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!? Crack information !?
?! ?!
!? IMail Server v7.12 (2002.07.19.1) !?
?! ?!
!? Cracker/Coder: [Amazing Co.] !?
?! Release Date: [08-05-2002] ?!
!? Protection: [Evaluation] !?
?! URL: http://www.ipswitch.com/ ?!
!? !?
!? Features !?
?! ?!
!? Why get an expensive e-mail server with a lot of features you really !?
?! don't need? With IMail Server, you get features you can really use. ?!
!? !?
?! Web Messaging - Users may read and send e-mail from any Web browser ?!
!? while enjoying their favorite desktop e-mail features like spell-check, !?
?! address book, and multiple attachments. Customizable web templates allow ?!
!? you to offer web messaging and web calendaring to your users in their !?
?! native language or branded for your organization. ?!
!? !?
?! Web Calendaring - A Web-based calendar allows users to keep and store ?!
!? multiple schedules, appointments, task lists, and date reminder !?
?! information accessible through an intuitive and user-friendly Web ?!
!? interface to increase user efficiency. !?
?! ?!
!? Security - Support for SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption in Web !?
?! Messaging and Web Calendaring protects passwords and content from prying ?!
!? eyes. Administrators can choose the connection level via the Web for !?
?! sending and receiving e-mail: must use SSL, option to use SSL, no SSL ?!
!? option. !?
?! ?!
!? ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) Support - IMail Server supports the !?
?! Windows NT/2000/XP user account database, its own database, or an ODBC ?!
!? database. Using ODBC, users can be drawn from any external database that !?
?! supports ODBC (e.g. Access«, SQL«, or Oracle« databases). This makes ?!
!? IMail Server integration with your existing customer billing, student !?
?! enrollment, HR, or other systems a snap. ?!
!? !?
?! Open Standards Support for SMTP, POP3, and IMAP4 allows for a wide range ?!
!? of compatibility with e-mail clients. IMail Server's support for LDAP !?
?! Revision 3 keeps you up to date with the latest directory services. ?!
!? !?
?! Multidomain Support - Allows you to host mail for multiple domains on a ?!
!? single server. This gives your network room to grow without affecting !?
?! productivity and is especially useful for service providers with ?!
!? multiple clients who each want their own domain. !?
?! ?!
!? Scalability - IMail Server is scalable to thousands of users. With the !?
?! unlimited user option, the price per user actually decreases as your ?!
!? business grows. !?
?! ?!
!? Administration - The IMail Administrator makes e-mail management so easy !?
?! that even a novice can perform account maintenance and other common ?!
!? administrative tasks. !?
?! ?!
!? List Server - Create mailing lists and no-maintenance discussion groups !?
?! (no more giant cc: lists). ?!
!? !?
?! Mail Delivery Rules - Give administrators and users the ability to ?!
!? filter messages based on the content of a message header or body. This !?
?! feature helps you decrease spam and catch viruses before they hit your ?!
!? network. !?
?! ?!
!? Mail-to-Pager & Mail-to-Fax - IMail Server can route messages to users' !?
?! alphanumeric pagers. You can also purchase an add-on which gives you the ?!
!? ability to send e-mail to fax machines. !?
?! ?!
!? IMail Server includes built in monitoring of critical mail services to !?
?! ensure reliability and uptime with automatic notification and restart if ?!
!? a service goes down. It also includes Finger, Whois, and password !?
?! servers. ?!
!? !?
?! ?!
?! Instructions/Registration notes ?!
!? !?
?! Note: It is strongly reccomended that you stop all IMail services and ?!
!? close the IMail Administrator interface before cracking. !?
!? Apply !?
?! ?!
!? We are always looking for talented Crackers. !?
?! Send us mail if you think you're one of them. ?!
!? Contact Info: [email protected] !?
?! ?!
?! Special greets go to ?!
!? !?
?! Hambo (Core) - HaWK - tRINC@DO - Tazmanian - Sorcer - GoziNet ?!
!? ~~~***~~~ - Snacker - catZ woman - Red Troia - LeoWorld and YOU. !?
?! ?!
!? Our greetings fly to all Groups and Crackers who work hard to keep !?
?! the Scene alive. ?!
!? !?
?! ?!
!? m a d e i n b r a z i l !?