Exicon v1.9a *Patcher*
Prevents expiration and nags
Removes "Unregistered" text
by ZuLu
Where to get the program: http://www.basta.com
Author's homepage: http://www.basta.com
Instructions: Copy the file [ Exi19a-c.EXE ] into your Exicon directory
(where you installed the program). Now just double
click on the patch file. When finished, you may
delete the patch file(s): 1. exi19a-c.exe
The patcher will automatically create a back-up
copy of the program that will be called [ Exicon.BAK ]
NOTES: It seems the author at Basta.com has been revising some
of the programs without making version changes. So make
sure you check the file SIZE as well as the version info.
The correct size of EXICON.EXE for using this patcher is:
-----------------> [ 257,024 bytes ]
Exicon v1.9a *Patcher*
Prevents expiration and nags
Removes "Unregistered" text
by ZuLu
See the ZuLu.nfo *TEXT* file for details
and instructions.