Program: NetScanTools
Version: 4.30a
Protection: TimeTrial (30 days)
> Notes <
This isn't a "true crack", but a way to obtain illimitated use beyond 30 days.
When prog expires, you must delete following file and "reg key":
1) 94eebcca.tmp (in C:/windows/temp...)
2) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\The Silicon Realms Toolworks\Armadillo]
You can use the "armadillo.reg" file, but if it doesn't work you have to delete the key handly ("2.reg" file in attach).
2) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\CLSID\{45F36A35-2FC6-13D1-B2E4-0060975B8649}]
You can use the "code.reg" file, but this key could be differet from PC to PC. In this case open regedit and delete the key handly. In attach you can find an example of this key ("1.reg" file). The value "70,9c,..." is the same on each PC.
Have Fun!!!!
@@ KaliM @@
Mail: [email protected]