Download PhoneFile Pro 32 v2.1 crack by FFF

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes38 (139409 bytes)

FFF-PhoneFile.Pro.32.v2.1.(smarty)_CRK/FFF.NFO 5256 1417
FFF-PhoneFile.Pro.32.v2.1.(smarty)_CRK/FiLE_iD.DiZ 449 162
FFF-PhoneFile.Pro.32.v2.1.(smarty)_CRK/PhonefileSMARTY.exe 183296 137118
FFF-PhoneFile.Pro.32.v2.1.(smarty)_CRK/ 0 0


          │      ______ _  _____ _    _ _______ _ _   _  _____      │
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          │                   LE CRACKiNG FRANCAiS                  │
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                         PhoneFile Pro 32 v2.1 (smarty)                         
                             (c) Pipistrel software                             
    │ Supplieur... [ Barbados         ] ║ Type....... [ Crack            ] │
    │ Crackeur.... [ Barbados         ] ║ Date....... [ 07/04/2002       ] │
    │ Testeur..... [ Barbados         ] ║ OS......... [ Win All          ] │
    │ Packageur....[ Grego            ] ║ Langage.... [ Anglais          ] │
    │ Protection.. [ Trial            ] ║ Taille..... [ 1 x 1.44 Mo      ] │
    │ Necessite :  [ Un PC avec Windows.                                 ] │
                         ║                             ║
    │ Web : [                                  ] │
    ┌───────────────────────────┤  iNFORMATiONS  ├─────────────────────────┐
     PhoneFile  PRO  is  the  way  to  create  and  maintain  the  contacts
     database    stored  in  your  digital  mobile phone.  Edit  names  and
     numbers,    add    new    ones,    reorganise  using  drag  and  drop,
     automatically   convert  to  international  format.  Save,  print  and
     exchange    your    contacts    data    with   other  popular software
     packages.   PhoneFile  PRO  can  read  standard-sized  and  mini-sized
     GSM    SIM   cards,  and  will  work  with  all GSM-compatible  phones
     and   networks,  including  GSM-1800  and  GSM-1900  (sometimes  known
     as                    PCN                   or                   PCS.)
     Advanced    features  include  management  of  fixed-dial  phonebooks,
     SMS    message    editing  and  control of  the  SIM  card's  security
    ┌───────────────────────────┤  iNSTALLATiON  ├─────────────────────────┐
     1-) Installez le logiciel.
     2-) Appliquez le patch.
    ┌───────────────────────────┤    CONTACTS    ├─────────────────────────┐
    Vous pouvez nous contacter par differents moyens que voici :
    #WEB :
    #E-Mail : [email protected]
    #iRC : / 6667 / #FiGHTiNG-FOR-FUN
    ┌───────────────────────────┤  REMERCiEMENTS ├─────────────────────────┐
    │                           └────────────────┘                         │
    │               REMERCiEMENTS A TOUTE LA SCENE FRANCAiSE               │
                    │ NFO PAR FiGHTiNG FOR FUN - 22/03/2002 │


         PhoneFile Pro 32 v2.1 (smarty) (c) Pipistrel software         
                         ______   ______   ______
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                        |  __|   |  __|   |  __|
                        | |      | |      | |
                        |_|      |_|      |_|
   [ TAiLLE : 1 x 1.44 Mo ]   [ DATE : 07/04/2002 ]   [ OS : WinAll ]   

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z