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┌────────────────────────────[ P R E S E N T S ]───────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ Frogs Vs Storks v1.1.5 -GERMAN- (c) UIG *READ NFO* │
│ │
│ Supplied By: A Friend │ Diskettes : 1x5mb │
│ Cracked By : A Friend │ Game Type : Fun │
│ Packaged By: A Friend │ Released On: 17-JUN-2011 │
This is an answer to
2011-06-15 Frogs_vs_Storks_v1.1.5_GERMAN_NON.STOLEN-JAGUAR
respective the "nuke" of our release with the reason
You may have to know that the ISO group ABSiSO made an ISO release of
that game Frogs_vs_Storks_GERMAN-ABSiSO. That was the retail disc release
and with that comes a setup created and distributed by the publisher on
that retail disc. On that fact, JAGUAR and that guy who made that
tinyic-picture, the nuke of the -FAN release is justified.
Really the scene became funny.
Of course our release has the same CRC than the ABSiSO release, because
we used the retail disc aswell for our -FAN release. That setup from
UIG has ALWAYS the same CRC on all their retail discs. Its just a
matter of course that its then also on our release, if that setup is used
and not repacked (which, you might now, we prefer as release type).
And NO, in this case is doesnt matter if we used YOUR (ABSiSO's) retail
ISO release as source or our own. Because its always the same retail disc.
You state we stole ABSiSO release? How will you know? Its always the
same disc for that game everywhere. Its an unprotected game, nothing
group specific is included there (like a crack or own installer).
We stole nothing here. Stating this on one of our release is lower than
crap. We never did that and we never will. We are doing 0day release for
nearly 10 years now and you wont find ANY stolen thing there. Doing this
answer is rediculous, but hell is has to be done nowerdays it seems.
JAGUAR: if you are pissed, that someone else was faster in making a
release from a game, your partner group made an ISO from, just be quicker
and dont use that silly way of blaming others and using kindergarten style
scene ways. Even if you didnt made that nuke reason for yourself, you made
a non.stolen release that proofs you think the same way and didnt even
think one second more about if there is more matter in their argumentation.
Lesson to learn: STEALING in scene means stealing CRACKS or any _OWN_
work made for a release. If a group puts in a retail disc, doing then
buttonclicker jobs with ultraiso or whatever to create an .ISO and release
that stuff and THEN blaming others to use that is _NOT_ , i repeat myself,
is _NOT_ stealing anything. It just becomes a fair game at all (hope you
understood the double meaning).
This goes aswell to ABSiSO and their forthcoming "note".
Release contains
Es war einmal ein friedlicher Tⁿmpel indem sich fr÷hliche Fr÷sche
tⁿmmelten, bis eines Tages der Frieden ein jΣhes Ende nahm. Ohne
Vorwarnung wurde das kleine Weiher von b÷sartigen St÷rchen infiltriert.
Doch so leicht lassen sich die Fr÷sche nicht aus ihrer geliebten Tⁿmpel
vertreiben und es kam wie es kommen musste. Ein erbitterter Kampf um
das kleine Biotop hat begonnen. Jetzt ist es an Dir die Fr÷sche sicher
durch Ihren Tⁿmpel zu geleiten und ihnen dabei den ein oder anderen
Leckerbissen zu verschaffen. Vergiss Hund und Katze, die Fr÷sche und
St÷rche sind auf dem Vormarsch.
Ripped: Nothing
Start the .exe after unpacking!
│ ██▓▓▒▒░░ LETZ ROCK - LETZ DOPE - LETZ KICK! ░░▒▒▓▓██ │