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--RELEASE INFO----------------
Release......: Dr.Hardware.2007.Premium.v8.5.0e.WinAll.Incl.Key-DEC0DE
Release Date.: 10/08/07
Protection...: EXE
Patcher......: DEC0DER
Website......: http://www.drhardware.de/
Files........: 01 x 2.2mb
FileNames....: ddhp850e.zip
OS...........: WinAll
Software Cost: $42.95
--Release Notes--------------
Dr. Hardware ist made for everyone. It will help both the expert and the novice to answer all questions regarding hardware, configuration and power of his computer. Dr. Hardware is an useful diagnostic utility that will come in handy.
Dr. Hardware concentrates his efforts on detecting and inquiring the core hardware and the connected devices of your computer. Also several relevant information about resources and operating system will be given.
It shows the really relevant information: important hardware data as well as somewhat sophisticated stuff, that can become of interest under certain circumstances, for example when dealing with the customer service.
For experts the program also provides the underlying data structures, e.g. dump of the PCI configuration space or of SDRAM modules eeprom.
Several charts and diagrams visualize data
relations, e.g. free vs. used drive capacity or benchmark results.
Finally it┤s worth to mention that all data are written to and maintained within a database consisting of numerous tables and you are able to edit these data in the programs text fields and grids, that show the results.
Dr. Hardware covers the whole machine and includes not only the common stuff (like processor detection etc.) but also some more sophisticated tests like hardware sensor, ATA/S-ATA/Atapi and network analysis.
1. Unpack
2. Run/Install drh2007e.exe
3. Register with serial: DRH26PREMIUM - DRV07PREMKEY
Enjoy Registry Booster Regged. :)
In need of...:
. Affil sites.
. 0ther scene stuff
. ASCii dudes, make us a nice nfo :)
Contact..: [email protected] - We will answer you :), just mail us....
-- Greetings! ---
The guys that made us scene..
0ther groups we thx for the work they do: ARN - TBE - CRD - XFORCE - YAG - mVs - PUKKA
Scene ftw..