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Release : WinXMedia AVI/WMV MP4 Converter v2.0 (c) 2006 WinXMedia Software
Date : 02/12/2006
Cracked By : Twisted EndZ
Release Type :
[X] Registration/Serial Crack
[ ] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[ ] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[ ] Other
[ ] Loader Patcher [X] Patch [ ] Precracked [ ] RegFile [X] GOLD
Release Notes:
This release contains a GOLD crack meaning it works on all v1.x/v2.x builds of WinXMedia AVI/WMV
MP4 Converter. This GOLD crack should work on many future versions as well. When a new version of
WinXMedia AVI/WMV MP4 Converter is released, just install the new version and run this patcher
WinXMedia AVI/WMV MP4 Converter is used to convert AVI, MPEG video to MP4 video files and play them
in your MP4 player. the features are the following: converting AVI (DivX, XviD, MPEG4, YUV) to MP4
video; converting MPEG1 to MP4 video, converting MPEG2 to MP4 video; converting WMV to MP4 video;
converting ASF to MP4 video. The application supports MP4 video with AAC audio. It can split large
files to multi-volumes. Users can preview videos and monitor the converting process in video mode.
Batch video conversion is supprted.
╖ Converts AVI (DivX, XviD, MPEG4, YUV...) to MP4 video.
╖ Converts MPEG1 to MP4 video
╖ Converts MPEG2 to MP4 video
╖ Converts WMV to MP4 video
╖ Converts ASF to MP4 video
╖ Supports MP4 video with AAC audio
╖ Splits large files to multi-volumes
╖ Offers a video player to previews and select video
╖ Monitors the converting process in video mode.
╖ Can convert batch video files of various types in one time.
╖ Supports select a section of video to convert, by setting start point and duration.
╖ Provides a easy-to-use Quicktime-like trackbar.
╖ Easy-to-use user interface.
For More Info on WinXMedia AVI/WMV MP4 Converter Visit:
TE Release Filename: te-mp420.zip
Installation Notes :
Install winxmedia_wmv_mp4_converter.exe. Copy crack patcher from crack folder into
WinXMedia AVI/WMV MP4 Converter's installed folder. Execute crack patcher and patch file
wmp4con.exe. WinXMedia AVI/WMV MP4 Converter is now fully registered and ready to launch!
UNINSTALL PREVIOUS VERSION! If you don't, another folder will be created inside the previous
version one and you may think the crack didn't work (repatching old version), so make sure to
uninstall any previous versions.
Thats it! Enjoy.
Don't hate the hacker, hate the code.