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)·---- Woodworkers Estimate Helper v5.01 ----·(
│ Supplier....: SNV Team │ Release Date.: 04/21/99 │
│ Packager....: SNV Team │ Release Type.: Woodworking Program │
│ Cracker.....: SNV Team │ Disk(s)......: 07 x 1.4 │
│ Protection..: Serial.Number │ Rating.......:[■■■■■■■■--] [o8/1o] │
.-───-───-───-───-───-───-] Release Info [───-───-───-───-───-───-──-.
Woodworkers Estimate Helper helps woodworkers and cabinet makers
calculate accurate price quotes for their projects.
It calculates: board feet for each type of wood (including a waste
factor that you determine), the total wood cost for a project, the
number of boards to buy in that trip to the lumber yard, the cost of
hardware and other miscellaneous expenses, the cost of the total
project, a price quote based on total materials and a markup factor
that you determine. You can create and print extensive reports.
Each job can be saved in a separate file. Furniture or cabinet
parts and other expenses are stored in five customizable databases.
.-───-───-───-───-───-───-] Install Info [───-───-───-───-───-───-──-.
-=] Extract the .zip files and unrar the .rar ones.
-=] Run est5.exe
-=] Use the following keys to register the program.
Estimate V5.01
Serial # 10299E
`-───-───-───-───-──] Brought to you by Supernova Team [───-──-[04/21/99]─--'