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▐▀▐▄ ▄▌▐█▓▓▒░ ░▒▓█▀▀▀ ▄▓▄▓▀▀ ▀ ▀▀▓▄▓▄ ▀▀▀▓▒░ ▀▓▀ ░▒▓▓█▓ ▐▄■▄ ▀ ▌
▐ ▐ ▀▓▄▄ ▀█▓▒░ ▀ ▄▄▄▓▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▓▄▄▄░ ░▓▓▓▓▀ ▄▄▓▀ ▌
▐ ▐ ░▀▐▓▄ ▀▓▀ ▄▓▀▀ ▀▀▓▄ ░▓█▓▀ ▄▓▌▀░ ░ ▀
▀ ▐ ■▀ ▀▓▄ ▐█▌ RA Dream Chronicles 2 v1.0.0.91 ▐█▌ ░ ▄▓▀ ▀■ ▒
▐ m0▐█▌■ ▀▓▄ ▄▓▀ ▀ ▐█▌CRO ▄▓▄
▐ ▄▓▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀█▄ ▀
▐▄▄▄ ▀ ▀ ▄▄▄
▄▀▓▀ [ ] KEYMAKER [ ] SERIAL [x] CRACK [ ] RETAIL ▀▓▀▄
▐▌▐▌ ▐▌▐▌
▀▄▓▄ CRACKER.......: DELiGHT RELEASE DATE..: 2009-03-20 ▄▓▄▀
▀▀▓█▄ RLS PACKAGER..: DELiGHT FILES.........: 07x5.00 ▄█▓▀▀
▄▀▄▓▀ ▀▓▄▀▄
▐▌▐█▌ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▐█▌▐▌
▀▄█▓▄ ▄ ▐▌ ▀▄ ▄ ▐▌▐▌ ▄ ▄▀ ▐▌ ▄ ▄▓█▄▀
▀████▀ ▄ ▀▄ ▄▓▄ ▐▌ ▐▌ ▄▀ ▀▄ ▐▌ ▐▌ ▄▓▄ ▄▀ ▄ ▀████▀
▀▐█ ▄█▀ ▀▓▄ ▀ ▄▄▀ ▄▄▓▄▀▀ ▀▀▄▓▄▄ ▀▄▄ ▀ ▄▓▀ ▀█▄ █▌▀
▀▐▐█▌ ▄ ▐█▌ ▄▄▓█▄▄▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▄▄▓█▄▄ ▐█▌ ▄ ▐█▌▌▀
▐ ▀▓▄ ▀▓▀▄█▓▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▓█▄▀▓▀ ▄▓▀ ▌
▀ ▀▓█▓▀▀ R E L E A S E N O T E S ▀▀▓█▓▀ ▀
█▀ ▀█
▐▌ ▐▌
▀▄ ▄▀
Faye is back and puzzling her way through
even more enchanted realms in this mesmer-
izing, much-anticipated sequel to Dream
Chronicles! Locked away within the Ancients'
Place by Lilith, Fairy Queen of Dreams,
Faye needs your help to navigate through
intricate puzzles and magical landscapes.
Help piece together the origin of the
fairies, hunt for clues and dream jewels
and travel back and forth between the realms
of humans and immortals in this alluring
▄ ▄ ▄ ▄
▐▌ ▀▄ ▄ ▐▌▐▌ ▄ ▄▀ ▐▌
▄ ▀▄ ▄▓▄ ▐▌ ▐▌ ▄▀ ▀▄ ▐▌ ▐▌ ▄▓▄ ▄▀ ▄
▄█▀ ▀▓▄ ▀ ▄▄▀ ▄▄▓▄▀▀ ▀▀▄▓▄▄ ▀▄▄ ▀ ▄▓▀ ▀█▄
▐█▌ ▄ ▐█▌ ▄▄▓█▄▄▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▄▄▓█▄▄ ▐█▌ ▄ ▐█▌
▀▓▄ ▀▓▀▄█▓▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▓█▄▀▓▀ ▄▓▀
▀▓█▓▀▀ I N S T A L L N O T E S ▀▀▓█▓▀
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▐▌ ▐▌
▀▄ ▄▀
1) Unpack
2) Play!
Don`t forget to buy this great game!
▄ ▄ ▄ ▄
▐▌ ▀▄ ▄ ▐▌▐▌ ▄ ▄▀ ▐▌
▄ ▀▄ ▄▓▄ ▐▌ ▐▌ ▄▀ ▀▄ ▐▌ ▐▌ ▄▓▄ ▄▀ ▄
▄█▀ ▀▓▄ ▀ ▄▄▀ ▄▄▓▄▀▀ ▀▀▄▓▄▄ ▀▄▄ ▀ ▄▓▀ ▀█▄
▐█▌ ▄ ▐█▌ ▄▄▓█▄▄▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▄▄▓█▄▄ ▐█▌ ▄ ▐█▌
▀▓▄ ▀▓▀▄█▓▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▓█▄▀▓▀ ▄▓▀
▀▓█▓▀▀ D E L i G H T N E W S ▀▀▓█▓▀
█▀ ▀█
▐▌ DELiGHT is currently looking for experienced ▐▌
▀▄ members with the following skills: ▄▀
* capable of defeating commercial software
protections (Armadillo, SecuROM ,VOB...)
* familiar with creating keygens for games,
commercial,crypto and custom protections
* able to supply unreleased software
(games of all kinds and applications)
* anything else that could contribute to
our group
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▄ ▀▄ ▄▓▄ ▐▌ ▐▌ ▄▀ ▀▄ ▐▌ ▐▌ ▄▓▄ ▄▀ ▄
▄█▀ ▀▓▄ ▀ ▄▄▀ ▄▄▓▄▀▀ ▀▀▄▓▄▄ ▀▄▄ ▀ ▄▓▀ ▀█▄
▐█▌ ▄ ▐█▌ ▄▄▓█▄▄▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▄▄▓█▄▄ ▐█▌ ▄ ▐█▌
▀▓▄ ▀▓▀▄█▓▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▓█▄▀▓▀ ▄▓▀
▀▓█▓▀▀ G R E E T I N G S ▀▀▓█▓▀
▄█▀ ▀█▄
▀▓▄▄ Hatred ▄▄▓▀
▀▀▓▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▓▀▀
▀▀▓▄▄ ▄▄▓▀▀
▀▀▄ ▄▀▀
▀ ■ ■ ▀
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▄▀ www.deathpunk.org ▀▄
▐▌ ▄ ▄ ▐▌
▀▄ ▄▓▀ ASCII BY m0lo- ▀▓▄ ▄▀
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▀▓▄ ▄■ OF CRO ■▄ ▄▓▀
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