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: C Point Antechinus Animator Professional v8.5.2 :
. .
Release Date : 20/08/2007 Platform: WinAll
Protection : Armadillo Disk Numbers: 04x5.00MB
Cracker : CFF Team Packer: CFFpACKER
Supplier : CFF Team Language: English
Release Type : Cracked Rating: [ YOU RATE IT!! ]
Company/Publisher : C Point Pty Ltd
Website: http://www.c-point.com/
Full releasename:
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`_ _'
(________ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________)
.:::::;''''''\ (___.--( RELEASE INFOS )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
:;'' \---' `---/ ``;:
: _ _ :
`:.' `.:'
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Antechinus Animator Professional - Easily create animations, videos,
images and sound. Unique animated effects
Antechinus Animator Professional easily creates and edits animations,
images, videos and sound files: over 40 formats supported.Have your
first animation running in LESS THAN 5 MINUTES with morphing or
multitudes of other animated effects.
No need to guess: see in real time what happens as each option is changed.
Show-case your product/service or enhance your family photos with
stand-alone musical slide-shows. View and organize all images on your
Save time: process, convert, and do multiple changes to multiple files
in ONE SINGLE go. You can even do it from other programs or command line.
Waste no time on repetitive animation/imaging jobs - Animator automates
intelligently everything that can be automated.
Do with ease common animation/imaging tasks: merge animations with
sound files, extract images and sounds from videos, or put videos or
sound files together.
Give new life to your family photos: enhance and perfect them with over
30 filters and effects.
Optimize files to load your web pages up to 75% faster. Reduce the size
of already compressed images by further 40-65% with the best
compression tools available.
The preview lets you see how the image will look like and how big it
will be in the optimized state. You even know how fast it will load
depending on your visitors' connection speed with the built-in download
time calculator.
Also, create roll-over buttons for the web with one click, and visually
create image maps. Enhance the visual appeal of your images with drop
shadows, embossing, and blending.
Illustrate your documents, presentations, web pages, or applications
with advanced screen and resource capturing. Capture anything of any
shape you see on screen, manually or automatically, or capture images,
icons, and cursors embedded into programs (.exe) and dynamic libraries
Never before seen precision polygon/freehand capturing with zoom
preview. Capture images directly from scanners, cameras and other
devices, to retouch and perfect them.
Here are some key features of "Antechinus Animator Professional":
╖ Create animations straight from your favorite programs (paint
applications, vector draw programs, and even Excel, Powerpoint and
other Office tools)
╖ Put still images together into an animation
╖ Create exciting, dynamic animations from scratch
╖ Add sound to your animations
╖ Convert your files from one audio/animation/video/image format to
╖ Change size, resolution, speed, etc. of your sound files, animations,
videos and images in one go
╖ Capture anything you see on screen
╖ Extract images, cursors and icons from programs and dll's
╖ Optimize your images and animations for the web
╖ Extract individual frames from your animations
╖ Create musical slide shows
╖ Capture from TWAIN-compatible devices such as scanners and digital
cameras, retouch them to make them perfect and animate them
╖ Create web roll-over buttons, web image maps, backgrounds and other
╖ Edit your images, and make them more interesting with special effects
╖ Create roll-over images for the web
╖ View full screen your images in many different formats in multiple
╖ Create animations on-the-fly
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(________ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________)
.:::::;''''''\ (___.--( INSTALL INFOS )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
:;'' \---' `---/ ``;:
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Install, and copy cracked content into installdir!
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`_ _'
(________ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________)
.:::::;''''''\ (___.--( GROUP INFOS )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
:;'' \---' `---/ ``;:
: _ _ :
`:.' `.:'
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We are looking for crackers/keygenners:
* Must have at least 1 year of experience from another group...
* Must know the basics of keygenning...
* Must give proof for at least 100 cracks/keygens have been done...
We are looking for suppliers/retailers:
* Must have at least 1 year of experience from another group...
* Must at least deliver 4 supplies/retails per month...
If you can do any of these above, please don`t hesitate to contact us
via [email protected] - and you can ask to apply for a 30
days trial time!
/CFF 2007
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`_ _'
(________ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________)
.:::::;''''''\ (___.--( GREETINGS )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
:;'' \---' `---/ ``;:
: _ _ :
`:.' `.:'
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There is many groups and individuals we really wish to greet, but due to
security reasons - these are all removed for all eternity and so on!
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