Download Elevayta Wider Boy Pro v4.92d VST keygen by AMPLiFY

Added to site2007-12-07
Votes6 (208368 bytes)

AMPLiFY.nfo 9524 2996
Elevayta.Wider.Boy.Pro.v4.92d.keygen.exe 219136 204842


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  ·∙┘·            └·┘   ·     └+∙─*·        ·*─∙+┘         └·┘            ·└∙·
           TEAM AMPLiFY  :...SUPPLIER  ││  REL-DATE..:  12.07.2007       
           TEAM AMPLiFY  :...PACKAGER  ││  RELEASE#..:  0DAY-150
           TEAM AMPLiFY  :....CRACKER  ││  DISKS.....:  01x5.00MB      
          ASPACK & MUTE  :.PROTECTION  ││  TYPE......:  VST            
                                       ||  OS........:  WinAll

    └--─·■▓░■┌■─■┐_._             _._┌·┐_┌─·┐_|______|_┌─────────■┐■░▓■·─--┘
           ┌┼┘└─·∙─[ rELEASE nOTES ]─∙·──│────┬+■─┘└+┬────░▒▒▓▐─·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·    └+∙─*·         ·*─∙+┘ : |  └·┘      └·┘           ·└··


            Wider Boy Pro is a stereo enhancer insert and mastering    
           effect. Unlike most other stereo enhancers, Wider Boy Pro   
            uses the fact that low frequencies are less directional    
              than higher frequencies. By separating out the two       
              frequency bands, and selectively applying different      
            processing to Bass and Treble, Wider Boy Pro realizes a    
           wider stereo sound without losing the punch of the bass.    
             The parameter range and flexibility also provides the     
          possibility to generate a number of interesting additional   
            Full parameter automation capabilities within compliant    
                              host applications                        
               Intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) design.        
                        32-Bit processing throughout.                  
           'Midi Sync' option enables 'Note-On' control of High and    
                                  Bass pan.                            
           'Bounce Mode' provides 4 different 'Midi Sync' modes for    
                            'Stereo-Basis' panning:                    
                              Bounce High Only.                        
                              Bounce Bass Only.                        
                           Bass and High in-phase.                     
                           Bass and High anti-phase.                   
          'Bounce Slope' for complete control of Midi transitions in   
                    'Bounce Mode' (prevents audio clicks).             
                    The all new 'Wider Boy Pro' algorithm.             
                        Auto-detect host sample rate.                  
           Panning functionality for High frequencies independent of   
            Humidity control:- A Dry to Wet slider. 100% Wet is the    
                            processed signal only.                     
                        Mode:- Provides 5 output modes:                
                   Classic - The original 'Wide Boy' sound.            
                Toast - Even warmer and richer (my favorite).          
              Boost C - 'Wide Boy' with boosted high frequency.        
                      Desert - A flatter restrained mix.               
            Thru Pan - Passes the input to output via the High Pan     
                          slider (for Midi features).                  
          'Spectral Pivot' frequency extended to a maximum of 2 kHz.   
          'High' button:- switch everything above the spectral pivot   
           frequency on/off. Great for effects and checking spectral   
          'Bass' button:- switch everything below the spectral pivot   
           frequency on/off. Great for effects and checking spectral   
          'Boost Wide':- provides further widening of the soundstage   
                               under any mode.                         
            'Mono Bass':- enables to collapse everything below the     
                           pivot frequency to mono.                    
          'Pivot Mode':- determines the transition width between Bass  
                             and High frequencies.                     
                              System Requirements                      
                     Windows 98 or any later Windows OS.               
                        About 1 MB of harddisk space.                  
                              1+ GHz processor.                        
                  Audio application supporting VST plug-ins.           

    └─--·■▓░■┌■─┐_|___:____┌───────┐_|__┌─■┐_._             _._┌─■┐■░▓■·---┘
           ┌┼┘└───┬+■─┘└+┬─·─▌▓▒▒░─·───■──·∙─[ iNSTALL nOTES ]─∙·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·   └·┘      └·┘       └·┴──+· └+∙─*·         ·*─∙+┘   ·└··

                1. Unpack                                              
                2. Install                                             
                register with any email, name and serial               
                restart plugin                                         
                3. Try                                                 
                4. Buy the stuff if you like it and use it             

    └--─·■▓░■┌■─■┐_._        _._┌─+· |____┌─┐_:______|_┌─────────■┐■░▓■·---┘
           ┌┼┘└─·∙─[─gRP-nEWS ]─∙·──┐└·──·■·──┬+■─┘└+┬───░▒▒▓█▐─·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·    └+∙─*·    ·*─∙+┘   |       └·┘      └·┘           ·└··

      AMPLiFY iNGREDiENTS: 1 cup of TALiO - 1 cup of AI - 1 cup of CoBaLT.
             Bake in a preheated oven for 40 minutes until set.
                           Let it cool and enjoy. :)

    └--─·■▓░■┌■·───┐_|______:_┌──────┐__|_┌─■┐_._         _._┌───■┐■░▓■·---┘
           ┌┼┘└──────┬+■─┘└+┬─∙─▌▓▒▒░─· │ │─·∙─[ gREETINGS ]─∙·-·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·      └·┘      └·┘      └─·+·|  └+∙─*·     ·*─∙+┘     ·└··

                     AiRISO, BSOUNDZ, DViSO, SPiRiT, TZ7iSO,
                                  AiR, ArCADE.

                Special Thanks To All The People That Support Us.
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■      ∙ ■            ■       ■              ■  ■   ∙         ■       ∙    ■
    ■               ∙       ■  [LU060928-AMPLiFY]        ■                 N/A ■


AMPLiFY's keygen for Elevayta Wider Boy Pro v4.92d VST

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z