Download FlexPDE v2.15d patch by DBC

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes10 (6441 bytes)

tCA_flex215dcrk.EXE 4096 1002
tCA.nfo 16383 2278
Dbc.nfo 7627 2142
dni.nfo 2960 579


                 ────────────   ─────────────   ─────────────        
                     ────       ─────────────   ─────────────        
                     ────       ────            ───       ───        
                     ────       ────            ─────────────        
                     ────       ────            ─────────────        
                     ────       ─────────────   ───       ───        
                     ────       ─────────────   ───       ───        
                              The Cracking Answer                    

        █ WE ALL ARE BROTHERS. WE ALL ARE EQUAL. WE DO THiS FOR FUN.  █                                                           
        ▄ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀  ▄

                  ╔════──────>                        <──────════╗
                  ║ ╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║
                  ║ ║                                          ║ ║
       ╔══════════╣ ║             THE CRACKiNG ANSWER          ║ ╠═══════════╗
       ║          ║ ║                                          ║ ║           ║
       ║          ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║           ║
       ║          ╚════──────>                        <──────════╝           ║
╔═──═══╝                                                                     ╚════──═╗
║┌─────────┬─────────────────────/ PROUDLY PRESENTS \─────────────────────┬─────────┐║ 
││  ╔───╗  │                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                        │  ╔───╗  ││ 
 │  │tCA│  │                        FlexPDE v2.15d                        │  │tCA│  │
 │  ╚───╝  │                                                              │  ╚───╝  │
║└─────────────────────────────┐                    ┌───────────────────────────────┘║ 
          ││            ╔══»   │     CRACKED BY     │   «══╗            ││
          ││            ║┌─────┘     ~~~~~~~~~~     └─────┐║            ││ 
          ║│            ║│             weed2k             │║            │║
          ║│   ╔════════╝│                                │╚════════╗   │║
          ││   ║         └────────────────────────────────┘         ║   ││
          ││   ╚════════════════════>           <═══════════════════╝   ││
╔═════────╝                                                              ╚──────═════╗
║ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ║
║ │ ╔════───────────────────────────════╗|╔════──────────────────────────────════╗ │ ║            
║ │ ║                                   ║|║                                      ║ │ ║
│ │ │         TYPE OF RELEASE           │|│            TYPE OF PROTECTiON        │ │ │
│ │ │         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~           │|│            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~        │ │ │
  │                                      |                                         │
  │         (X) CRACK                    |       (X) NAG                           │
  │         ( ) SERiAL                   |       ( ) CD-CHECK                      │
  │         ( ) UTiL                     |       ( ) SERiAL                        │ 
│ │ │       ( ) KEYGEN                  │|│      ( ) TIME-LiMiT                  │ │ │
│ │ │       ( ) KEYFiLE                 │|│      ( ) KEYFiLE                     │ │ │
║ │ ║                                   ║|║      (X) OTHER                       ║ │ ║
║ │ ╚════──────────────────────────═════╝|╚════──────────────────────────────════╝ │ ║
║ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ║
                              ║   http://tCA.X2.NU   ║                               
║ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ║                        
║ │ ╔═══>────────────────────────────────═══─────────────────────────────────<═══╗ │ ║     
║ │ ║                          DESCRiPTION OF RELEASE                            ║ │ ║
│ │ ║                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                            ║ │ │ 
│ │ │              This crack removes a FunctionLimit and some nags ...          │ │ │ 
  │ │               Just copy it to your prog-directory and apply it             │ │                                                                                                                                                                                
  │ │                                                                            │ │
│ │ │                                                                            │ │ │
│ │ ║                                                                            ║ │ │
║ │ ║                                                                            ║ │ ║
║ │ ╚═══>────────────────────────────────═══─────────────────────────────────<═══╝ │ ║
║ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ║
╚═════──────╗                                                             ╔──────════╝
