VersionInfo, Delphi Form, WAVE, MIDI,
AVI, GIF, HTML, JPEG, ToolBar are supported.
Moreover, eXeScope can analyze and display exported/imported functions
and TypeLibrary in DLL, OCX, etc.
Copy crack in prog.dir and run it!
Program is now registered
. OxEn ......... [ cracker, founder, design ]
. B-$hep ....... [ cracker, founder ]
. Dr_Net ....... [ cracker, coder, design ]
. Nitrogen ..... [ cracker, coder ]
. Cannabis ..... [ gfx ]
[NF0 & Header by Nitrogen]