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█▀▐██████▐▀▀▄ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ [PiZZA]
█▐▀▀██▀▀▀▀▀ █ . .. p r o u d l y p r e s e n t s .. .
┌·▀▀█ ▀ ▄▀▀▀▀▀·───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐┌─┐
│*│ ▀▀▀▀ E-War v1.0 (C) Orthanc Software └│*│
░│ Release Date .....: 02-10-03 Disks .....: 01 x 2.88mb │░
░│ Release Type .....: Shareware Game Protection : Serial │░
└─│─────────────────────[ R e l e a s e N o t e s ]──────────────────────│─┘
░│ │░
░│ This is a turn based war game, but all the players make their │░
░│ moves simultaneously each turn, and all the moves you wish to make │░
░│ on a given turn are saved to a file that you then e-mail or otherwise │░
░│ send to one of the players who volunteered to host the game. │░
░│ Once that host player receives the moves files from the other │░
░│ players, he or she allows the game to process that turn, at which │░
░│ point an updated game file is created that can be e-mailed │░
░│ back out to all the players. │░
░│ │░
░│ NOTE: For those of you not sure how to make the program validate │░
░│ the keygen we include following info from developer: │░
░│ "With the unregistered demo version of e-war, you can fully │░
░│ participate in a multiplayer game up to turn 12, after │░
░│ which your moves will be ignored unless you have registered │░
░│ the game. It is entirely possible to start a game unregistered │░
░│ and register at a later point in order to be allowed │░
░│ past turn 12. In fact, I highly recommend that you get a group │░
░│ or two together and start playing right now, so you can │░
░│ see if you like the game before paying for a registration │░
░│ key. If you decide you like the game well enough to purchase │░
░│ e-war, you won't even have to stop the games you started │░
░│ while unregistered." │░
░│ │░
░│ /Team PiZZA │░
░│ │░
└───────────────────────[ I n s t a l l N o t e s ]────────────────────────┘
░│ │░
░│ 1) Unzip/Unrar files. │░
░│ 2) Install game with e-war100Setup.exe │░
░│ 3) Use our included keygen to generate your own personal serial code. │░
░│ 4) Enjoy! │░
░│ │░
└───────────────────────────────[ N e w s ]──────────────────────────────────┘
░│ │░
░│ PiZZA is your small dedicated team of friendly fellows that have one │░
░│ thing in common: a weakness for bringing you game-related stuff. For │░
░│ this same reason, we just *might* have an open position for other │░
░│ fellows that have proven experience in one or more of these fields: │░
░│ │░
░│ - Keygen Maker (you can code keygens) │░
░│ - Cracker (you can crack games) │░
░│ - Trainer maker (you can train games) │░
░│ │░
░│ See below for contact information. │░
░│ │░
└────────────────────────────[ C o n t a c t ]───────────────────────────────┘
░│ │░
░│ IRC....: N/A │░
░│ WWW....: N/A │░
░│ Email..: [email protected] │░
░│ │░
░│ Please do NOT mail us about passworded or missing disks. Also, we can │░
░│ NOT help you to get cracks / trainers / etc, so please do not bother. │░
░│ │░
└──────────────────────────[ G r e e t i n g s ]─────────────────────────────┘
░│ │░
░│ PiZZA gives away cold beer and fresh PiZZA to our known friends in ... │░
░│ │░
░│ │░
│*│┐───────────────────┐ B E C A U S E W E C A N ┌────────────────────┌│*│
└─┘└─[01-01-03]────────└─────────────────────────────┘──────[nfo by nmls]─┘└─┘