            ║                                                             ║
            ║                                                             ║
            ║                        tCA-MEMBERZ                          ║
            ║                        ~~~~~~~~~~~                          ║
      ║                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                              ║
      ║  Kab00m............................................................... ║
      ║  aVengER.[dEAD]....................................................... ║
   <<─╦────────────────────────/HEAD CRACKER DiViSiON\─────────────────────────╦─>> 
      ║                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                           ║
      ║  BugError.[gAMES]..................................................... ║
      ║  NADA.[aPPZ].......................................................... ║
   <<─╦─────────────────────────/WEBMASTER DiViSiON\───────────────────────────╦─>> 
      ║                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                         ║
      ║  Kab00m............................................................... ║
      ║  SHi.................................................................. ║
      ║  sEVanD02K.[hEAD wEBMASTER]........................................... ║
      ║  MasterF.............................................................. ║
   <<─╦─────────────────────────────/GFX DEVISION\─────────────────────────────╦─>>
      ║                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~                              ║
      ║  Black Racer.......................................................... ║
      ║  Izidor............................................................... ║
      ║  LoKI................................................................. ║
      ║  lobo................................................................. ║
      ║  MasterF.............................................................. ║
      ║  [Scara].............................................................. ║
      ║  Thezor............................................................... ║
   <<─╦────────────────────────────/CODER DEVISION\────────────────────────────╦─>>
      ║                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                             ║
      ║  Kab00m............................................................... ║
      ║  SHi.................................................................. ║
      ║  BeN!h................................................................ ║
   <<─╦────────────────────────────/CRACKER DiViSiON\──────────────────────────╦─>>
      ║                                 ~~~~~~                                 ║
      ║  Kab00m .............................................................. ║
      ║  BugError............................................................. ║
      ║  NADA................................................................. ║
      ║  BeN!h................................................................ ║
      ║  b0ba.[tRiAL]......................................................... ║
      ║  Black Racer.......................................................... ║
      ║  DaBrain.............................................................. ║
      ║  DaHool............................................................... ║
      ║  dERz................................................................. ║
      ║  DyaBlo2000........................................................... ║
      ║  fREaKaZoiD........................................................... ║
      ║  Ghostman1999......................................................... ║
      ║  gZM.................................................................. ║
      ║  JTK'99............................................................... ║
      ║  K0BoLD666............................................................ ║
      ║  LAP.................................................................. ║
      ║  lobo................................................................. ║
      ║  LoKI................................................................. ║
      ║  NaRRoW............................................................... ║
      ║  NEMESiS.............................................................. ║
      ║  Skorpyion.[tRiAL].................................................... ║
      ║  Speedystep........................................................... ║
      ║  TiVe................................................................. ║
      ║  WeaxWeasel........................................................... ║
      ║                                ~~~~~~~~                                ║
      ║  The Net.............................................................. ║
   <<─╦─────────────────────────/BOOTMASTER DEViSiSiON\────────────────────────╦─>>
      ║                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                         ║
      ║  Mike V............................................................... ║

