Download Outlook Express Backup v6.0 serial by CrackDigit

Added to site2004-01-03
Votes5 (139911 bytes)

Outlook_Express_Backup_v6.0/CRACKDIGIT.nfo 4474 1201
Outlook_Express_Backup_v6.0/file_id.diz 283 86
Outlook_Express_Backup_v6.0/ 0 0
Outlook_Express_Backup_v6.0/keygen.exe 223744 138156


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                            └┘└─┴─┴─┴┴┴─┴─┘ └┴┴┴┘└─┘

      Target Program: [ Outlook Express Backup 6.0                 ]
      Cracker:        [ ScrEEmur                                   ]
      Crack Type:     [ Serial                                     ]
      OS:             [ Win9x/NT/2000/XP                           ]
      Release Date:   [ 12-08-2003                                 ]
      Language:       [ English                                    ]
      Packer:         [ DRO                                        ]
      Tester:         [ DRO                                        ]
      Source:         [ Digit Magazine, August 2003                ]

                            ┌─┬┬┬─┬─┬┬┬─┬──┐ ┌┬─┬─┬─┐
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                            └┘└┘└─┴─┴┘└┴┴┴┴┘ └┴┴┴┘└─┘

      Outlook Express Backup helps backup Outlook Express data with support
      for multiple identities. You can back up multiple identities, message
      rules,   all   accounts,   preferences,  block  senders,  signatures,
      stationery,  Windows  Address  Book,  Internet Explorer settings, and
      Windows Favorites.


      Use  the  following  to  register  Outlook  Express Backup 6.0. Name:
      CRACKDIGIT Registration Number: F07ECAHFHD


                      WWW:  [   ]
                      WWW:  []
                      WWW:  [  ]

                      Mail: [ [email protected]    ]
                      Mail: [ [email protected]    ]


                         ScrEEmur          [ Founder, Web ]
                         DRO               [ Founder, Ascii, GFX, Web ]
                         GoldiLOKKS        [ Admin, Coder ]
                         iNanIm8           [ Cracker ]
                         DrastiK           [ Cracker ]
                         xOr               [ Cracker ]
                         miNUS41           [ Cracker ]
                         TOD               [ Cracker ]
                         nuLL              [ Cracker ]
                         b4me              [ Cracker ]
                         boNeR             [ Cracker ]
                         swastik           [ Trial Member ]
                         CoDe_BrEaKeR      [ Trial Member ]

                          NFO last updated 28.05.03

                   Best viewed in Notepad in 'Terminal' Font


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    Outlook Express Backup 6.0

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