Download Rotate Multiple Images v7.0 WinALL crack by YPOGEiOS

Added to site2009-08-10
Votes5 (161386 bytes)

Rotate.Multiple.Images.v7.0.Wi.crack.exe 174592 159729
YPOGEiOS.nfo 3822 1123


crack for Rotate Multiple Images v7.0 WinALL by YPOGEiOS


________                THE FUTURE iS NEARBY!                ________
    /_     _/____________________________________________________/       /
     /    /      _/        /      /       /        /___/       /    /___/_
     \_____     /   _  /  /      /  _____/_   _   /___        /\____      \
         _/    /   //____/ /    /  /__    / \____/   /   /   /     /      /
  ASCii /_____/   /_  /________/_    /   /      /   /_______/      ______/
   BY:      /______/            /_______/\_____/____\      /______/
 nFO BY:
                        P R O U D L Y   P R E S E N T S

   ┌────┤         Rotate Multiple Images v7.0 WinALL Cracked          ├────┐
  ┌│    └┬─│───────────────────────────────────────────────────────│─┬┘    │┐
  ││                                                                       ││
  ││   CRACKER................YPOGEiOS │ RELEASE DATE.........10/08/2009   ││
  ││   SUPPLiER...............YPOGEiOS │ FiLE TYPE...............ZiP/RAR   ││
  ││   PACKER.................YPOGEiOS │ FiLE SiZE............01/.5.00MB   ││
  ││   RELEASE TYPE...............PROG │ OS.......................WinALL   ││
  ││   CRACK TYPE..............CRACKED │ PROTECTOR..................NONE   ││
  └│                                                                       │┘
   [   ]                      RELEASE DESCRiPTiON                      [   ]
        Rotate Multiple Images Software is a handy application that      
        will enable you to change the orientation of your photos by      
        rotating them to various degrees.                                
   [   ]                         iNSTALL NOTES                         [   ]

        1. Install the application.                                     
        2. Copy the crack from ypogeios dir to install dir.             
        3. Enjoy this YPOGEiOS release!                                 
   [   ]                          GROUP NOTES                          [   ]
        We are a small group and we currently we could use some help we 
        are looking for the following:
        [] talended crackers who are able to crack applications for the
           Windows OS any other OS would be fine.
        [] talended  unpackers  who  are  able to  defeat the most used
           protectors such as Armadillo, Asprotect, ExeShield etc.
        [] talended keygenners who are able to keygen the most used reg
           schemes such  as  MD5, RDA,  DES, BLOWFiSH or any custom reg
        [] talended gamehackers who are able to train the newest games
           for the Windows platform.   

        [] 100MBiT EU/ASIA/US affil site.
        [] dumps for group ussage!
        If you think we could use you in our team then do not hesitate
        send us an email on: [email protected]

   [   ]                             GREETZ                            [   ]

            GQ   *   NeoX  *  CAMERA  *  HHS  *  USZ  *  PDFWriters

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