  (<<─╦─>>───────────────────────/╛\-HALL OF FAME-/╛\──────────────────────<<─╦─>>)
      ║                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                         ║
      ║                                 aVengER                               ║
      ║                                K0BoLD666                              ║

   ║                                    ║ ╔──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──╗  
   |           GREETZ FLY TO            | |                                                                                  |
   ║           =============            ║ |    ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐    |
   │ EMiNENCE ┼ EViDENCE ┼ LEARN2CRACK  │ ║    ║                                JOiN US                                 ║    ║
   ║  QCC ┼ NCG ┼ ZOR ┼ COSMO CONNER    ║ |    |                                =======                                 |    |
   |      MRs. MASCHENDRAHTZAUN         | |    ║      WE ARE LOOKiNG 4 SKiLLED CRACKERZ, CODER, GFX`er AND SO ON...     ║    |
   ║                                    ║ ║    |                     WRiTE AN E-MAIL AN OUR LEADER...                   |    ║
   └────────────────────────────────────┘ |    ║                        mAiL: [email protected]                        ║    |
                                          |    └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘    ║
                                          ║                                                                                  |
  ╔═──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──══──╝  ░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒ ▐      ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓        ▓▓    ░   ▒        ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒    ░░        ║
  |                                                                                                                          |
  | ▓▓▓  ▓▓ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▐ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▓▓▓▓▓▓ ▓ ░░░░░░░░░░░ ■■▓▓ ▓▓▓      ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒       ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒   |
  ║                                                                                                                          ║ 

