Download Magix Movies on CD and DVD e-version v4.5 READ NFO keygen by TE

Added to site2006-01-08
Votes8 (207175 bytes)

Magix_Movies_on_CD_and_DVD_e_keygen_by_TE.exe 221184 204158
TE.nfo 6795 2474


keygen for Magix Movies on CD and DVD e-version v4.5 READ NFO by TE


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                                      TWISTED ENDZ 2006                                              
Release :  Magix Movies on CD and DVD e-version v4.5 (c) 2006 MAGIX

Date : 01/08/2006

Cracked By : Twisted EndZ

Release Type :
[X] Registration/Serial Crack
[X] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[X] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[ ] Other

[ ] Loader Patcher     [ ] Patch     [X] Precracked     [ ] RegFile               [ ] GOLD
Release Notes:

Restore and preserve your collection of home videos, favorite TV shows, VHS films and movies
downloaded from the Internet. Simply convert all your favorite movies in top quality to CD or DVD
and enjoy them on your home DVD player. 

ò NEW! TV/VCR with timer & time-shift 
ò NEW! Automatically capture as MPEG 2 
ò NEW! Interactive DVD player menus 
ò NEW! MAGIX Story Maker 
ò and much more 

The most important new features:

ò MAGIX TV/DVR (analog & digital* TV) with timeshift
ò Time-saving automatic VHS copying 
ò Improved Title Editor with many creative templates
ò DVD menus with realistic 3D image fonts and new animations 
ò Double-layer DVD burning function 
ò 3D power effects bring action to your videos 
ò MAGIX Story Maker brings life into your footage 
ò Globale Fast optimization of entire movies
ò Global optimization for all recordings 
ò Dolby« Digital multi-channel sound support

EXTRA! Incl. MAGIX Online Services:

ò MAGIX Online Photo Album puts your photos on the web,
   incl. 25 MB free website for online photoshows
   (website, gallery, full-screen show and much more)
ò MAGIX Online Print Service delivers brilliant photo prints,
   t-shirts with personal designs and much more û with just a click,
   order everything in comfort from home
ò MAGIX Online Content Library with over 10,000 photos, movies and music

Other Features:

ò Digitize your old VHS tapes 
   feature movies, etc. 
ò Enhance your own camcorder videos 
   digital & analog 
ò Capture analog & digital* TV broadcasts 
   *DVB-T only applicable in Europe.
ò Duplicates DVDs & (S)VCDs 
   copies unprotected discs only!
ò Burn video clips from the Internet 
   to experience them on TV
ò Backup entire projects
   on CD & DVD
ò Output to VHS tape 
   for friends and family without a DVD player

For a full listing of Magix Movies on CD and DVD's features visit:

	TE Release Filename:
Installation Notes (READ IT ALL!):

	Install movies4_100_63mb_us.exe.  After installation copy precracked exe from crack
folder into Magix Movies on CD and DVD's installed folder, overwriting the existing file.  Now
launch Magix Movies on CD and DVD and when you reach the main window click on HELP then on Activate
Now...  Another window will appear, click on UPGRADE.  Now the activation window will appear, goto
step 2. Enter the activation code, and enter in any registration code you would like to use, then
click Activate....  Magix Movies on CD and DVD will close and update to the full e-version and
reopen.  You now have a fully registered and activated version of Magix Movies on CD and DVD!  

If you want updates to work you will have to click Help then Register Online (you only have to do
this if you unchecked Register Online during installation).  Fill out information and an email will
be sent to you confirming your registration.  Only then will the update check work.

Thats it!  Enjoy.
Don't hate the hacker, hate the code.

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