                                                   ░░░    ░    ░░░
                                                  ░░░░░░  ░  ░░░░░░
                                  ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░    ░    ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
                             ░░░░░░░░░░░░             ░   ░   ░             I░░░░░░░░░░░░
                                 ░░░░░░░░░░░░          ░░░░░░░           ░░░░░░░░░░░░
                           ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░     ALWAYS STANDiNG PROUD     ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
                               ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ WE KNOW OUR TiME HAS COME ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
                         ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░      MARCHiNG OFF THE WAR,      ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
                             ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░   THE CRUSADE HAS BEGUN     ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
                      ░░░░░░░░░░░░   FiGHTiNG FOR THE RiGHT TO LiVE UNDER THE SUN   ░░░░░░░░░░░░
                        ░░░░░░░░░░░ WE WON`T STOP 'TiLL THEY`VE LOST AND WE`VE WON ░░░░░░░░░░░
                           ░░░░░░                                                    ░░░░░░



      ░                                                   ▄   ▄▒░
     ▒               ▒        ▄▓▄                ▄▄▓▄▄█▓▒█▀▀▓█▓█▓▄
     ▓░         ▄ ▄▄ ▓ █▄   ▄▓█▓▒▓█▄█▒▓▄  ▄▄░▀▓▄▓▒▓▒▓█▓▀▀  ░ ▓▒▓▀ ▄▒█▄
      █▓       ▄▄▓█▓█ █▄ ▀█▄▄  ▀▀█▀▓▀▓▓▒▓▄█▒▓█░▀▓▓█░▀▀    ▓ ▒ ▓▀ ▄▓▒▓░
     ▓ █░ ▓ ▄█▓▒▓▓▀▀▓▄ █  ▒▀▀███▄▄▄     ▀▀▓▀▀█▓▄░▀  ▄▓▓▄  █ ▓ ▀ █▒▓▓░
   ▄██  █ █ ▀▓▒▓▀   ▀  ▀█ ▀▄  ░▀▀▀█▓▄ ░▓▄▄▄▄▓░▄▄▄ ▄▓▀    ██ █  ░▓██▒▓▄
  ▄ ░▀█ ▀▄ █▄ ▀▀▒▓░ ▄   ██ ▀▄ ▀▀▓▄ ███  ▀  ▓▀▀▀░▀▀▀    ░▄█▀ ██   ▀▓▓▓▒▓░
▀▀▓█  ▀█ ▀▄ ▀▓▄  ▀  ░▓▄  ██ ▀▄  ▀ ▄██▀ ▄▄▄▓████████▄   ▄█▀  █▓ ▀▓░ ▀▀▓██▄
 ░█▓█ ░▀█  ▀▄ ▀▀█▄▄  ▀▀▓▄ ██ ▀▄  ██▀ ▄█▀▀     ▄  ▀███ ██▀ ░ ███  ▀▀▓░ ▀█▓▒░
  ▀▒▓█  █▓   ▀▀▄ ▀▀▓█▄▄▄   ██ ▀ █▀ ▄▀ ░▄▄▓▀▀▓▒▓▒░  ██ █▀ ▄   ███▄▄  ▀   ▀▓█▄
   ▀█▓▄  ██     ▀█▄▄ ▀▀▀█▓▄ ▀▀ █▀ █          ░▀▓█▓ ██ ▀░▓▀    ██▓▀▀▀     ░█▓█▓▄
     ▀▒▓░ ██▄      ▀▀██▄▄ ▀█▄ █ ▄ ▓           ▄▒▓▀ ██ ▄▓▀     ▀  ▄▄█▓▀  ░▓▒▓▀  ░
      ░▓▄ █▀ ▄         ▀██▄ █ ▓ █▄▒          ▄▓▓▀ ██▀░▓▓▄░     ▄███▀  ░ ██▓▓░
    ▄█▒▓░ ▄███▄       ▄██▀ ▓ █▄ █          ▄▓▀ ░██▀ ▄ ▀█▓▄     ▀██   ▄▓█▓░
    ▓▒▓░  ███▀ ▄▄  ▄▄█▓█▀  ░▒ ▀█ ▀█        ▄▀░ ▄██▀  █▄  ░▀▓▄     ██  ▀▓▓▒▄
  ░█▀░   ██▀ ▄▓▀ ▄███▀     ░   ██ ▀█▄        ▄██▓▀ ▀▄ ▀▀█▄▄▄ ▀▀░   ▀█   ▀▓▓▒▓▄
▀█▓█▀  █▀  ▓▀ ▄██▀             █▓▄ ▀██▄▄▄▄████▀     ▀▓▄▄▄ ▀▀█▄▄   ▄█▓▄  ░ ▀▒░
  ▓█   █▀    ▄█▀                 ▀██▄▄ ▀▀▀▀▀▀            ▓▀▀▄▄ ▀▀▓██████▄   ░▀█
  ░▄  ▓█▄ ▄▄█▀ ┌──────────────────·▀▀█████▀▀·────────────────────┐  ▀▀▀███▓▄ ▀▓▀
  │ ▒  ▀▀▀▀    │Da Breaker Crew·······▀······oNE gROUP oNE fAMILY│          ░ │
  │░·┌─────────┘                                                 └─────────┐·░│
▄▀│·░·                           FlexPDE v2.15d                            ·░·▀▄
▀▄└─░┼─┐                                                                 ┌─┼░─▄▀
  ▀┌▓┘·│                                                                 │·└▓┐
   │██■│                                                                 │■██│
  ▄└─█┐│▀▄          .·^·.·'·.:rELEASE iNFORMATION:.·'·.·^·.            ▄▀│┌█─┘▄
   ■▒▓││▄██                                                           ██▄││▓▒■
    ┌▓┘│█▀ ▄■                                                       ▀▄ ▀██└▓┐
   █│█▓│█▀▀                                                           ▀▀████│
 ▄██│█┐│                                                                 │███▄
 ▀███▄█■ [cRACKER]................weed2k  [rELEASEDATE]......06.11.2000  ■████▄
   ▀███▄                                                                 ■▒█┐█▀
    ▒███ [cRACKTYPE]...............Patch  [sUPPLIER]................N/A  │·█▒
    └█▀██▄                                                             ▄█│┌█┘
    ┌█┘│ █▄     [dISK]................01  [aSSESSMENT]..........N/A    ▄██│└█┐
   ■▓▒┐│   ▀■                                                      ■▄▀▀  │┌▒▓■
    ■█▓│                                                                 │▓█■
      ▀▀▄▄                                                             ▄▄▀▀
         ▀▀▀▄                                                       ▄▀▀▀

              ▄███▄▄                 ▄▀  ▀▄                 ▄▄███▄
            ░▓█▀█████▄░▀▄▄▀░▓ ▀▄▓▄▀ ▓░▀  ▀░▓ ▀▄▓▄▀ ▓░▀▄▄▀░▄█████▀█▓░
        ■▀  ·■▄▀▓▒▓▀███▄▀▄·■▄▀▓▒▓▀▄■· ·▄▀▄··■▄▀▓▒▓▀▄■·▄▀▄███▀▓▒▓▀▄■·  ▀■
                     ▀▀▀██▄ ▄▄▀▀                ▀▀▄▄ ▄██▀▀▀
                          ▀▀▀.: aPPLICATION iNFO :.▀▀▀

             This release was original done by tCA (The Cracking Answer)
             which merged together with us (DBC) in dec.2001. So if you 
             like to get more informations about this release you should 
             read tca.nfo (if included).

              ▄███▄▄                 ▄▀  ▀▄                 ▄▄███▄
            ░▓█▀█████▄░▀▄▄▀░▓ ▀▄▓▄▀ ▓░▀  ▀░▓ ▀▄▓▄▀ ▓░▀▄▄▀░▄█████▀█▓░
        ■▀  ·■▄▀▓▒▓▀███▄▀▄·■▄▀▓▒▓▀▄■· ·▄▀▄··■▄▀▓▒▓▀▄■·▄▀▄███▀▓▒▓▀▄■·  ▀■
                     ▀▀▀██▄ ▄▄▀▀                ▀▀▄▄ ▄██▀▀▀
                          ▀▀▀  .: iNSTALL nOTES :. ▀▀▀

                      unzip and use this release as always

              ▄███▄▄                 ▄▀  ▀▄                 ▄▄███▄
            ░▓█▀█████▄░▀▄▄▀░▓ ▀▄▓▄▀ ▓░▀  ▀░▓ ▀▄▓▄▀ ▓░▀▄▄▀░▄█████▀█▓░
        ■▀  ·■▄▀▓▒▓▀███▄▀▄·■▄▀▓▒▓▀▄■· ·▄▀▄··■▄▀▓▒▓▀▄■·▄▀▄███▀▓▒▓▀▄■·  ▀■
                     ▀▀▀██▄ ▄▄▀▀                ▀▀▄▄ ▄██▀▀▀
                          ▀▀▀  .: gROUP cONTACT :. ▀▀▀

                 [eMAIL][email protected]

                   You can get our Files now on #cracks in EFnet
                    Type !msg in the channel to look for the
                                current File-Bot

                 [ Any questions ? Please mail to [email protected]]

                     If you like a software, please buy it.
                Please, support the programmers, that they can make
                                further applications.
                     We dont crack to our financial advantage.
                          We don't intend to harm somebody.
                Therefore you have to delete the Software and our
                               Crack after Trial-Time.
                  Also we arn`t your personal Crackers, so you can
                  request a Crack on our Messaboard (!NOT BY MAIL!)
                     but we don't promise to take care of it.

               We looks permanently for good and capable crackers,
                            and support in any way.
              If you should be in the opinion that you can help us,
                        dont wait and contact us today.
             !! Always positions for: Cracker`s , SiteOps HQ , Coder !!

                           Apply by mail: [email protected]
                                IRC - EFnet - #dbc

              ▄███▄▄                 ▄▀  ▀▄                 ▄▄███▄
            ░▓█▀█████▄░▀▄▄▀░▓ ▀▄▓▄▀ ▓░▀  ▀░▓ ▀▄▓▄▀ ▓░▀▄▄▀░▄█████▀█▓░
        ■▀  ·■▄▀▓▒▓▀███▄▀▄·■▄▀▓▒▓▀▄■· ·▄▀▄··■▄▀▓▒▓▀▄■·▄▀▄███▀▓▒▓▀▄■·  ▀■
                     ▀▀▀██▄ ▄▄▀▀                ▀▀▄▄ ▄██▀▀▀
                          ▀▀▀    .: gREETINGS :.   ▀▀

                    All supporters of DBC (shareware authors).


              ▄███▄▄ hEAD bY NiGhTm4rE ▄▀  ▀▄  nFO bY NUKEM ▄▄███▄
            ░▓█▀█████▄░▀▄▄▀░▓ ▀▄▓▄▀ ▓░▀  ▀░▓ ▀▄▓▄▀ ▓░▀▄▄▀░▄█████▀█▓░
        ■▀  ·■▄▀▓▒▓▀███▄▀▄·■▄▀▓▒▓▀▄■· ·▄▀▄··■▄▀▓▒▓▀▄■·▄▀▄███▀▓▒▓▀▄■·  ▀■
                     ▀▀███▄ ▄▄▀▀ 1998   -  2001 ▀▀▄▄ ▄██▀▀▀
       ▄■             ▄█▓                            ▄█▓             ■▄
      █           ▓▄▄▀   ▀▄▄                      ▄▀▀   ▀▄▄▓           █
     ■▓█▄▄▒   ▄▄▄██▀        ▀oNE gROUP oNE fAMILY▀        ▀██▄▄▄   ▒▄▄█▓■
      ▀▓█▓████▓▓█                                           █▓▓█████▓█▓▀
          ▀▀▀▀▀                                               ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀


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